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33 Responses to “Jordan takes chicken pox-riddled baby out for day in Beverly Hills”

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  1. Orphinia says:

    These parents are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. I remember when I had chicken pox a gazillion years ago and I felt incredibly sick. This poor little baby.

  2. Ack! says:

    That’s just rude and may be child abuse. Sick parents.

  3. bc says:

    aw, my babies were so miserable when they had the pox… her parents are definately not okay in the head if they think it’s fine to take her out for a full day on the town. poor little thing. =(

  4. kate says:

    They willingly and knowingly exposed others to chicken pox????

    I hope the health department goes after them.

    Jerks – absolute jerks

  5. Scott F. says:

    Exposing a sick and probably feverish child to a warm sunny day in LA is dubious at best.

    Gotta disagree with Kate though, people are far too freaked out by the pox. I’ve said for a long time that vaccinating for it is stupid, and it’s the only one my daughter didn’t get. If I had my way everyone would be exposed to it by a doctor at a certain age, and get it out of their system.

    Getting chicken pox raises a lot of very valuable immunities in children, that last well into adulthood. It’s even been proven that those who get it as children are far more likely to survive a small pox infection.

    It’s just too damn dangerous to run into it as an adult without having an immunity. When I got them at age 6 my father caught them from me, and it spread to his esophagus and damn near killed him. If he had been exposed as a child, that wouldn’t have happened.

  6. Nova says:

    Katie should know better than to take her baby out in public like that! Seems selfish to me that she would rather cater to her reality show than to worry about the comfort and care of her little one. Shame on her!

    My son has chicken pox right now as well and he is home with his grandmother getting good care. Poor baby!

  7. Lola Lola says:

    Scott F. I’ve never had them and if I got it from a sick infant at the next table whose parents knowingly exposed me to it, I’d be pissed as hell. And that doesn’t even touch on the ridiculously inconsiderate behavior toward a sick child. They have nannies. Why not leave the girl where she’ll be more comfortable AND strangers aren’t endangered?

  8. Scott F. says:

    Lola, I said they were morons for having their kid out in public, but only for the sake of the child. You’re only proving my point though – had you been exposed as a child you wouldn’t need to worry about it.

  9. xiaoecho says:

    Apart from the idiocy of dragging a sick child all over town, I thought that once the spots appeared, you were no longer infectious?…..or is that something else?

  10. Syko says:

    I think it’s nearly criminal. The child obviously is ill and needs to be home and comfortable, being bathed with baking soda in the water, having calomine lotion put on her, and being cuddled. And exposing others – well, when my kids were growing up there was no vaccine, so you tried to expose them early to get it over with. But there are people who never had chicken pox – some may be elderly now, with other health issues, and to expose them to something like that is atrocious. Almost always the “childhood disease” is worse in an adult than it is in a child, and a sick adult getting chicken pox on top of another illness could be fatal.

    Not to mention that it’s the same virus that causes chicken pox and shingles, and it could manifest in an adult as shingles, which is a very painful thing to go through.

    The parents are idiots.

  11. lanette says:

    i thought that after the pox came out they weren’t contagious. mayve they put some cream on it or something…

  12. Persistent Cat says:

    It’s rare to get chicken pox again but it does happen. Regardless, they exposed others to it and that’s just insanely ignorant.

    I had them when I was 15. I don’t remember feeling sick, just miserable that I had to be apart from my boyfriend and had big spots on my face (cuz everything was life and death back then).

  13. headache says:

    Most reasonable parents would not subject an already cranky child to the heat and exhaustion of a long day just for the sake of vanity. There was no purpose to this other than to those off this (pardon me for saying so) ugly and stupidly named child. The baby was ill, she should have been left at home. I’m sure Jordan could have come up with another opportunity to whore out her youngest spawn.

    As for catching the virus, most american children have had the varicella vaccination. HOWEVER, adults can get shingles as someone pointed out earlier. I knew an older couple at my church who developed shingles after being exposed to the virus after it wandered through my church even after parents were careful not to bring their children while they were contagious. It is excruatingly miserable, even more so than chicken pox.

    She is a rude, inconsiderate mother for putting her own vanity and craving for adoration in front of her daughter’s needs and the public at large, especially since it isn’t as if the average person on the street knows or cares who her fake tittes, catapillar lashed, no talent, flat ass is anyway nor her sexually ambiguous husband.

  14. Sanj says:

    Forget the face of chicken pox…that childs face look weird. Its a face only a mother could love. Poor kid. She looks mentally challenged.

  15. Bellatrix says:

    I think Sanj went overboard upon commenting how the little girl’s (Princess something-that-sounds-like-food-from-Tahiti). But I must admit she doesn’t look very… well… pretty. Then again, if her mother got all that surgery done, it could only be a surprise to guess or estimate what her children would be like.
    I feel terrible for just saying that.

    Next point : I would definitely have kept a little sick child at home. Chicken pox often includes a case of fever, being tired and crankiness.

