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62 Responses to “Britney Spears in a bikini in Costa Rica looking pregnant or just heavier?”

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  1. Because I say So says:

    This is really bitchy but….she gives me the confidence to rock my own very flattering two piece. I’m taller & thinner than Ms. Spears and my stomach isn’t a perfect 6-pack, No one would ever accuse me of looking pregnant though. Cover that shit up!!

  2. Anna says:

    That’s just some pudge. And here’s hoping Papa Spears kept her under tight enough supervision that she didn’t get pregnant with another kid. I would not wish her as a mother on anyone, even if she is doing a little bit of progress now.
    But those pics? I say pudge.

  3. That’s just coffee bloat y’all. She drinks a million frappaccinos a day.

  4. Diva says:

    she doesn’t look pregnant to me, and she doesn’t look bad in the bikini, either… when she’s standing. I think bikinis are the most unflattering apparel in the world when you’re sitting down, for just about anyone, and if you’re carrying a couple extra pounds, it’s really bad. Still, I’d rather see her looking like she’s focusing on things that are more important right now.

  5. Rachel says:

    According to my mum and dad, who are both doctors, and they admitt its hard to tell as everybody carrys differently. But typically according to how high up her bump is, she is either 6-7months and holding it in very well, or not pregnant at all. Because at different stages of pregnancy its positioned differently on your body.

    In my opinion she looks pregnant, and if she’s back to her old workout routine then those stomach muscles may be doing there job and holding the bump in. But then again i doubt shes 6 months pregnant.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Jaclyn says:

    What happened to all the exercise she was getting? The supposed 20 pound loss? I’m just not seeing it. She doesn’t look pregnant, she looks lazy. Damn it, I was really hoping to see a Britney comeback!!!

  7. velvet elvis says:

    Are you all sure that’s not a beached whale?…’cause I’m not really sure.

  8. christine says:

    Keep in mind she did have 2 babies. There are lots of moms who would love to have a tummy as flat as this! 🙂

  9. Granger says:

    She doesn’t look pregnant at all. Look at the photos of her sitting down. If she were pregnant, her tummy would still be a nice round bump. I just see rolls.

    I must admit, it’s almost shocking to me to see a wealthy celebrity who obviously doesn’t work out six hours a day and hasn’t had liposuction to get rid of the post-baby tummy! Refreshing. She looks nice.

  10. xiaoecho says:

    Poor Brit, now we’re going to rip into her for something she can’t control; Lithium weight gain.

    Everyone out there on the stuff knows exactly what I mean 😐

  11. Sarah says:

    She just grew fat. She always has her belly sticking out because of her hollow-back. So I really doubt she is pregger.

  12. AC says:

    at first i think prego but whe she sits down since it rolls like pudge i’ll say pudge.

  13. MSat says:

    Judging from her butt, I’d say it’s an allover weight gain. Which is totally within her right. If I had her money, I’d have retired at 25 and never worried about my figure again.

  14. headache says:

    6-7 months pregnant? What kind of docs are your parents?

  15. Rachel says:

    lol, gp’s

    they didnt say she WAS pregnant, just that IF she was, because of the shape of her stomach she would be 6-7months from like it would be lower or higher on her body if she was more or less. But because she isn’t the size of 6-7months pregnant, either she isnt pregnant, or she’s got ace stomach muscles to pull in the stomach. 😉

  16. DogRunner says:

    Looking at her posture and how she carries weight, it looks like an overall lb. gain.

  17. Roma says:

    That’s totally weight gain. I thought Bally’s had given her 2 trainers and that she was supposed to be doing 1,000 sit ups a day? Of course you can’t spot reduce when it comes to losing weight, but if her core was strong her fat wouldn’t pop out like that.

  18. Devilgirl says:

    So she is a bit on the fat side- She doesn’t seem to care, why should we? Everyone is always bitching when the celebs are too thin, now people bitch when they are fat. She’s o.k with her pudge, and just because she has a belly, everyone has to assume she is knocked up. Well, she is still smoking, which she didn’t do during either of her of her pregnancies, so I am inclined to think that she is just bloated and full of Cheetos and frapps. ❗

  19. Sasha says:

    She’s got a poochy belly for sure, when you get older your don’t always snap back into shape like you used to.

    Anyone else mildly creeped out that the press followed her to Cost Rica? Must be nice to have disposable income to send paps jaunting across the globe to possibly catch someone famous possibly doing something.

