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23 Responses to “Amy Winehouse wanders freeway during traffic jam”

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  1. lady garden says:

    The M40? she should thank her lucky stars it wasn’t the M1-she’d be splattered all over it by now

  2. AC says:

    yikes. her stomach is frightening.

    coke WILL make you pretty restless…

  3. Anna says:

    I can’t believe this woman isn’t locked up in a psychiatric ward yet. What’s it gonna take?
    What I also find remarkable is how no matter how grungy, groggy and gruelling she looks, she always has her trademark eyeliner wing thingies in perfect order. Maybe she’s had them tattooed on, I wouldn’t put it past her.

  4. Scared says:

    I find her ‘midriff’ absolutely frightening, you can plainly see that those are not abdomen muscles…those are her organs. sick.

  5. John B says:

    She is a special person, a ‘once in a generation’ artistic light… yet everyone is just watching this horror unfold. Why doesn’t someone help her?

    She has so much talant, but one morning we will read the press and she will be gone. Someone please help her!

  6. peachfish says:

    She’s really starting to resemble a starving third world child from the neck down.

  7. MISSY says:


  8. RhymesWithSilver says:

    Can we send Britney’s dad over to England with a great big net to trap Amy and keep her out of trouble?

  9. gg says:

    What in hell is she doing in that last photo?? Looks like she’s got a lit half-cigarette stuck in “her” hair, and somebody’s handing her a phone and some keys, but she’s saying, “can’t drive today – see my stomach?”

  10. Cari says:

    I find it hard to believe that anyone would have sex with that nastiness. She is one fugly mofo.

    But then again, she’s not screwing anything that isn’t hopped up on some kind of drug, so there ya go.

    And I may be the only person in the world who hasn’t listened to any of hers songs all the way through. I just can’t bring myself to do it. 😐

  11. kate says:

    sad…hope she gets some help.

  12. Angel says:

    You’re NOT the only person who hasn’t listened to any of her songs all the way through–I’ve tried, I swear! Just to be fair before I made up my mind. But omg it was awful. I see that her voice is capable of wonderful music, but she is a train wreck in progress. I don’t want to see this, and I don’t understand why someone doesn’t put her away for awhile, to keep her from hurting herself anymore!

    This is so awful… 🙁

  13. fee says:

    Lock this cracked out bitch up already! I did feel sorry for at first, thinking what a waste of talent she was, but now im just over her trainwreck of a life being everywhere……Like the Britney saga not that long ago, unless she is removed from her enablers and put into some real treatment this isnt goin to end anytime soon…except by the way of a fatal overdose……

  14. KT says:

    amy has some serious problems both mental and physical due to a drug problem how does that make her a bitch?

  15. Kenny Da Page says:

    I just saw a recent video on YouTube of her at the Jazz Club (5/4/08), she’s high out of her head and she can’t keep her balance. Her stomach is so constipated from all the drugs she’s using.

    To get a better aspect of Winehouse’s illness, you should read, “Clapton – The Autobiography.” It’s a brilliant book, Clapton explains the method behind the madness that made him a ‘true’ legend. I wish Winehouse would read or at least get someone to read this book to her…..

  16. xiaoecho says:

    Why, oh why has Amy got a lit cigarette in her hair?? And even more mortifying, no-one around her seems to care! With the amount of product in that wig/hairpiece, her hair could go up at any minute.

    Poor Amy……just try and live through it – for musics sake….OK?? 😐

  17. New York Tony says:

    JOHN above is right: here is a person with God-given talent that society should nurture, yet in our new 21st century fucked-up world, we (the public and entertainment media) allow a human tragedy to unfold before our very eyes and do not help her.
    Arguably, “we” are in effect abusing her through neglect as indeed, she is abusing herself of her own free will.

  18. xiaoecho says:

    New York Tony…….you can’t help some-one until they want it – are ready to accept help

  19. journey says:

    if brit’s dad isn’t available to sneak up on her with a great big net, maybe jack hannah could? then he could release her into a chimpanzee exhibit in a nice quiet zoo somewhere. zoos value things that keep the animals occupied so they don’t get bored. and the chimps would have lots to do, what with grooming amy’s hair. 😀

  20. elise says:

    she is hot in the car and wants a lighter some people re just random

  21. wandablen says:

    god i’m sick of her shit

  22. ZenToeNail says:

    The words ‘demonic possession’ come to mind. Not things with horns and natty red clothes, just entities who play the muse, but constantly take a LOT more than they give. Helping someone ruin themselves is a fun and self-indulgent game to some, when it’s not your body you’re destroying. Just a thought.

  23. Barbara says:

    I’ve finally reached the age of recieving my Social Security Benefits. During my teenage years I made my parents suffer thru listning to Bobby Rydell to the Beatles. TV shows were Dr. Kildare and the American Bandstand. Ed Sullivan, Jackie Gleason, Gunsmoke and even Dean Martin & the Gold Diggers were the thing then. So called talent today isn’t talent- it’s sickness.