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14 Responses to “America’s Next Top Model winner attempted suicide”

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  1. Dagmar says:

    Watch for Caridee on the “Tyra Banks Show”. That Tyra will exploit anyone, and the ANTM girls seem to have an obligation to her, so you just KNOW there will be an “intervention” type thing coming our way soon.

  2. devilgirl says:

    No man/woman is worth taking your life over! In most cases, one is lucky to rid themselves of the other person.

  3. Blonde Ambition says:

    I did not see something like this out of her, I can say she has been my favorite winner so far, but everyone has break-ups…I mean come one..

    I think if Tyra stepped in, that WOULD push her over the edge….

  4. kate says:

    i hate that dress.

  5. vdantev says:


    So if the girls who win this show are the next top model, wtf happens to them afterward? This is the first time I’ve heard a peep out of any of them afterward.

  6. I choose me says:

    Hey at least she’s getting invited to Hollywood VIP parties. I mean Sean P Diddy Combs. He’s somebody famous right? (tongue firmly in cheek)

    I hope she gets well though and I agree with Devilgirl. Never define yourself by your relationships. That way leads to well…depression.

  7. amy says:

    if you remember from cycle 7, CariDee admitted to having attempted suicide in the past. I’m willing to bet that this attempt wasn’t purely based on relationship trouble, clearly she has some form of underlying MD if she had prescription medication for depression and anxiety. The bf drama may just have been the tipping point.

  8. lanette says:

    tyson beckford would not touch that with a ten foot pole..

    what lies and garbage….

    i have never seen him with anyone of her “hue”..
    you wish….

  9. Jen says:

    My first thought was, What would she have to be depressed about? And yet, I am so wrong, because as someone who’s suffered from depression for 16 years, it can truly strike anyone. I hope she gets the correct medication and help. Depression doesn’t discriminate. 😥

  10. The truth giver says:

    Lanette, Tyson has dated several white women.. a bit jealous are you??

    of her hue.. give me a break wierdo.

  11. Other Karen says:

    I’ve never seen the Top Model show, but is this really the best they’ve got? She’s got a great figure, but the face doesn’t seem quite fresh enough or distinct enough or pretty enough in comparison with most of the photos we see these days. Yes modeling involves lots of other things too, but don’t you also have to have the right face?

  12. M English says:

    I am very angry with this whole thing. Cari did go out to drink becuase her boyfriend did break up with her. Not only that, he took $10,000 out of her bank account after stealing her card after she kicked him out of the house. He still hadn’t got a job after 2 years of living off Cari’s money.

    She has medication for her skin desease that does dehydrate her and when mixed with alcohal, makes it worse obviously. She’s fine already but she didn’t try to commit suicide. SHE DID NOT TRY TO COMMIT SUICIDE. The story was very twisted.
    I am her first cousin and I am setting this straight dammit. 👿

  13. phoenix_simone_xoxo says:

    Yes Lanette, Tyson has been known to date white women and if I am not mistaken his baby’s mother is white. Why is it of your concern who he chooses to date anyway? I get so tired of black women (I am black myself) being hung up on who brothas date. Get a life for crying outloud.

  14. Smarty says:

    cari didnt attemp suicide she got dehydrated from her pills from her intox but she did not attemp suicide she was my babysitter and she would always saw “ill stab myself, with a spoon, in my toe, my little toe.”