  20. Denise says:

    I agree with Devilgirl……..She looks good, I think……..Except, I would not call it fat….She has a pudge….Nothing, to get all crazy about. I think we all have a bit of that….Look on the bright side of things. At least she is not in a hospital somewhere, in another crazy state of mind. I belive we should focus more on a persons health rather than the looks…Denise

  21. headache says:

    The only thing pudgy on her is her stomach, which happens when you have two kids and don’t take steps to tone up that area.

    I guess I’m the only one who thinks she looks average. Maybe she just ate.

  22. Valerie Kell says:

    Being a nurse for 30 yrs and if you belive all the stories of her working out, I really think that the high profile of her abdomen indicates pregnancy not just weight gain. I hope it isn’t true because I think that at least 50% of her problems came from post-partum depression.

  23. fgh says:

    She loks like she’s a bit chubby all over..preggers? Nope. The girl’s on vacation eating! It’s what I do!

  24. Lissa Pissa says:

    Honestly, I think it’s just her body shape and everyone should just leave her alone. Not all women are shaped the same and not all women can look like Heidi Klum after giving birth. Pregnancy can sometimes completely change your shape. After my second child, my body looked a lot like hers and I’ve never been able to get it back the way it was. The main reason is simply from the abdomen being stretched for so long. Sometimes the only way to get rid of the “baby pooch” is to go in for a tummy tuck.
    I think she looks great for having 2 kids in two years and everyone should just let her be.

  25. Sarah says:

    I think shes just heavier, and it takes balls to wear a 2-piece and not be thin. I say go Britney for having the guts to do that. Dont cover up, gives the bigger girls more confidence to wear 2 pieces

  26. sauvage says:

    I don’t know if she’s pregnant or not, but I am so incredibly tired of everybody speculating about pregnancy everytime somebody happens to have eaten a damn sandwich!

  27. kate says:

    i hate when i see people in bathing suits and smoking. for some reason it just looks trashy to me.

  28. Monalicious says:

    It’s all the meds she’s on. Some of that stuff will not just make you “bloat”, but get fat fast!!!! I took Depakote and Seraquel for 3 months (yeah, I’m bipolar as well, was detoxing off Paxil), and gained over 30 lbs!!!! But, after that, I took Trazadone, and lost 80lbs. But, after a while, they stopped working, and gained back 20lbs.
    I just worry that like a lot of women, Britt will stop taking her meds because of the weight gains. Once her daddy is no longer running things, God help her. If she gets off her meds, she’s screwed!

  29. Jan says:

    That’s just overall weight gain, with the bulk of it in the abdomen. When she’s sitting down it doesn’t even resemble a baby bump. Even if she’s working out, most psychotropic medications can make you gain weight. What, do we want her to stop taking them because people keep asking if she’s pregnant??

  30. wandablen says:

    she’s not a skinny girl, so what?

  31. miss says:

    I think its just the combination of two pregnancies and the meds she’s be on for her bi-polar. A friend of mine was exactly the same, she was always like a bean pole, had her kids (small weight gain) then went on Lithium and got this huge belly like she was pregnant again!

  32. kate says:

    she’s on anti-depressants? is this common knowledge that she is bipolar or are we playing pyschiatrist?

  33. Izzy says:

    She’s just a piece of white trash with a beer gut. She should just fade away.

  34. isobel says:

    It’s not psychotropic drugs. It’s the AIDS cocktail, people! This is so sad. K-Fed is taking them also and became real bloated a few months ago. 😥

  35. Tracy says:

    You look naturally beautiful Britney! The smile on your face is all that matters.

  36. ADD says:

    Pregnant! The ass and thighs are of the child-bearing variety.
    Eeyew, KFed’s been all up in that– again.

    And wake up Kate– it’s old news that she’s bipolar.

  37. kate says:

    i missed the press release that confirmed brit’s bipolar. i guess i was busy living my own life.

  38. CeeJay says:

    Ahhh, come on folks. The speculation with this girl needs to stop. She is being treated for mental health issues. 95% of medications used to treat mental health issues cause weight gain, and they cause it fast! After her body gets used to the meds and she learns how to exercise and eat well enough to keep up with the problem, the weight will begin to taper off. I’d rather see ANYONE fat and happy rather than thin and miserable.

  39. TYE says:

    Imaging:Brit and Jamie. these gorgeous young girl’s with ALL of this money, They need a lot of love and GOD!! All of these younger people, WAY to much fame starting so young is WAY to hard to find a balance.I started out @124 before babies and 18 yrs later I am 216 oh WELL.. I am still Beautiful.

    Monalicious: My DR. Says there is no such thing as paxil w/d. I cant stand the side effects help, cause he is clueless..

