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Kristin Davis refused to play a dog hater

Kirstin Davis is such a dog lover that she refused to star in The Shaggy Dog until her character was rewritten as a dog lover. Davis has 5 dogs of her own and couldn't bear to play a character who hated pups.

Davis recently bashed the unrealistic lovelives of Hollywood's elite. Davis may have been addressing the rumors that she's dating Matthew Perry when she said:

"In the entertainment industry we are somewhat prone to fantasies.

"If you're an actor, that's what you have to do, so sometimes you see these very quick unions and break-ups, and some of that is just based on wishing it could be true, almost thinking you're in a movie."

The 40-year-old star added to Britain's Stella magazine: "As an actor, a part of you has to stay very open and hopeful, and that lends itself to rushing into things."

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