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17 Responses to “Susan Sarandon says she’s afraid of Botox and that tattoos hurt”

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  1. headache says:

    Those are def extentions and Susan Sarandon is faboo. I love that she is comfortable in her skin, in her age, her body and her career.

  2. jessiee says:

    don’t forget Susan Sarandon also has a daughter, the lovely Eva Amurri, who must be close to 25 at this point.

  3. Celebitchy says:

    Thanks Jessiee. Eva Amurri is 23 according to Wikipedia. I will add it!

  4. kate says:

    susan looks amazing and natural. i can’t understand why so many actresses fuck their faces up with trout pout lips, botox, eyebrow lifts, etc. like poor nicole kidman – her face looks like it’s made of wax these days.

  5. Syko says:

    I love how she looks, so much better than the Nicoles and Demis with all their reconstruction.

  6. neelyo says:

    Sarandon may not use Botox but I believe she’s had plastic surgery.

  7. Geronimo says:

    I also think she’s had surgery. Saw an interview with her and Goldie Hawn about a year ago, and both looked like they’d had recent work done – kind of stretched and shiny looking – although Goldie much more than Sarandon. But she’s not taken it to any great excess, her face is still beautiful and full of character. I doubt she ever will, she’s too grounded and normal.

  8. headache says:

    Personally, I can’t get over the whole idea of what Botox actually is.

    Mama always said not to eat food out of dented cans and now you want me to stick what I was told not to consume in my face??

    Hell no!!

  9. rlr260 says:

    I don’t have anything against tattoos. I don’t think I’ll ever get one because I just can’t think of anything I would want on me for the rest of my life.

  10. Syko says:

    rlr260, that is exactly why I don’t have any tattoos! I don’t want to make any statement forever. I have enough trouble committing to a t-shirt with words on it, I can’t imagine putting it on my skin permanently.

    And besides, I heard they hurt.

  11. journey says:

    have to agree with you headache. what kind of crazy is it to pump poison into your face?!

  12. Hollz says:

    Tattoos don’t hurt that bad! its like a cat scratching a sunburn…

  13. Bodhi says:

    If tatoos didn’t hurt they’d be called feel-goods…

    Anyhoo, her daughter Eva was great in Saved!

  14. paris herpes says:

    Man Ricci has gotten so cheezy, a tattoo of a lion that symbolizes Aslan and her desire for freedom. What does that mean anyway? Free from anorexia?! Sarandon looks HOT! She seriously looks great for her age. In fact, how did she get such big boobies all of a sudden anyway?

  15. Conservative Woman says:

    I just heard that Saradon would skip the country if McCain a republican was elected. I was not too excited about McCain being our republican choice, but now I’m all for it!!!! I would happily give up my sky miles to buy you a ticket to anywhere outside the states. Adios Saradon.

  16. Martin says:

    Susan Sarandon is a liar and a hypocrite! Everyone can easily see that she’s had everything done, facelift and eyelift. Sick and tired of these liars!

  17. Joanne says:

    I agree why do they lie, we are women, we know what happens when you hit 50, Susan is 60, unless she stands on her head all day, gravity pulls the skin DOWN. Her face has definitely had work. No needles? HA, just surgery where she was knocked out. Is that any better ?????
    Fess up Sue. You got a young man to keep looking good for.
    And who cares anyway ? I dont stay up thinking about Susan or the rest of them getting their faces done, I just wish I could get my own done.