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27 Responses to “No one in the West Village likes the Olsen Twins”

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  1. Cindy Kennedy says:

    Ok. People dont’ like them just because they are thin? Makes no sense.

    I can understand about the bodyguards getting annoying though.

  2. Blonde Ambition says:

    WOW. Mary Kate actually looks very presentable here….Ashley…looks like she just got laid by Disco Stew.

    What happen to the cute little girls that turned into very intelligent business teens….no they are just bulemic, alcoholic, drug addicts….who don’t do anything worth while anymore..

  3. embarassed to admit i know this says:

    but, Blonde Ambition, I think you have MK and Ashley confused.

  4. california angel says:

    “What happen to the cute little girls that turned into very intelligent business teens….no they are just bulemic, alcoholic, drug addicts….who don’t do anything worth while anymore..”

    hmm…i’ve been 2 out of 3 of those things and i accomplish worthwhile things everyday…since when does an eating disorder, alcholism, or drug addiction make anyone’s actions worthless…Jesus what are we, in the stone ages?

  5. AC says:

    the girl in black looks fabulous. They both look like they’ve put on much needed poundage and look great.

  6. Bodhi says:

    I think th eone in black is Ashley ❓

    MK can actually speak. She did a pretty good job on last season of Weeds. But I bet they are entitled bitches from hell anyway

  7. Kelly says:

    Hate them cause they drive drunk endangering other peoples’ lives, not because they are thin. Them being thin doesn’t affect anybody but them. Why are they entitled?? They’ve worked since they were babies..they are not famous for doing absolutely nothing. Kudos to them for not giving a crap about how others think they should dress!

  8. Bodhi says:

    For the record… I kinda like how they dress…

  9. Bellatrix says:

    Yep, Bodhi, Ashley is wearing the black dress in these pictures…
    But I’m starting to find Mary-Kate prettier these last few years, especially since she isn’t anorexic anymore (or doesn’t seem to be).

    The Olsen twins may go out clubbing until the early morning but you rarely hear any scandal about them. No upskirts, no girl fights, no insults, no, they’re pretty good on staying on the “good girl” radar.

    That – and the cuteness of Michelle Tanner’s baby smile – makes me like the Olsen twins.
    And their strong fashion statements too. Because they can pull of those crazy Balenciaga shoes. Yes, I find that positive.

  10. Mr. T says:

    Rich white people don’t like to be upstaged by richer whiter people.

  11. Scott F. says:

    Which ever one is in black (have never been able to tell them apart) is actually pretty cute, and looks reasonably healthy. I am a little shocked to hear people saying positive things about how the other one looks though.

    Granted, I’m a hetero male who’s still got a large section of his closet devoted to 90’s era Seattle grunge flannel, but since when is a golden potato sack a dress? Not to mention it looks like if I touched her hair, I would come away with more oil than the exxon valdez.

    I understand the bedhead look, but should it really look like you were sleeping for 2 weeks?

  12. Syko says:

    You know, I’d be pissed. Yes, they are too thin. But it’s not up to the barrista (barristo? coffee maker!) to decide what to give them. If they want low fat, they should get low fat.

    That’s as bad as the guy at Denny’s who always spit in the nachos because he hated to make them. Almost.

  13. vdantev says:

    Yeah, they’re skinny- so what ? Put down the fork, West End.

  14. Blisterd says:

    They’re in a position I think a lot of us wish we were in (I know I do): enough cash to last them the rest of their lives, and they’re very young. Now, we all have our quirks, it’s just that these two now have enough time to fully explore theirs. They did give up their childhood, so what the hell? Let them have their coffee however they want it. Personally, I’d like to get footage of them going to town on a giant prime rib, with potatoes, butter, sour cream, plenty of au jus and big glass of milk or coke or something. That would be erotic–as long as they kept it all down.

  15. tvf says:

    If they were the sue-happy type, I could see a lawsuit coming out of this. The barista is essentially threatening their livelihood by messing with their ‘diet’ – if, say, Renee Zellweger was trying to lose weight after a Bridget Jones movie, or Christian Bale was trying to lose weight for another Machinist-type role, and a barista repeatedly pulled a stunt like this, I think it could definitely be argued that the barista was interfering with the actor/actress’s ability to make a living. And I don’t think a barista can afford to pay what either of the twins make for one day’s work.

  16. gg says:

    I call BS on this. At my local Starbucks in Nashville, they tell me they do not use whole milk anymore. Their standard milk is lowfat.

  17. CWall says:

    Local celebrites can be great, they can bring a lot to a neighborhood. I live in Savannah, GA where Paula Deen lives and locals hate her too. When i read this article I thought of her.

    Deen never contributes to local fund raisers, does nothing for local charities and you never see her at events supporting the community. She is on one commercial promoting the dentist that put in her veneers.

    You never hear about good stuff that the Olsen’s do. Even Paris Hilton gives to orphans. They seem very stuck on themselves and dont notice that there are other people in this world

  18. raincoaster says:

    gg is right: the standard milk at Starbucks is 2% now. And any fool can tell the difference between full-fat and skim by the taste; experienced skim drinkers can tell just by LOOKING at it. I worked at Starbucks for seven years and I can tell you that barista would have gotten complaints, and he would have gotten a talking-to by the manager. You could get away with this maybe twice, but the thing about rich people is, they complain if it’s not what they ordered. I don’t think this story is true, but I would also bet the barista SAID it was true.

  19. LiLi says:

    Bellatrix, you don’t remember the Heath Ledger/Mary Kate scandal a few months ago? After finding Heath’s body, his masseuse speed dialed Mary Kate before calling for help.

  20. Nan says:

    Yes, Cindy. There are all kinds of fat women who envy thin women. Instead of working out like they should they tunnel their energy into bashing women who they will never be.

  21. velvet elvis says:

    Okay this story is just plain retarded

  22. lanette says:

    slow news day?

  23. hello says:

    I used to have a class in the same building as one of the Olsens when they started at NYU. Let me tell you. Their security is ridiculous, especially in New York, where people really don’t notice who they’re walking past on the street most of the time, and if they do, don’t bother. It’s like a desperate “look at me!”

    And don’t even get me started on their special treatment in the hell class “Writing the Essay.” 3 absences for any other Freshman and you failed, but not the Olsens. AHHHH!

  24. fgh says:

    I think they look a lot healthier in that photo than in the past that’s for sure! They’re lovely when they smile but never do…it’s odd.

  25. mollination says:

    Starbucks still HAS whole milk tho

  26. Susan says:

    Wow–I’m shocked at the barista that altered their choice of milk! It makes me worry that the coffees I occassionally order with soy milk are ever intentionally altered…

  27. Leah says:

    As a Starbucks barista myself, I’d have to say that I’d be tempted to use whole milk instead of nonfat… just for my own little evil laugh ;-D

    The difference between nonfat milk and whole milk in a latte though is VERY noticeable. You can look at it and tell the difference, not to mention the taste. So, either the story isn’t true, or the Olsen twins are just really unobservant.

    But the barista is described as an “ex-barista”… maybe this is why? 🙂

    But no, Susan, we wouldn’t use regular milk when a customer asks for soy, or give a customer caffeinated coffee/espresso when they requested decaf. That can literally kill some people, or make them really, really, really sick.