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12 Responses to “New, improved Britney shows up in court for her kids”

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  1. Susan says:

    Lufti was the most toxic thing that could’ve happened to that girl. Glad he’s gone. I hope she gets her life together. Looks like she’s making an effort.

  2. Enonymouse says:

    Good for her. 😀

  3. Lipgloss & Motoroil says:

    i agree !

  4. mollination says:

    that makes me so happy.

  5. Jana says:

    good for her. she seems to be doing a lot better.

  6. Sasha says:

    Back on the right meds today I see.

  7. flatbellydance says:

    Ugh, can she not do something better with her hair? Is it so hard? I don’t know how old this photo is, but I HATE the hair. It makes her monkey ears stick out even further.

    But, you know, great job on getting to the court on time and everything. That’s important.

    (..just hate the hair!)

  8. Annicka says:

    If she was going to go outside, couldn’t she at least have made an effort to look better? I look better than that after waking up.

  9. Livstabud says:

    Awww….. good for her. Finally getting a hold on things! I just wonder how she’ll do when she gets her kids back

  10. AMB B says:

    I was never a fan of Brit, but I am and always was rooting for Brtiney Spears. I don’t get gleeful and happy when people take a tumble….it seems the rest of the world just loves it…. I really would like to see this young lady pull it together get custody of her children and live happily…../

  11. hello says:

    where do you buy scrunchies these days?

    but yay for her getting her life on track!

  12. Margo says:

    I really wish we could find out some more stuff on Sam. He’s definitely hiding from something. Anyway! This is really good news. Hopefully the next court date will go just as well.