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20 Responses to “Paris Hilton says Benji Madden wants to marry her & they talk about it”

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  1. Diva says:

    Her feet are kinda scary.

  2. gg says:

    Dang, can you say “codependent”?
    She is such an idiot. The outfit is screaming, “I HAVE A LOW I.Q.!!”

  3. KateNonymous says:

    Her shiny robot legs are showing.

  4. cc says:

    Have any of you smelled her perfume? Seriously smells like dime store, fake vanilla stuff. Also, a white wedding dress? Honey, go for a nice cream shade. You’d get less snickers and snark. I wonder how long it will take until he wakes up from the KatE cocktail and breaks up with her. Classiness at it’s finest.

  5. Melania says:

    She should wait and see if they get sick of each other rather than marrying and then finding out a few months later that they bore each other to tears. It happens.

  6. I choose me says:

    Dear God. Make it go away. Please pretty please. In Jesus name Amen.

  7. Kerri says:

    If my knees were that knocky, I certainly wouldn’t wear garish, shiny, metallic pants that accentuate it. Good lord. (And as far as the white dress? She’d get less snickers if she wore flaming red.)

  8. mamalicious says:

    Am I the only one who thinks of Laurel and Hardy when I look at these two? Gee, Olly…

    I love the ground-breaking announcement “I would wear a beautiful white dress”. Wow that just blew me! *faints*

  9. Mr. T says:

    Fools of a feather flock together. I’d be happy to see these two taken off the single scene.

  10. pinknblack says:


  11. Because I say So says:

    I’m still waiting for their super STD’s to do devour each other

  12. Julia says:

    Does everything that woman wears have to have either her name or a big picture of her face plastered all over it? Good Grief! I’m not even going there with the marriage thing. Or the silver leggings thing.

  13. Sasha says:

    One of the first signs of advancing untreated syphilis is delusions and insanity, Paris.

  14. Codzilla says:

    Julia: You’re right, she does have her name/face printed on nearly everything she wears. Reason number 123434342 to despise this retarded skank.

  15. wandablen says:

    i agree, her feet scare me too

  16. Julie says:

    whoa… who would have thought… knocky kneed anorexic slxt mixed with the saggy-pants fat man-boob guy… i wonder what the kid will look like… Julia, you r perfectly right. She has had her name/face everywere.
    nokidnokidnokidnokid poor guy/gal… i would be SO embarressed… a knocky-kneed anorexic saggy-pantsed man-boobed kid….whoah. the silver leggings are reason number 69908765389087662099877100 not to like this gal, let alone her marry this fat guy wearing a WHITE wedding dress. make sure its big and flowy so we cant see the veiny feet and the knocky knees! who taught her how to walk? a pigeon? in the second picture she is draped over him like a bear with an itchy back to a tree.

  17. Max says:

    Paris et Benji

    Paris. Elle compte marier Benji pour qu’on arrête de la prendre pour une pute. Elle a des idées et un IQ sentimental de petite fille. De plus, Benji a un look de bad boy, et elle peut le trainer par le bout du doigt.

    Benji. Veut marier Paris car elle représente le genre de fille qu’il n’aurait jamais pu avoir au secondaire. La barbie typique. Superficielle et bitchy. Elle l’aime LUI, veut l’épouser LUI. Elle LE traîne par le bout du nez , LUI.

  18. gg says:

    It’s no wonder how she would have treated this guy if he were not in a band. 🙄

  19. Tania says:

    Nice Carol Brady hair-do, Paris! LOL! I guess Benji doesn’t mind the small matter of Paris’ herpes! So, he SHOULD marry her so she can copy Nicole and keep on being Nicole’s doppleganger! I bet Paris would name her first child (if it were a girl) Harlow Winter Kate Hilton-Madden! LOL!

  20. iliveinyourbasement says: at her outfit…and big feet..she looks like a crazed old woman…lol…lol…they should marry to give us some more funny media tidbits….yeah Benji looks fat, bet he is drinking as this whore like to go to clubs dressed as slut…