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16 Responses to “Ashlee Simpson wedding coverage will cost seven figures”

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  1. Devilgirl says:

    I can’t stand looking at Pete Wentz, he is just odd to look at. Strange face. 😯

  2. neelyo says:

    Wentz reminds me of one of the flying monkeys from THE WIZARD OF OZ.

    Poor deluded Papa Joe, doesn’t he realize the shelf life on his family has expired. He’ll get seven figures, but the decimal wlll be after the 3rd one.

  3. gg says:

    Wow, he has a big head for his body.

  4. GirlyGirl says:

    LOL, I think the face on the blonde woman to the left sums up how we all feel about this!
    @neelyo – he does look like one of those monkeys! BWAAHAHAHA!

  5. Ron says:

    She got the dress at Filene’s running of the brides for 249.99. And she saved money on the invitations too! With those savings together she can afford an epidural for the birth of her bastard child. Yeah!

  6. Mr. T says:

    Anything over 2 figures is wasted money on these assholes. Does anyone really care? Also, a reality show is probably in the works for this couple. I give them six months. I’d pity Pete but the fool has a fools face.

  7. snappyfish says:

    who cares about these people? The Simpson’s are no-talent’s their parents used as cash cows.

    Kinda have to feel a little sorry for them…..but I can’t

  8. Sasha says:

    Half of that will be spent turning the groom into a real man.

  9. kate says:

    he is hilarious to look at.

  10. Dee says:

    Encore Sasha =]

  11. poopie says:

    he is one huge GOOBER. i can’t stand to look at him either – like a cartoon character – what DOES she see in him? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$…. oh sorry, that’s what her HO DADDY sees in him now that the jessica meal ticket in on the blink

  12. Kim says:

    Sorry, but I definately think he is gay!!

  13. Christina says:

    shame… it’s all about the money…

  14. uttoransen says:

    haha… poor guy looks funny, lol!

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