    Also, I thought chicken pox vaccines were only for adults (mainly men) who hadn’t had the disease yet.
    Well, that’s the way it seems to be in Europe.
    I remember having the pox when I was 6. And almost everybody in class had it at the same time. Chicken pox playdates were organized by our parents to fill the afternoons during the week off we had due to that 😀

  16. patti says:

    I dont think you could expect anything less from katie price/ jordan/ now nown as katie price again. When I first came to live here in the UK, I had no idea who she was, luckily…She makes me ill. Just another irresponsible Brit “celebrity” who is 2 faced about the USA. She recently said in a mag here that she “hated” LA because no one carried her bags when she did some shopping at the Grove, & she didnt understand how posh could “parade” her children -now she seems more than happy to milk the paparazzi gravy train for some extra cash. I hope everyone realizes er for what she is – white trash via the UK.

  17. Lenneke says:

    I just hate it when people put those ponytails on top of babies heads. THAT’S what i call child abuse.

  18. Orphinia says:

    I saw on another web site where the baby ended up in the Emergency Room. I don’t know if this was before or after they were dragging her around in the heat but obviously the poor little thing wasn’t feeling well and should have been in a cool room at home.

  19. Bodhi says:

    I had the “chickum pops” when I was in the 2nd grade & that was the sickest I ever was during childhood. I can’t believe they took her out.

    I hope the hospital staff slapped the hell out of them

  20. Dan says:

    that poor kid. and to think jordan get an award for being “best celebrity mum”! i still dont understand why this woman is a role model and i think its atrocious to be dragging a ill child round. worst of all-i remember getting sick my first time travelling and being really tired because travelling between timezones i had to stay awake for longer. so i imagine that kid musta been REALLY cranky. c’on katie and peter-stop stroking your ego’s and look after your sick kid! ❗

  21. ummmm says:

    Ummm, if shes only nine months, then it looks like she is riding in her carseat faced forward?? Whats up with that? 🙄

  22. Trashaddict says:

    Another prime example of why parents should be licensed…sheesh. The vaccination can be used for kids and adults, in the States at 1 yr and 4 yrs.
    If you get the infection the virus can stay latent in the immune system for years, that’s how older people get shingles. If a non-immune pregnant woman gets exposed her unborn child can have devastating brain damage – i’ve seen it in my work. Not to mention anyone immune suppressed: on chemo or people with HIV. You are contagious until the bumps scab over and NOT before. These people should be prosecuted for criminal endangerment of others. Too bad they can’t be charged for malignant stupidity.

  23. gg says:

    Sure is a shame little Princess Tsunami looks just like her smushed-faced dad, instead of her pretty mum. 😐

  24. toyah says:

    poor little kid should of been at home in bed! but no the fake mum and dad wanted aday out, f*ck how sick the baby was!!! 👿

  25. I only clicked on this story to see who this Jordan is. I still don’t know and she supposed to be a “supermodel”. That term gets used with any model so it doesn’t mean anything, just like “movie star”. When I was growing up you had to have an established body of work to be even called a “star”. Any way whoever this person is she just exposed alot of people to chicken pox which could be dangerous to the elderly and those with weaken immune systems

  26. Katie: you don’t have to touch the person just be in the same room. That’s how I was exposed to shingles while pregnant with my second child and couldn’t take any medication to relieve the most pain I have ever felt including child birth.

  27. charlotte says:

    While I won’t comment on how moronic her parents are ❗ – Baby Girl does look like she feels pretty darn bad. Its pretty selfish to drag her all over LA with the swarms of paps everywhere. BAD JUDGEMENT! ❗ That being said, I did expose my child to chickenpox on purpose. His baby sister had them and I wanted them both to get it out of the way. Also, once you break out with the sores, you are no longer contagious. You can only spread them during the time you don’t realize you are even sick. 😯

  28. Tania says:

    The child looks miserable and should be in her home, tended to and being kept comfortable by her parents. Being out when she obviously is feeling sick is not a good thing, especially in hot weather! Also, it is not a good thing to expose others to the pox – just my opinion. I never got chicken pox as a child, but I did as an adult – TWICE! I felt like I would die! My mother had to come over and take my 4 year old son to her house and look after him, as I could not move. I laid on couch for a week straight and begged God to let me die, that’s how bad it was.

  29. dave says:

    hail the katie and peter firstly all u sickos taking the pi** out the little baby aint u got nothing better to do or are u all jelouse as 4 uk white trash o must be a reclouse in ur house with only ur keyboard as comfort in the uk we got names 4 people like u and sanj with a name like that u aint got nothing 2 say and ur saying it to loud the baby got the pox not anthrax but in the us u know all about that dont ya leave succsesfull people alone and concentrate on ur tired little lives katie is more famouse than the whole of the united states thank you

  30. nicole says:

    sanj, call ur self a man do you? we have names for people like you here in the uk, picking on a little baby girl. lets hope if you have kids they come out healthy people like you make me sick so she had poxs how do you know she wasnt cryiny because of the heat. my little boy has them right now and has no fever or temp just the spots.

  31. Hah, wow crazy that parents would do that. I’ve been through chicken pox before and know many others that have… brutal disease. Anyway, thanks for sharing.

  32. Except for guy setting timer+telling me to “grab whatever you can in 3 minutes,” I didn’t get special treatment at the Apple Store.

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