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33 Responses to “Clay Aiken says people don’t care if he’s gay”

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  1. Celebitchy says:

    This is a step forward for him. It’s like he’s poking his big toe out of the closet, but it’s cold so he pulls it back, turns on the TV in there, and eats a bucket of chicken. It’s a walk in closet with a lot of amenities, including a 1/2 bath, microwave and fridge. A veritable dorm room.

  2. chamalla says:

    bwah, CB.

    Personally, I don’t care who he dates, or if he dates anyone. I live in a state with a fair amount of folks who are quite vocal about their dislike for gays, and their love for crappy music, ala C. Aiken. I don’t think they could reconcile the two enough to continue buying C. Aiken music and tickets if they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was gay. “Don’t shit where you eat” is pretty good business advice overall, I think.

    Personally, I don’t care who he’s attracted to, I’m still not gonna be spending any money on him. πŸ˜‰

    And that is really, really bad hair.

  3. JayBird says:

    I LOVE that! Clay Aiken is in the dorm room of closeted sexuality. At this rate, he might admit to not finding the idea of a man disgusting in four or five years.

  4. bc says:

    oh, he’s gross. i don’t care which way he swings, he’s SO… yuck.

  5. Jaclyn says:

    Yeah….he is obviously gay. I care! LOL

  6. jm says:

    I like Clay, and don’t much care about his (or anyone else’s) sexuality. I do NOT like the hair, though- I hope it’s just for his Broadway role.

  7. mollination says:

    You guys would wear your hair like that too if you were a power-lesbian.

  8. The Observer says:

    Correction: People don’t care about him AT ALL.

    -Shakira Mebarak owes me money.

  9. xiaoecho says:

    mollination…….you nailed it. He is so dykey. All he needs is to start taking the hormones

  10. Dee says:

    Bah. I have a crush on him. And I don’t know why.

    Personally, he shouldn’t care about his fans if he is gay, I would be anxious to see what my family and friends thought.

    He does seem a little full of himself.

  11. CH says:

    does anyone else think he looks a bit like lindsey Lohan?!

  12. Virginia says:

    Actually I was just thinking, he looks kinda like a fat David Bowie or something.

  13. Kristin says:

    Dykey? Wow some people just can’t help being ignorant.

  14. omg, is he starting to morph into Carrot Top?

  15. someone says:

    I actually like Clay, since AI..I think he has a wonderful voice, I like that he started the Bubel/Aiken Foundation for kids with disabilities, and became a UN Ambassador…I couldn’t care less who he sleeps with..

  16. Sasha says:

    Poor Gay Aiken πŸ™ , no respect

  17. jay says:

    Poor Gay Aiken πŸ™ , no respect

    Actually, I think he’s got a lot of respect…for himself,and for others. He made his statement several times in the past…wasn’t what was wanted to be said, apparently; they are out there but it’s too much trouble to look for them. However, if he repeated it now,especially as often as he’s asked, if he were spouting on and on and on about not being gay, y’all would rip him for that, too, as in, hey what ya got against gays? He shows respect by not making it sound like those who are gay are somehow less than others, which they are not, the way all the ragging on someone who is or is perceived to be “gay” seems to be centered on mockery and belittlement. Yep, I’d say he’s a good man. And it really isn’t anyone’s business…public or private person, unless they are actively in a position of power to affect others by their actions. He’s a singer not a politician.
    He also doesn’t seem the type to not just say so, imo.

    Sorry, just don’t agree with the witchhunt mentality. I’m just not seeing what he’s done that is so damaging to anyone that warrants the derision of so many. Shit, bizarro world when someone works that hard, does keep out of trouble, contributes to good causes, and all that can be focused on is where he may choose to love. Fucked up world, fo’ sure.

  18. Megan says:

    I think it’s clearly a business decision, and it’s possible he’s been told by his management that coming out as openly gay would be a bad move for his career. If it’s generally people from the midwest of the USA that like his music, then they are probably right. I hope it doesn’t effect him too much though, and that he can still have relationships with whoever he wants.

  19. Neelyo says:

    Jay, I kind of disagree with you. Because of his being in the public eye, he does have the power to influence people and his actions speak volumes.

    On the other hand, I don’t think anyone should be forced out of the closet. That doesn’t do gays any good, it just reinforces that it is something to be hidden and feared

  20. journey says:

    like jm i hope his hair is a spamalot thing. ditto the makeup. not a fan, but think he looked better as a homely, big-eared bumpkin. πŸ˜‰

  21. Orphinia says:

    That’s such an ugly haircut. Clay – you look like that serial killer in “No Country for Old Men.” You need to see a stylist asap.

  22. Sasha says:


    I know humor is a difficult concept, but we of Earth would appreciate it if you studied these things before you beam down from the mothership.

  23. L L says:

    Melissa Maples, CH,
    I personally think

    Lindsey Lohan + Carrot top = Clay Aiken

  24. Mairead says:

    God be with the days that middle-aged and elderly women adored their campy gay men. πŸ˜‰
    My mother and grandmother (Lord rest her soul) ADORED Boy George. Many of their friends too.

    Neither of them are/were very homophobic, but it’s not something they approved of. Perhaps it was just his Irish connection, but any mention of Boy George never fails to elicit an “AWWWWWW”

  25. xiaoecho says:

    wow, some people just can’t help being
    sanctimonious prigs

  26. headache says:

    If you don’t have to hold a press conference to announce that you are straight, you shouldn’t have to have one to say you are gay.

  27. gg says:

    Lying about it is embarrassing. I couldn’t care less if he is gay but I do think he’s totally full of himself and immature.

  28. happyapple says:

    I really don’t care for the guy at all but reading this tugged my little Grinch heart a bit. Aw, poor Clay Gaiken. I guess it’s a good thing he’s a workaholic because it would be pretty much impossible to date anyone. Unless it was a perfect match with someone you could trust forever, it wouldn’t take long for somebody to alert the gossip mags. It does seem like a “business” decision, something he’s doing to survive. At the same time, though, I think there’s a huge difference between “pushing” people who don’t want to hear about it and just living your life. People are always going to speculate and publish articles either way, you know?

  29. jay says:

    Ah, Sasha, my dear, I have a great sense of humor; I just don’t find mocking someone’s identity, as in choosing it for them, funny. Go figure.

    As to pushing it, I don’t think he means that speaking of it by him is pushing, but rather the fact that every damned way of getting info to the public pushes that particular question relentlessly, and not just about him, like it’s imperative enough to know who everyone is sleeping with that it will make world peace a fact. It’s not gonna. To each his own. He is a role model, in a sense, he just isn’t the poster boy for this particular issue, as some would have him be, but he certainly does enough of value to warrant not being lumped in with the celebrity worthlessness crowd. He ain’t a saint, I ain’t a devotee, I just think he gets too much grief over what others think they know more than him about himself.



  30. Creta says:

    Who really cares if he is gay or not, it is his business and not anyone elses!
    Not all gay people act on their gay feelings if they do not feel that it is right for them to do so.

  31. Cindy Kennedy says:

    He does look like David Bowie !!

  32. gg says:

    oh, he wishes he looked like David Bowie … πŸ˜•

  33. Jennifer says:

    I don’t give a flying crap about any of you people!! I think you’re all wrong!!!
    I absolultly LOOOOVE Clay!!!! So, you really do think that he’s full of himself? πŸ˜€