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21 Responses to “Heather Mills was not booed at the Miss USA Pageant”

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  1. daisy says:

    She should run along now

  2. headache says:

    Her wonky teeth and nose annoy the piss out of me, you know once I get over how offensive her person is in general. ugh.

    I generally don’t hate people I’ve never met, but for this bat, I’d make an exception.

  3. Sasha says:

    Wasn’t booed? America has lost it’s edge.

  4. geronimo says:

    Was it live? Could the booing not have been edited out? Could they be mistaking cheering for booing? It can happen. Booing, cheering, so similar. It’s all just noise. Can you hear the disappointment and disbelief and dying hope in my comment? I think I’ll go with the Daily Mail’s version. For once, it’s more pleasing.

  5. celebitchy says:

    It was live and if you watch the video there was no booing, I’m sorry to say.

  6. daisy says:

    the winner of the thing is 26 years old, that’s kinda old for pagents right? whats the age limit?

  7. OXA says:

    nothing is live after the janet jackson thing, there is always a delay so they can edit stuff out.
    Peg-Leg had some work done on her face, notice all her frown n scowl lines r botoxed out, i think is why she changed her hair color to throw us off. the silicone has spread to her brain if she thinks 99% of amercia loves her.

  8. geronimo says:

    Thanks, CB but I’m going to do a Heather here and choose to believe my own reality!

  9. Cindy Kennedy says:

    Why would people boo her anyway? She didn’t do anything to anyone.

  10. apf says:

    I was in the audience that night and Heather Mills was in fact booed.Just giving the facts.

    ———note by celebitchy————-
    A person using this same IP address with an AOL account outside of Wichita, KS, has been posting under multiple nicknames and making hateful comments. This comment is not credible at all.

    Edited By Siteowner

  11. xanax says:

    First of all, Cindy, WHAT???? Second, I am a Canadian, and I think as much as Americans & Canadians (and probably the world) cannot stand this insane bitch, I think you guys took the high road here & did not boo her because out of respect to the pageant, where it may not have been appropriate. American Idol, yeah, but not in this case.

  12. celebitchy says:

    apf, please verify where you stayed, how you got tickets, and what time the show aired your time. Also provide as many details as you can to back up your story. Her facial reaction did not look like she was booed. It is possible in the 10 second delay that cheering was added, but the show was broadcast live.

  13. Bodhi says:

    Damn, I was hoping this was true!

  14. Karen says:

    She obviously has many issues, but I don’t think she is bad a person as the press has led people to think.

  15. Megan says:

    She’s a nutter and annoying, but wow I love her dress. I want one like that!

  16. Batmamma says:

    This woman drives me crazy for the simple fact that she is a PETA boot-licker. I love animals, don’t get me wrong, but I find it a sick indicator of our sad society that animals have rich hags fighting for their rights when there are young girls in Asia being sold into prostitution by their parents due to poverty, an AIDS epidemic in Africa due to rape, incest and IV drug use, people killing in the name of Allah, food shortages in the entire world because farmers are being better subsidized for turning food into fuel, and families unable to see doctors because health care prices are tremendous – just to name a few causes she could better spend Macca money on. Pay some attention to humans, you self-obsessed veggie munching gold-digger and then maybe I might care.

  17. Cindy Kennedy says:

    Well, Barmamma, we need organizations that protect animals too.

    Why don’t you go over to Africa and try to help some of the AIDS victims there. They need your help.

    If you talk the talk, then walk the walk.

  18. Sasha says:

    Well, Barmamma, we need organizations that protect animals too.

    It’s called the ASPCA, not the ‘pointless guilt because the right and left side of your brain won’t cooperate brigade’ AKA PETA.

  19. Trillion says:

    OK, maybe she wasn’t booed but why the hell would anyone, ANYONE, cheer for her? (unless it was announced she was going into hiding)

  20. celebitchy says:

    Update: The woman who claimed that Heather Mills was booed is the same person who used multiple nicknames to agree with herself and spew anti-gay hate on the post about Cynthia Nixon. Obviously she was not there.

  21. Whitey Fisk says:

    Thanks for posting this video…I was excited to read the kazillion stories online about Mills being booed, yet yours is the only link I’ve found to the footage. Looks like that story was more wishful thinking than actual reporting. Boo!