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9 Responses to “Jim Carrey dresses terribly for ‘gay’ film role”

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  1. GirlyGirl says:

    Honestly, I’ll watch anything with Ewan McGregor in it. He’s a sexy beast! Isn’t he Scottish?

  2. Jody says:

    Ewan McGregor is Scottish, they’re just dumb and assume he’s British since he’s played many roles that require that accent.
    I find him ridiculously charming, and he’s a great actor, in my opinion.

  3. Bodhi says:

    As long as I still have my Ace Ventura I’ll be ok. I will always love that movie

  4. Diva says:

    Um… You’re still British even if you’re Scottish. Scotland is a part of Great Britain… anyone from England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland are British. British doesn’t just mean English.

    I know gay guys who dress like that…

  5. neelyo says:

    He’s been tanning with Lohan.

  6. Jody says:

    You’re right, the British Isles. I apologize.

  7. jason says:

    film is set in 1992 in South Beach
    Do your wardrobe research

  8. Because I say So says:

    Who cares about Ewan? Give me more Rodrigo! Yum!!!! 😀

  9. Larissa says:

    Santoro is sooo HOT!