David Beckham: Prince William sends me ‘be there’ & ‘I need you to do this’ messages

In recent days, the Mail has published a dozen stories (easily) about David Beckham and how much he hates Prince Harry and how much he loves King Charles and Prince William. I thought it was just the Mail banging their heads against the wall and endlessly recycling old stories for the hell of it. But no, it was based on something new. You see, David went to Davos, and he participated in a Q&A session as part of his UNICEF ambassadorship. The session quickly and unexpectedly turned into David campaigning for a knighthood and showing off his royal-bootlicker credentials. After all of that sucking up, the Windsors still snubbed him for a knighthood in their most recent honors list. Some highlights from Beckham’s session:

He’s such a royalist: “I always get emotional talking about anything that I do with our royal family, because I’ve always been a huge royalist. I was brought up in a household that adored and loved everything that came with the royal family.”

He’ll answer Prince William’s calls: “Over the years, I’ve done a lot with the Prince of Wales,” he continued, referring to Prince William. “I’ve always been there, when he’s asked me to get involved with things. Whether it be veterans, whether it be the London Air Ambulance Service, which we raised funds to get two new helicopters for London. These are the things, when I was a kid, I used to see the helicopters going over, and you knew exactly what they were going to do. They were on their way to an emergency. So to be involved in that, has always been a ‘Yes’ for me. Whenever the Prince of Wales sends me a message and says, ‘I need you to do this’ or ‘Be there’, it’s always a ‘Yes.’”

Becoming an ambassador for the King’s Foundation: The Inter Miami FC co-owner said he was “honored” when King Charles asked him to get involved with his foundation and that his mother, Sandra West, “burst into tears” when he relayed the news. “Because she’s so proud of obviously what I’ve done throughout my career, but she’s also proud. And she knows my grandparents would have been proud that I have played such an important role within the royal family and the charities that they have. So to be involved in The King’s Foundation, our King is an incredible man. But he’s not just been an incredible man for the last five, 10 years, he’s been an incredible man for decades. The work that he has done to empower people, the grassroots work, all of the sustainable work. All of these things, all of those lost arts, he’s trying to bring them back.”

Beckham & the king: “He’s into bees, I’m into bees. He’s into the countryside, I’m into the countryside, and he’s into empowering young people. So I’m very honored with that role.”

[From People]

“Whenever the Prince of Wales sends me a message and says, ‘I need you to do this’ or ‘Be there’, it’s always a ‘Yes.’” Ew. No wonder William has such a difficult time getting celebrities interested in his busywork – he apparently doesn’t ask nicely, or ask at all. Imagine Peggy ordering you to “be there” or “I need you to do this.” William’s really missing the charm gene. Even Charles has charm – a questionable charm, no doubt, but Charles knows how to schmooze and butter-up a wealthy donor. Charles knows how to fundraise and ask for something but make it seem like he’s doing you a favor. William doesn’t know how to do any of that. Peg is like the anti-personality hire. Anyway, I find all of David’s slavish devotion to the royalist cause really funny. The Windsors are going to keep him around, begging for a knighthood as long as they can get away with it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Buckingham Palace.

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82 Responses to “David Beckham: Prince William sends me ‘be there’ & ‘I need you to do this’ messages”

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  1. Eurydice says:

    Oh dear lord, I’m sure I’ll find this funny, too…after my stomach settles down.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Bahaha I knew the comments would slay under this post. And yes it truly is stomach turning stuff.

  2. Brit says:

    This is so cringe. Yikes, Beckham

    • Lawrenceville says:

      I just wish this man Beckham has the decency to get the f off his knees with these royals. Enough with this BS, my goodness, a whole grown man groveling like this for a title is just so embarrassing. Beckham has no shame.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yeah, and this is a man who actually accomplished something–several somethings–in his life, who worked hard & now enjoys a life based on that work. He’s married, he has kids who seem to love him.

        Billy Boy? Eh, never worked a day in his life, never really accomplished anything–you know that Geography degree was a gimme, but now enjoys a life based on the work of others. Ah, David David David. I guess that shows how deep the propaganda machine runs & how deeply affecting it is. The royals deserve no one’s praise or admiration, and no one should be proud to be associated with them.

    • bisynaptic says:

      😬 I have a feeling his knighthood prospects would improve if only he would just stay quiet.
      But, for his own sake, he really needs to travel further along the separation/individuation journey of psychological development/maturity.

  3. Do these messages start with: If you want to be knighted you must do this and you must be there?

    • bubblegum dreams says:

      HAHAHAAAAAAAA. Yes. Exactly this. It’s like we are back in the 1600’s. Just give him the title Master of the Stool. He is already wiping Egg’s behind, might as well give him the official title.

