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40 Responses to “Madonna makes a face and says “I would never get fat””

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  1. Carrie says:

    Alright. I’ve got nothing against exercise and eating right to be healthy and thin (hell, one day I might even give it a shot, who knows?), but her arms looks entirely too masculine.

    Then again, I have always had a love/hate relationship with Madonna.

  2. AC says:

    She’s always been muscular and thin… its her body type. Not saying she doesn’t work really hard to maintain it… but her getting fat would be a lot harder than someone like me … who can’t even eat “healthy” subway sandwiches for lunch without gaining 5 pounds in a month. She should take into account that people “getting fat” isn’t always because they’re lazy and staying home.

  3. Kathy says:

    Poor poor madonna! All that religion and no sense of blessings and gifts from her creator… I can see a book in the future as soon as she first realizes that she’s not the one in control. Her great enlightenment at her first major life trauma.

  4. geronimo says:

    Well, nothing wrong with not wanting to ‘stay home and get fat’ but she’s too clueless in other areas to take any notice of anything she says. Anyway, I thought she’d be too busy making cutting edge films to have time to be talking (down) to inconsequential women’s mags?

  5. Megan says:

    The idea of Madonna and Guy Ritchie having sex is pretty disgusting…

  6. Codzilla says:

    Megan: I totally agree. In fact, I winced a little when I read that quote.

  7. MSat says:

    Ugh. I’m so over this holier-than-thou, “let’s all forget I used to be a major slut” has-been. I was so happy when she moved to the UK cause I thought we’d never hear from this bitch ever again. Dammit, why won’t she leave?

    She’s never been a very good singer, her acting is friggin painful to watch, and she hasn’t put out a good album since “Ray of Light.” STFU, Madge! As for her wonderful sex life- that marriage won’t last the year. You heard it here first.

  8. bros says:

    im so sick of all these uber glam photo shoots with her in leotards and corsets and stupid fedora hats and tights and high heels. stop the act for 2 seconds and lets just have her in some normal clothes sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee, or newt’s milk or babies blood or whatever it is she is so into eating and drinking to keep her “youthful” look. shes like a freaking vampire or some creepy immortal witch.

  9. geronimo says:

    lol bros! All true! But she doesn’t do ‘normal’, doubt if she knows what normal is anymore. When you’re that controlling, it kind of removes you from reality.

  10. Kevin says:

    Thin is not her natural body type. She probably just burns more calories then she takes in. For proof of this go back to her nude pictures that were released,,the 1st ones, I think in penthouse (ok on this forum I may be the only 1 that saw them). But not only were her armpits unshaven (early training to live in europe i guess) but she was buxom. Not a very good body at all actually. Not that the new bull dyke (dike? hhmmm) look is much better. However in defense of Ms. I’m better than anyone else,,,her music in the day was the standard for dance clubs and I loved dancing to it and will still listen to it occasionally. My babys got a secret, Holiday, Like a prayer, shes had so many dance hits that you can’t name them all. I think almost all her hits were before rap or hip hop though so the dance music arena competetion is much more fierce than it was in her heyday.

  11. wif says:

    I stay at home. I do it because my kids are 4 and 2 and have put my career on hold (well I do part-time work in the evenings) so that I can be giving my kids enriching opportunities and a feeling of stability. I get these young years with them for such a short time that there is NO way I’m going to spend all my time going to the gym. And if I end up fat, so be it. I’m soft and the kids love me.

  12. daisy says:

    you have to see Her sisters to understand what she is fighting against, or fears , Not that they are bad looking just normal women who are middleaged.
    “No sense of Blessings ” I hear you Kathy .

  13. Breederina says:

    Kevin, she changed that body a long time ago by working out at a Santa Monica gym full time for months. A friend who was at the gym daily getting back in shape after a motorcycle accident said she’d never seen anything like the will and determination Madonna had. This is more than 20 years ago. Madonna’s still doing this. Is it worth having this amazing body if you have to devote half your waking life to maintaining it and the other half to insuring your maintenance sticks?

  14. Kayla says:

    Okay folks this is Madonna. A survivvor and a shocker she is and will be. But I am her age and do not look that good at all! Yikes! I need to start working out! She looks GREAT for her age.

  15. dinigi says:

    good reading…thx posters. so much better than the usual..she’s the queen or she’s too old for that..very well thought out, good points. And I really do feel sad that she does NOT realize what she’s missing out on in “normal” life. Can you see her cuddling on the couch?

  16. velvet elvis says:

    That’s right Madonna…you tell them girlfriend!!(I saw as I puncuate my point my thrusting a giant turkey leg in the air with one hand while simultaneously brushing pork rind crumbs off my chest with the other).

  17. Trillion says:

    If only she’d just stick to making sugar pop fluffy songs to disco dance to instead of pretending to be something she’s not…she’d be a whole lot more palatable. I hate what she’s done with her image, frankly.

  18. Curegirl0421 says:

    Eh I wish she’d just go away. And her arms are scary.

  19. MaiGirl says:

    So much work and maintenance, and yet she still looks like the Crypt Keeper’s older sister.

  20. Ticia says:

    She looks nasty! She’s old and a has-been!! RETIRE ALLREADY!!!!

  21. anonymous says:

    I am so sick of EVERY celebrity couple yapping about how they have the greatest sex life in the history of mankind. Yeah, b/c they never get sick of each other or have dry spells, or boring sex no matter how long they have been married–oh no, not the rich and famous, it’s always fabulous for them!

  22. Tia C says:

    “I would gladly watch an occasional Madonna show if only I never had to see her haughty face in a magazine or read another interview with her again.”

    AMEN!! Could not agree with you more, Celebitchy! I enjoy a great deal of her music, but I do not enjoy hearing all the BS that she spews. I wish she would shut up and quit littering the world with photos of herself. Does anyone even care anymore?

