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26 Responses to “Is Alanis Morissette pregnant?”

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  1. M says:

    Umm she just recently said she used to battle bulimia or something on top of that depression. This probably doesn’t help.

  2. CJ says:

    OK so she has been battling depression, she’s probally on meds and I’m pretty sure you can’t drink on those meds.

  3. Embee says:

    Love love love that picture of her rocking out with her hair all wild. She is such a rock star! Look at her face–she’s totally having a blast. Alanis could put on 50 lbs and she’d still be an inspiration.

  4. Anon says:

    I don’t give a damn because I adore Alanis

  5. gg says:

    If she’s on meds for depression, she is just following orders to not drink. NOBODY should be drinking while taking depression meds. I know many people do, but it’s really not smart. Your ability to handle the alcohol is totally changed.

  6. Megan says:

    I agree, sometimes people put on weight for reasons other than pregnancy, it’s perfectly normal for your body to change over the course of your life without pregnancy being involved. I guess the media just think women wouldn’t DARE put on weight unless they were pregnant.

  7. RhymesWithSilver says:

    She’s Alanis F*ing Morissette! Aren’t we supposed to kick our own butts with righteous girl anger for even caring about her weight? She’d be awesome even if she was borrowing ballgowns from Aretha Franklin.

  8. Larissa says:

    gaining a lil extra wieght is one of those things that come with age, for most of women thats totally normal, plus antidepressive medication is well known to have gain of weight as one if its side effects! and as Alanis goes, I dont think she ever tried to have a certain body “image”, or any kind of image at all…lol
    Now honestly, I´d like her to have a baby sometime, I think it would totally change her perspective on life and produce even more wonderful music! but thats just me ya know…. 😛

  9. devilgirl says:

    Why is it when someone refuses to drink they are automatically “pregnant”- I’ve gone through a rough break-up recently and I have gained 6lbs. I am not drinking either. The last thing I need to do is drunk dial the bastard, boo-hhoing over the break-up. I need a clear head. Maybe, just maybe, Alanis doesn’t feel like drinking, and maybe just maybe, she isn’t obssessing about her weight like the rest of the world. Good for her!

  10. ^_^ says:

    She looks great. Why is this overweight, or at the very least even worth mentioning? This is contributing to the poor self esteem of women everywhere. Seriously, stop making posts about weight. Please? 🙁

  11. Meredith says:

    I gained a LOT of weight after a friend died and from depression meds. I wish I looked as fantastic as she does now! Forget about weight — she rocks at any size and I wish her all the best!

  12. RaeJillian says:

    i would also like to mention, in case no one else has, VERY often if you take your depression serious and you are in an actual battle you don’t drink. drinking only helps you lose the fight with depression, if you are medicated it can make you sick and your medication work much less… :mrgreen:

  13. Alexa says:

    Alanis did an interview last week where she said her boyfriend was a lawyer but she wasn’t going to mention his name since they didn’t want to give him any unwanted attention. They have been dating I think the article said since Christmas?

  14. poodlehopper says:

    This does not look like pregnancy weight. If she is depressed, many anti-depressants can cause significant weight gain. Some persons suffering with depression have eating boughts.

    I wish her the best.

  15. Lisa says:

    Just want to chime in and say STOP making posts about weight/cellulite/etc. because Hollywood standards are insane and people should not feel bad for being who they are.

    I LOVE ALANIS no matter what. And that is interesting about “Hands Clean”! It puts the song in context, very cool.

  16. Dingles says:

    She could gain all the weight in the world and still get her shit done. Why? Because when your career is based on TALENT and not plastic boobs and mini skirts, you can get away with gaining a few pounds.

  17. Jaundice Machine says:

    Don’t let the bastards grind you down, Alanis.

  18. paris herpes says:

    Wow she sure chunked out! Sorry…it just slipped!

  19. Silly Lilly says:

    the only reason I would think it is because she has that glowy thing with her face. As far as this being “overweight” … OMG please let me be like that and be called overweight. WOMEN HAVE CURVES THEY ARE NOT ANDROGENOUS NOR ARE THEY CHILDREN NOR ARE THEY BOYS. I wish everyone would just get OVER it. I hate stick figures. I think she looks NORMAL. And as someone else so eloquently put it.. just for THINKING About discussing her weight you need to go kick your own butt….

  20. drm says:

    She is SO beautiful…from one Canuck to another Alanis you kick ass girl…hang in there it gets better and easier. And how nice to read such positive comments from the sisters on here…

  21. Mairead says:

    I wholeheartedly agree with dingles and co – although she was originally an anodyne teenybopper she’s built her reputation on talent and a good work ethic. Her fans will buy her stuff if it’s good – the only people that this affects are the marketeers. But even that’s not as clear-cut. Look at the singer Adele for example or even Gnarls Barkley.

    Besides, she’s not that big, she’s just pear-shaped – and is positively glowing! If she’s pregnant, that’s brilliant and congratulations 😀 if not, so what, she’s still great.

  22. spinner says:

    Alcohol is a depressant, so if you are suffering from depression, you probably should not be drinking alcohol. Sometimes, the explaination is just that simple.

  23. Jessica says:

    Alanis is totaly awsome and wether or not that is true we still love her !!!!



  24. silly says:

    no problem. all she needs to do is start barfing again.

  25. not.moses says:

    I was the co-administrator of her online fan club in 1996-97. Alanis has had eating disorder difficulties since way back. (She’s not alone among major female artists in this respect.) This is a genius, fer crissake. (Ever see “Amadeus?”) I sense from things she’s said that she runs herself like a freight train because her creativity is so exciting to her. Overrunning one’s autonomic nervous system’s ability to keep the body in “balance” goes with the territory oftentimes.

  26. Mason says:

    She is pregnant now, It’s a fact.