  40. jay says:

    It’s obvious in some of the pictures that it’s just fat – pregnancy bellies do NOT squish like that, unless it’s the Smallest Baby Ever.

    Good for her that after all the crap she’s been through she’s got enough self-esteem to put on a two-piece.

  41. RichardSimmons says:

    “Keep in mind she did have 2 babies. There are lots of moms who would love to have a tummy as flat as this!”

    That stomach can be described as many things, but “flat” is not one of them.
    Defending her for being human is one thing, but you have to open your eyes to see.

  42. cas says:

    Seriously after being skinny my whole life, I had to take meds that made me huge. It is so obvious that is what is happening to Britney, you can see the puffiness around the face in recent photos as well as the tummy bloat. Everyone who is being mean should have a bit of empathy.

    It is almost impossible to stop yourself from gaining weight while on these drugs. I was devastated and am still trying to desperately loose the weight many months later. Instead of bitchy comments, maybe people should think, what if it was YOU that this happened to, how would you feel?

  43. Anni says:

    same here. i wasn´t that skinny, but slim. seroquel is a pain in the ass, i gained 20 pounds. lithium or zyprexa do the same. you can´t do much about it, because the munchies come at night when the meds kick in, you can´t controll it.

  44. kate says:

    ADD: wow, what’s your problem? it’s just a celebrity gossip site…no need for violence. and remember, the next time you feel angry try using your words, mmmmkay?

  45. christiana w says:

    she doesn’t look pregnant she just looks a little chubby, which is fine.. her friend on the other hand looks about 1-2 months pregnant.. im pregnant and i have almost the same little bump as her friend does

  46. alisa says:

    the meds make her not feel, thus no shame of her frame

  47. DEBRA says:


  48. shelby says:

    she totally looks pregnant…. whos is it?

  49. GB says:

    She doesnt look that bad were not use to seeing britney look this way we all want to compare her when she was a 21yr old with no kids, who worked out consitently, shes had children and is now on bi-polar meds “Lithium which causes severe weight gain to most people taking the meds. Lets educate ourselves before making comments, also she looks great compared to alot of women in all ages in America who havent even had children with luv handles hanging over their jeans!!!

  50. bc says:

    she’s not pregnant, just fat and nasty as usual.

  51. Anastasia says:

    I’d bet my left foot she’s not pregnant. That’s called having two babies in two years, y’all. LOL. Man I only had one baby and her body looks better than mine.

    But that’s all she’s got on me. Hee.

  52. Julie says:

    not preggers, fat. tuck that monster in. my mom looks better than her. lets forget the body for 2 seconds. whats with the 2-peice? heh-LO, people, the thing looks like someone puked it up. 😳 i would be so freaked out. i wouldnt even go in public with a bod like that. gross. 😯

  53. Alexis says:

    She doesn’t even look that fat as much as she doesn’t look anorexic, hollywood, thin. I think she looks great for having 2 kids. If she wore a bathing suit that fit her she would look fine. The real story is that technicolor dream coat weave she has going on. It’s very horrible! What would be so bad if she had short hair?

  54. Jessica says:

    Lord people!! She has had 2 kids in under what, 3 years?? Give her a break! I think she looks dam good!

  55. Zilard says:

    If she is fat or pregnant, WHO CARES? Leave her alone to get on with her life.

  56. Rianna says:

    i say not pregnant… just a bit of weight gain from meds, bad food and 2 prior pregnancies.

  57. Canadian cutie says:

    I think Brit has bloated up from her MEDS. I know people who are on anti-depressants,and they all put on weight rapidly. They look puffy & chubby like Brit. Brit has so many emotional & addiction problems, it’s baffling to guess what is going on in her sad life! Doesn’t she miss her 2 little boys? This cheeto mommy should have her tubes tied to prevent any more suffering. So sad, so selfish.

  58. Arlie says:

    I think she looks great. Are you people serious who are saying cover it up, really? No wonder there are so many girls these days with anorexia, give it a rest. She looks great, and although I have never agreed with her decisions, she has been through alot more than alot of people and shes coming back around. Let people be, and stop all the negativity. I pity you guys for how bad things have to be in your lives to put down people you do not even know, people who have done nothing at all wrong to you or yours. geesh, grow up a little. 🙄

  59. lauren says:


  60. Opiniones de gente de verdad sobre asuntos de verdad en Costa Rica:

  61. Destiny says:

    Smoking can help in calming my nerves whenever I feel stressed. But, sometimes I feel guilty because Im putting my body at risk.

  62. Bentley says:

    Um she was pregnant here idiots