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19 Responses to “Robin Williams’ wife files for divorce after 19 years of marriage”

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  1. AC says:

    They have beautiful children.

  2. neelyo says:

    I recall back in the 90s reading a very negative article about her and her controlling ways affecting his career. I can’t recall specific examples but it wasn’t favorable. I think it was a Movieline magazine (god I miss that) article about the 10 Most Hated Women in Hollywood.

  3. Syko says:

    I always wondered why she never had that wart removed. It’s in the wrong spot, and much too big and plump, to be a beauty mark.

    He would be tiring to live with. Unless he’s not like that at home. I’ve always admired his quick mind, though, and have enjoyed several of his movies.

  4. Breederina says:

    She is by all first hand accounts a first class bitch.
    He is known for being very down to earth and very kind. Something tells me he won’t be alone for long.

  5. OXA says:

    that’s too bad that his marriage didn’t work out.

  6. Grace says:

    It’s unfortunate that it didn’t work. I think he’s an amazing man and love to watch him interviewed. I agree that he won’t be single for very long. I’d snap him up in a heartbeat. Kind, funny, intelligent… what more could a woman want?

  7. Syko says:

    Grace…he’s also rich and apparently likes kids. Go for it!

  8. Daisy says:

    If he cheats with you he cheat on you

  9. pen says:

    He seems sad deep within. Perhaps due to the alcoholism.

  10. snappyfish says:

    He ran off with the babysitter. Please. He cheated on his first wife with his second. Those never last.

  11. minx says:

    I agree, not the best way to start a marriage but they lasted 19 years.. that’s a long marriage by Hollywood standards. I think the relationship just ran its course and they both had to move on.

  12. lucky says:

    OOO no Robi not now after what you thought us in MISSES DAUBTFIRE,do not tell me you practice what yuo preach?
    more over you do not know how to cook.get back to your wife b/4 it is too late.

  13. Syko says:


  14. Claire says:

    I can’t imagine being married to Mr. Hairy Hyper there. But then again she’s no prize either in the looks department, especially with that ugly mole taking center stage. They probably just got sick of each other. 19 years is a long run for Hollywood.

  15. AC says:

    yeah he’s nice but …. way too hairy for me!

  16. John says:

    Not surprised. A man who runs from his wife will run from his second wife. I thought String has escaped this curse till he was caught leaving a brothel.

  17. Leni says:

    The thing is that 19 yrs is a long time for any marriage anymore. So perhaps it is simply over. No more chemistry, no more interesting things to find out about each other-just over. Good for her that she is not hanging in there and making them both miserable. As for her-she lived with him and his cocaine abuse and alcoholism. Not bad, not bad at all. I wish them both the best in their next relationship.

  18. Liz says:

    The thing is nobody knows what really took place behind close doors. You never really know someone until you live with them, there are all kinds of assumptions we can make, but the truth is only ‘they’ know what took place.
    I am a huge fan of Williams-from way back in his Mork & Mindy days.It’s sad to see anyone divorce,it’s like a death and is hard on the kids-BTW I have had a mole on my face removed, it left a nice little scar, this might be the reason she never removed hers.

  19. doodoomcgee says:

    typical gold digging slut. its a pity a disgusting all around trash maid marries a hollywood star and what does she do? takes advantage of his career and makes robin make her assistant this assitant that, producer, etc. typical gold digging slut who was nothing, and is now probably rich, but thats life huh