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14 Responses to “Is America suffering from ‘Lohan fatigue?’”

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  1. UrbanRube says:

    I know I’m suffering from leggings fatigue.

  2. vdantev says:

    I’ve started putting needles in 3 little dolls with their names on them if that’s what you mean.

  3. neelyo says:

    People feel sorry for Britney but they don’t for Lohan. As mush as people make fun of Britney, I think they want her to get over her troubles. Her behavior seems to stem from emotional issues and I think people just think that Lohan is entitled and mean.

  4. Bodhi says:

    This family epitomizes self-absorbtion. Sure, they were pretty entertaining at first, but now its clear just how ridiculous they are.

  5. Syko says:

    Exactly, Neelyo. No matter how entertaining Britney was, you still wanted her to do better. I find I’m hoping for the Lohans to do worse.

  6. Little Hutt says:

    Then could we stop talking about her? M’kayThanksByeByeNow.

  7. Jody says:

    Amen UrbanRube, is she that depressed over missing leggings in the 80’s? Take that shit off already.
    I’m sorry, but leggings make every outfit look like you’re headed to the gym, but couldn’t take the time for appropraite gym attire.
    (Lindsay’s voice)”Having to change from my miniskirt for cardio used to really bum me out, until I found these leggings, now I can be gym ready in no time…every time!”
    Leggings are horrid, stop wearing them, and certainly don’t try for your own line– how many directions are there to go with leggings anyway? C’mon.

  8. devilgirl says:

    What a stupid question to ask! Of course everyone is sick of the no talent creep. I don’t know where anyone ever got the idea that the general public EVER cared about her!

  9. Larissa says:

    whats with the leggings thing? I mean, its not actually a fashion trend, its jsut a piece of clothing like a tee or whatever…so ppl do over use it sometimes but I tend to over use my skinny jeans too! so what?! thats what acessories are for, alright? lol

    and I totally agree with mrs. Hutt on this one…I cant stand seeing posts about the L´Hoes anymore, and as from this one, am not commenting or reading it anymore! 😆

  10. poopie says:

    I am embarrassed to admit that i DID watch the first episode of LOSER LOHAN on E! and it was just AWFUL. that ALI beesh is about as ‘entitled’ as they come. and she THINKS she can SING. it was just AWFUL. I COULD DO BETTER carrying a tune that this kid. what is with these people? ‘i want to paint, so i’ll be a painter now’.. ‘ want to sing, so i’ll be a singer now’.. i want to act, so i’ll be an actor now..’it was awful. the mother is a total jerkwad..i won’t be watching anymore of this waste of film..

  11. KateNonymous says:

    I think it’s broader than that. I think it’s Starlet Fatigue. For years we’ve heard endless updates about these girls who haven’t done anything since 2003 or so. Why? They aren’t interesting. Not one of them. And neither are their mothers.

    I’m not watching Denise Richards’ show, either, but at least she had her own career. Dina Lohan? Please.

  12. Bellatrix says:

    All I do not understand is how come her T-shirt looks te be sporting a faded look à la tie&dye in the first picture but then seems to be plain gray in the others.

    That’s all I can still care about when it comes to the Lohans.

  13. Rae says:

    She should take her last $50,000 and go to college for a Theatre major for three-four years. It’s the only thing that’ll get her hired again eventually.