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15 Responses to “Ashlee Simpson almost called off wedding at last minute over clash with dad”

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  1. Vince says:

    Who wants to bet me that this story wasnt planted to get drama out there since no one cared about the wedding itself?

  2. LiLi says:

    i think i would be a little sad if i were pregnant on my honeymoon at 23.
    the saying, when you become a parent everything changes, is very true

  3. Bodhi says:

    I agree Vince. Seems like a bunch of bullshit to me. Like Asslee knows anything about Buddism ๐Ÿ™„

  4. KateNonymous says:

    The only thing that makes this sound even remotely genuine is the involvement of Papa Joe. Given how much control he seems to require over his daughters, I can see him insisting on officiating no matter what.

  5. JennGush says:

    I swear PW shops in the juniors department at Sears.

  6. gg says:

    Please tell me Pete’s ridiculous pants and blue jacket are part of the Alice in Wonderland theme …

    Also, how stupid is it to make as the theme of your wedding, an annoying fairy tale where mayhem reigns. The black theme is an ugly idea as well. Never let a 23-year-old plan a wedding; not even her own. ๐Ÿ™„

  7. KateNonymous says:

    I once came back from a wedding where the bride’s grandmother told us the theme was “seashells.” I repeated this to a co-worker who said, “Wasn’t ‘wedding’ enough of a theme for her?” I understand the desire for color schemes, but I don’t get the whole theme thing, Alice in Wonderland or otherwise.

  8. Jody says:

    It’s too bad that Pete feeds into the controlling father bit, every chance he gets it seems.
    Nothing like a perpetuated cycle to get your hopes up for the future.

  9. Diva says:

    As a rule, I don’t dislike Ashlee and Pete…they’re cute, young and dumb, but I don’t hold that against them. HOWEVER… the whole running off and threatening to cancel the wedding because of a last minute change that your father who paid for the wedding is unhappy about is sooooo stupid and ridiculous! Clearly the plan was already set, why in God’s name (no pun intended) would this girl decide to do the Buddhism thing? For no good reason but publicity and press. Ridiculous.

    Btw, why do other people get to decide what’s “appropriate” for someone else’s wedding??? If someone wants a themed wedding, why the hell is it anyone else’s place to make a judgement call??? A wedding should be a PERSONAL choice of the bride and groom, with reasonable consideration for their parents.

  10. Jaundice Machine says:

    I seriously doubt the authenticity of this article.
    While I believe little Ashley wanted to “rebel” against her father by having a Buddhist priest officiate her wedding, neither she, nor her sister, have ever stood their own against Big Papa Joe. I find it hard to believe that she grew a spine overnight. (Wasn’t it just a week or two ago that her dad sold her out for “Newlyweds II”?)

    The part about Wentz convincing Ashley to go along with the it does have a ring of truth, though. He probably fought tooth and nail to have a Goth Wonderland themed wedding, and there was no way he’d let Ashley’s bitch-fit ruin his Big Day, goddamnit!

  11. Mairead says:

    LMFAO @ Jaundice Medicine’s comment! ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†

    Y’know some of the elements I like the sound of – but only Jack White could ever get away with that colour-scheme.

    But they did miss a trick there – they could have had Papa Joe and Random Buddhist Dude (probably the actor Paris was photographed with) parroting the vows simultaneously – just like Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. velvet elvis says:

    Seriously who cares about Ashlee Simpson’s wedding. Until there’s some news of her releasing a sex tape, don’t bother me with her.

  13. Trillion says:

    Alice in Wonderland theme? A bit close on the heels of the Marilyn Manson thing, Pete. Douche.

  14. I choose me says:

    I heart Diva and her very sensible opinions. ๐Ÿ˜€

  15. jj says:

    None of that is true!