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13 Responses to “Britney doesn’t get overnight visits with her boys yet”

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  1. Mairead says:

    Uh… ohhhh….

    PATTERNED and MULTI-TONAL Brown Boots of Mental Illness? 😯

    I think day visits may be appropriate for a little while longer alas 😐

  2. headache says:

    But the weave improves daily. Small steps, mairead, small steps.

  3. summertime921 says:

    I completely agree with your thoughts on Lutfi. What a sick bastard. Lets not forget Alli Sims, also, who completely enabled this behavior. I’m glad to see those people out of her life and that she is slowly getting better.

  4. geronimo says:

    Ok, the boots ARE bad, but they’re clean and new. And her shirt is buttoned up. And they’re not crotchless jeans. That can’t be bad.

    Glad she’s looking better and seemingly getting better and if the judge is ‘extremely impressed’ (I know it’s a relative thing here), then good for her. Keep it up!

  5. Kayla says:

    Hats off to britney! Keep it up! And Happy Mother’s Day!

  6. Cici says:

    i disagree that sam lufti should be held criminally responsible for abusing britney. people need to take responsibility for themselves. there are always going to be toxic people that try to insinuate themselves into any one person’s life at any time. britney is an adult, no matter her maturity level – and should be more responsible for herself. if she’s got mental illness, her family should have taken control earlier. people like sam lufti are of course going to push as far as they can.

  7. Lisa says:

    Good parent, ugly boots?????? Apples and oranges……………… LMAO!


  8. Please says:

    I agree with you, CiCi. Everyone talks about Britney like she’s ten years old. While I’ll concede that we all fall prey to bad influences at times throughout our lives, allowing some douche to come in and completely take over is another matter entirely. Grow the hell up.

    And I don’t buy this mental illness bullshit, either. She was a junkie with unlimited financial resources and no one to reel her in. Of course she was going to act like a crazy bitch!

  9. mazzi says:

    Does this mean that her parents will always have to be in control if she is to have greater custody? It seems that she is not ready yet. If and when her parents leave, then they should make the decision. Unless they plan on giving custody to them.

    Ms. Spears is not a child, she is way past that, but she is being treated like one. Did I miss something or is this just a bit strange. Why such special treatment for this “Woman”.

  10. Hollz says:

    Cici, Please, are you guys saying that he shouldn’t be charged at all?
    I disagree.
    yes, Britney is an Adult. however- he DRUGGED HER FOOD…how can she say no to that? not eat? It’s not like she could go out to eat without him- he was everywhere.
    I gotta say, people who think it’s the victims fault/ victims family’s family kinda make me sick- they are the reason that it is so hard to charge people like Sam Lufi.

    Im not saying that Brit isnt getting special treatment, because she is- but VICTIMS need special treatment, so they can adjust.

    sorry if im outta line her, it just really bothers me.

  11. MSat says:

    The New Brown Boots of Mental Illness have been noted. Stay tuned.

  12. sam says:

    Personal responsibility is an interesting issue. If someone is in a vulnerable state ala ‘mental health issues’ small dependancies can quickly snowball into a much bigger situation.
    U c it in everyday relationships and even (dare i say it) personality cults. Some people are very good at manipulating others add to that being sick and being vulnerable you can find yourself in a situation that you cant get out of hand- and asking for help is not always easy. I know its hard for me to ask my parents for help and admit I was wrong.

    As for her parents stepping in earlier – i think they should have, BUT, its likely that Britney or Sam explained away her behaviours convincingly for a very long time. And if they were estranged it would have been hard to get access to Brit. My 2 cents.

  13. elle says:

    she needs some positive friends who are mommys that can help her out like kimora, she does so much but still manages time for her kids and who seems to have pretty good balance, i hope you get better britney!