    • Jean says:

      Well if that’s what he wants he definitely deserves it more than most in that island

  4. Tessa says:

    Beckham has no pride. The title is not worth his lackey to william

    • Tessa says:

      Being. Lackey to william

    • Chrissy says:

      Wow! I’m so embarrassed for him that he admitted this. Yes, he had an iconic football career but to debase himself like this to Do-Nothing William is shocking!

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      He needs to remember who he is; a football legend. Whereas William has done nothing of note with all the resources we was born to – and please don’t tell me Earthshot is anything meaningful. I do wish Becks would get a professional to advise on his grooming; the dark dyed ‘Just for Men’ facial hair is comical.

      Football is life!

  5. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    Have some pride, man! Good grief. But then I guess if he had any tried, he wouldn’t have done that to his face…

    • Heylee says:

      Lol. I was at first confused at who’s face I was looking at… oh, not Sigfreid or Roy!?

    • Mtl.ex.pat says:

      * oops obviously didn’t proofread my voice text. Meant to say, obviously if he had any pride, not tried!

    • Josephine says:

      Everything about this makes me feel very sorry for him. Between the bent knee and the plastic face, he is coming across as a very lost, very sad little boy.

  6. Jais says:

    It’s kind of funny. Bc would he be this devoted if he finally got his knighthood? But you know what? I think he still would be🤭

    • bisynaptic says:

      I do, too! Becks is giving me Mr. Collins vibes, with these gems: “…she knows my grandparents would have been proud that I have played such an important role within the royal family and the charities that they have.”

  7. Monika says:

    Beckham is so pathetic.

  8. Dee(2) says:

    To be fair William doesn’t have to be charming, David has no leverage. Everyone KNOWS how much he wants to be Sir David Beckham, they know he isn’t saying no to any command appearance. It’s so pathetic. Even ignoring my whole thoughts about the whole Sir and Dame thing, being that gaggingly desperate for anything is not a good look.

    • Lise says:

      Exactly. He has no leverage at all and the Windsors like that. They are NEVER going to give him a knighthood no matter how hard he dances for it, because they get more mileage out of him running for it.

  9. s808 says:

    Wow, David feels no shame being on his knees for an institution who refuses to reward him.

    • Alicky says:

      You gotta wonder at this point whether his wife also finds this a bit cringe. I know I would.

  10. Thatgirltothere says:

    Whew. Dignity has left the room people.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    This is embarrassing. With all that fame and wealth he still lacks self-esteem. I kind of feel sorry for him.

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    He hijacked a UNICEF press conference to suck up to William? Not a very good UNICEF ambassador. Audrey Hepburn never let a UNICEF presser get away from her to brag about her movie career and there were multiple opportunities for her to do so.

    And being such a devoted royalist is a very bad look in the 21st century.

    • Amy Bee says:

      I didn’t even know he was still a UNICEF ambassador. He hasn’t done anything with them for a long time and it was revealed that he only took the role because he thought it would bolster his chances of getting a knighthood.

  13. Em says:

    This is why the monarchy has such a foothold in the UK. You can raise yourself out of poverty and still be slavishly devoted to a family who have never had to work a day in their lives

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      We see this same phenomenon in the States with poor and middle class people in the cult of Trump.

  14. Lynwall says:

    That interview explains so much.
    A lot of royalists seemed to have been brought up in a household which believed in the monarchy.
    So I can see that part of his kowtowing is due to the fact that his association with the BRF impresses his mother and makes her proud.
    I wonder about Victoria though…..

  15. Gabby says:

    JFC I’m embarrassed just reading this. It’s like we walked into a room that should have been locked but wasn’t, and Peg has David down on all fours wearing a dog collar.

  16. Criti Calthinking says:

    It’s official. His name is now David Beckncall.

  17. sevenblue says:

    This is just pathetic for a grown man. He can’t say he is doing all of it for the sake of charity, because he was angry in the past not getting knighthood from the royals.

  18. ML says:

    Whoa, that was…incredibly honest?! So tiptoeing away from the cringe factor, I’m actually starting to wonder why one of England’s most successful and famous football players, who is often contacted by the royals asking him if he can do XYZ has not been rewarded. Presumably, Beckham has proof of the royals getting in touch with him, he’s very ready and willing to help, and he’s not toxic. I actually don’t get why they’re dangling that honor like a carrot in front of his nose forever out of reach. Have the royals asked him to do something that they don’t want to be connected with?

    • JT says:

      They’re dangling the carrot because he wants it so much. What other British celebrity is this desperate for a knighthood that the royals can just text “be there” and come running? This is just embarrassing. It’s a classic case of why by the cow when you get the milk for free?

    • MY3CENTS says:

      I guess they’d rather offer it to someone who going to turn them down.

    • Libra says:

      As long as they keep him on the hook he’ll do whatever they ask. Once awarded a knighthood, he no longer needs to bow and scrape, and might even be friends with Harry again. They will keep him on the hook because he is their useful idiot and because it snubs Harry.