  23. Cindy Kennedy says:

    True, she would never get fat.

    I do not think she was slamming overweight people, though.

  24. Trixiebelle says:

    She looks like a cadaver for craps sake! And she’s so pale! Get a tan for crying out loud! This self-promoting prima donna is old and tired and is never going to be the Academy Award winning actress she wishes she could be. Don’t you get it Madonna? You’re pase. I, however, cannot wait until Lourdes hits 15 or 16 … payback is a b____h Madonna. Lourdes just may be the one to bring you to your knees.

  25. Gracie May says:

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, she and Guy have incredible sex. Really – Why doesn’t she put it on film for all the world to see and envy? She would have done it 15 years ago! Madonna, can’t you just stay home. No one cares about you anymore. You’re a has been. Deal with it.

  26. Anastasia says:

    You know, I’ve thought for years that she’s a very sad person inside. She’s so super controlling and that just can’t be a happy way to live.

    I’m a fairly normal weight (could stand to lose a little bit), I work out four hours a week, I watch what I eat most days, but I’m also probably way happier and have had much more fun than her in my life.

    All that money and she seems so rigid and unhappy.

  27. Granger says:

    Totally agree, Anastasia. I maintain a healthy weight through regular exercise and eating well MOST of the time. Still, sometimes I look at really tiny, fit celebs and think, Damn, I wish I had her body… But then I think, would I REALLY want to spend two to three hours a day in the gym? Would I really enjoy obsessing constantly about what I’m eating for fear that I’ll put on a couple of pounds? I appreciate that Madonna is an entertainer and has made millions off of her body, but I do find it sad that someone would choose to be THAT consumed by physical issues. You can bet Madonna doesn’t see it that way, though. She probably has a very self-righteous attitude toward her own “health,” and feels bad for the poor old regular sods of the world who don’t have their own gym next door to their house…

  28. queeny says:

    Okay, part of Madonna’s “big secret” to lean is human growth hormone and probably a plethora of other hormone therapies. Most women, and certainly most post-menopausal women are NOT able to maintain that sort of lean muscle mass and low body fat without help. Clenbuterol, anyone?

  29. Cindy Kennedy says:

    I totally agree that Madonna is a has-been.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Guy likes her that way…he likes sculpted women. Nothing wrong with being fit I say!(though I’m not as ripped as Maddy by a longshot nor would I want to be) I will never be fat again either…it’s bad for your health and quality of life.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Her Mom dies of cancer when she was small…I can see why she would want to be in great health and be around for her kids. Maybe that drives her…oh and one can workout while the kids are in school or with Nanny. I spent alot of time away from my parents and it was enjoyable and taught me how to entertain myself and learn on my own. I never doubted their love. Why do people think the “perfect” mother have to be tethered to the babes. You’re still a person!

  32. frewt says:

    Thank you Kathy for so aptly verbalising just what is wrong with this overblown, narcissistic, smug, pontificating wanker.

    I do admire her comitment to her health and body but that’s all she gets credit for.

    And its just as well she has no issue with plastic surgery because its very apparent that she’s had a crap load in recent history.

  33. rottenkitty says:

    Well, it’s obvious that she doesn’t object to plastic surgery — just look at her face. I watched her induction into the rock n’ roll hall of fame and it’s obvious she’s had work done. She’s starting to get Wayland and Madame quality that so many women who’ve had plastic surgery get.

    As for getting fat, well, get the right disease and go on certain medications and no matter how much Pilates you do, it won’t make you thin. It’s a pity she thinks the most important thing about herself is her appearance.

    The most annoying thing about her for me is her obsession with Kaballah. Mysticism of any stripe is deeply goofy. I can’t take anyone seriously who would believe that twaddle.

  34. bender says:

    Hope the poor kids in Malawi are enjoying their essential Kabbalah lessons. I just can’t stand the arrogance, the deluded self aggrandising old pop granny. Add body fascist and there you have it…ugly in every way.

  35. julia says:

    I’m ashamed to say that my first thought on reading that article was ‘please let her thyroid pack up’ Then we will see who won’t get fat. Sorry, but she makes me cross – all she has to worry about all day is what she looks like – of course she is going to look better than someone with kids, no money a mortgage and a full time job. Most people have too much on their plate to fit in the gym for a couple of hours a week, nevermind all day everyday and a microbiotic diet (or whatever it is!)helped along with surgery and a phalanx of make up artists and hairdressers…

    Okay, I will get off my high horse now…

  36. squirrel says:

    S’funny … I seem to remember reading an interview with Madge a few years back, curiously enough in ELLE. She commented at the time that she’d love to be more ‘zaftig’ (pleasing plump) but that Guy like a ‘run for the bus type of gal.’ Then again this was ‘yoga, warm and fuzzy Madonna’ – arf!

  37. Orangejulius says:

    Well, my 2 cents worth is that I never liked her music either!

  38. mkl says:

    shes has-been? i seriously doubt that since her latest CD Confessions On a Dancefloor sold over 8 million copies and her tour made about 200 million dollars which is record for any female artist!

    not to mention her new single 4 Minutes is at #3 on billboard right now!

    tough luck haters! shes here to stay and propably will be successful for many years to come!
    if you dont wanna see her in magazines then just dont buy them!!! ugh some people….

  39. anon says:

    Did you guys hear about her divorce case? She finally settled with Guy Richie for $60 million!!! Can’t believe it!

    I was reading about it this morning on KIISFM.COM.

    Here’s a direct link to the article:

  40. pepper says:

    Well I can admire her achievements physically since it takes a lot of discipline to have such a low body fat percentage. But the woman is obviously obsessed with fitness and that part I don’t care for.