      • Jais says:

        See idk. That argument makes sense but this guy seems really into the royals. I think he’d still say how high when asked to jump by the royals even after a knighthood. He sounds like a true believer. So I’m kind of just like knight the guy already. They’re looking like their usual sadistic selves by dangling it. But I believe he said some shitty things in a leaked email a while back so that may be why? Otherwise why not knight the guy already jeez. It’s cringey but it’s earnest and honest. Isn’t this the kind of thing the royals should want?

  19. Paddingtonjr says:

    So he’s William’s b$$ch. Good to know.

  20. L says:

    «He’s into bees, and I’m into bees.» Why is that so funny to me? How about we leave the bees out of this huh?

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s like Jennifer Coolidge in Best In Show – “We have so much in common, we both love soup.”

    • Chaine says:

      That’s the line that makes the whole thing reek of utter desperation! I picture David not only disliking, but possibly even being terrified of bees, yet slavishly purchasing the bees and supplies and the costume, and pretending to enjoy the whole enterprise in order to suck up to the king, lol.

    • Chrissy says:

      Because, at this point, bees are far more industrious than either of these two. William does little to nothing except day drinking and going to football games and David is trying to cash in on his past football glory while waiting on bended knee for William or Chuck to call to give him a photo op. Embarrassed for David and disgusted by lazy William.

  21. Olivia says:

    David is revealing that Huevo is demanding, pushy, cold, entitled, full of himself, disrespectful, swings his power around, and is unwilling to properly communicate with the people he wants something from. Some might say A BULLY. But tell me again how Meghan is terrible to work with because she responds to emails whenever she finds the time.

    • Tara says:

      I wondered if that was perhaps intentional? In the sense of, stop it already. I really don’t know anything about the Beckhams – but I saw the documentary and liked the guy.

  22. wolfmamma says:

    So sad to see this, Becks. And your face – stop messing with your face.

    • Beverley says:

      Yikes! Some people are addicted to cosmetic surgery. IMHO there was absolutely wrong with DB’s original face.

    • Lexistential says:

      THIS. He has the chipmunk cheek filler face which is so atrocious compared to his old Man United face.

  23. Chaine says:

    His grim visage at this point must strike fear in the hearts of young children

  24. Lady Digby says:

    Fancy about boasting about being Will’s lapdog and still NOT getting a knighthood anytime soon!

  25. kelleybelle says:

    What a thing to admit. He’s just using you, dearie. That’s all. I’d heard reports that Beckham wasn’t too bright … this just confirms it.

  26. Monc says:

    He used to be cute… now he looks all creepy .. anyways his voice sucks …

  27. Murphy says:

    But still no Knighthood.

  28. GMH says:

    He has played this all wrong. Most knighthoods actually are decided on by the government. He is better off working through his MP and getting his fan clubs to publicly lobbt at Number 10. Both more of a power move and less humiliating than kissing up to powerless royals.

  29. Mel says:

    It’s sad that he thinks that this makes them sound like besties. Dude… no.

  30. Jaded says:

    Slumlord Bill and David Feckhim. What a pair. All the money in the world and they’re both groveling for media attention every damn time Harry is in the news. Losers…

  31. Thelma says:

    I’m legit embarrassed for him.

  32. Sarita says:

    I wish I didn’t just realize that he makes Posh (or someone) call him Sir David Beckham in bed

  33. Normades says:

    This is not the flex he thinks it is.

  34. therese says:

    Is it me or is that shamelessly self-serving? I’m sure there’s some sincerity in there somewhere. But he certainly trumpets his own horn. Luckily, I was never wild about him. I like his wife, and I like that he is so family oriented. He’s ok, as long as he doesn’t start trashing Harry, then I will put him on my seriously don’t like list. I do seriously like his outfit in the picture with Charles.

  35. eos says:

    “I’ve done all this for Willie and still no knighthood”, Beckham griped.

  36. QuiteContrary says:

    Is there, like, a bat signal that William puts out to summon Beckham?

  37. mycatlovestv says:

    He looks like Burt Reynolds after Ozembic.

  38. Lau says:

    He probably sends a message inquiring about how to get a knighthood to William from time to time but gets ghosted until he needs him to do something in his place again.

  39. bisynaptic says:

    😬 Becks is giving me Mr. Collins vibes, with these gems: “…she knows my grandparents would have been proud that I have played such an important role within the royal family and the charities that they have.”

  40. JFerber says:

    David is pathetic. I almost feel sorry for him. He’s probably the only man dumber than William. He can’t be content with his family, riches, reputation for being one of the best soccer players in the world? All of that would satisfy me, but being William’s puppy is the ultimate status symbol?
    Really, David?

  41. Jeanette says:

    I could just feel him cringing when he grudgingly mentioned Veterans, lest someone interpret it might have something to do with Harry. I’m sure he makes a wiiiiide berth at the thought of mentioning anything Harry related lest it make him take one step back from his covered knighthood. Just give it to the little stoolie already. Pitiful.