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24 Responses to “Lindsay & Samantha’s friends talk about their relationship”

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  1. Ron says:

    She doesn’t need to acknowledge anything. If it’s working for her, good for her!

  2. CeeJay says:

    I guess this is a good thing, but it always concerns me when someone pegs their happiness or healthy lifestyle on someone else. When there’s a breakup these are the relationships that make headlines, and not in a good way. Have to say that I suspect this supposed “romantic” relationship may be more of a P.R. ploy than an actual relationship. Sure, they’re friends and have been for years, but I wonder if they’ve purposely promoted the romantic angle to keep the media’s attention diverted from her prior screw ups.

  3. Celebitchy says:

    There was a person posing as “tia” “res” “ericka,” etc. Comments made under multiple nicknames get deleted.

  4. Cheeky Monkey says:

    Didn’t Samantha set Lindsay up with the Paps last year passed out in her car? What about leaving Lindsay at the scene of her accident where coke was found in her car? Are these positive influences, or does the public have a short-term memory, like Lindsay?

  5. elisha says:

    I a little bit agree with Cheeky Monkey. Plus, Samantha’s face looks a little guant like she’s still using.

    Also, wasn’t Lindsay dating another girl before this? Courtenay Semel? Lindsay has poor taste in women, looks-wise.

  6. vdantev says:

    That’s no woman, that’s a man, baby !


  7. MISSY says:

    Im happy Lindsey feels safe with Samantha, it’s obvious she is seeking positive feminine influences that her sorry ass mom could not provide

  8. Syko says:

    I was thinking the same thing, Cheeky Monkey – this person props you up in a car while you’re passed out, open mouthed and drooling, so that the paps can take your picture, and you trust her?

  9. kk says:

    I don’t really see anything indicating a romantic relationship here… but maybe that’s just me… … …

  10. Alexis says:

    I agree the most important thing in a relationship is definitely trust. Trust and then, secondly, a penis. I think it would be really difficult to give it up, just like that. I don’t see this relationship lasting very long. Then, because she never came out, Lindsay will just say they were only ever friends.
    I see Samantha being heartbroken over this one.

  11. lola says:

    I doubt she is gay. I think she is experimenting. She has had too many men, too young, now she is bored.

    Whe you are gay in hollywood, it starts defining you and before you know it, you are bitter like Rupert Everrett and Rosie O’Donnell. Or pretending to be happy like Helen Degeneres and eventually dying miserable like Yves St Laurent. RIP. Look at T.R Knight now it is what every one knows him for. His career will never reach dizzying heights. If I was gay, I would just tell people it is non of their business like Ricky Martin or Clay Aiken. That way your career has a chance.

  12. Lisa Seagren says:

    As much as I could give a crap about anyone the paps chase around, the losers they stalk do deserve some privacy.

  13. Amy says:


    I completely agree and I know assholes like Perez think it is their *duty* to be in the open, but it seriously isn’t anyone’s business!

    Maybe some gay people don’t feel obligated to be poster children for gay rights. Maybe they just want to live their life and be happy.

  14. sallysitwell says:

    Is there a reason why Lindsay is walking out of a supermarket and into a Boy George video?

  15. tobiasfunke says:


    I think Sally Sitwell and I are on the same page when I say when you’re nailing Lindsay Bluth Funke, you are not feigning happiness.

  16. gg says:

    @ Alexis took the, um, words right out of my mouth. 😆

  17. janica_21 says:

    i think lindsay is having a great time with her bff.. whether she is lesbian or bisexual just leave her alone.. it’s seems like, it’s a give and take relationship though…they are both happy!
    the bottom line is: “is “loving” someone a crime?” 8)

  18. xiaoecho says:

    One thing can’t be denied – Lindsay’s never looked happier 😐

    She’s glowing in that photo

  19. Jody says:

    @Sally Sitwell…or should I say, Sally “STICK”well..ha!
    love the name!

    Also, I agree, culture club revisited.

  20. Jody says:

    I had a roommate for about 2 years that went all Lindsay Lohan, and many people that we knew and worked with, wondered many times if she had a crush on me. Sometimes people see something in others that they are drawn to, and though they may not be romantic, it is still a very intimate relationship.

  21. kk says:

    Well said Jody!

  22. DC says:

    Until Lindsay says she is gay or bi, she’s not as far as I’m concerned. In spite of what some tabs are insinuating, they have never been photographed doing anything that would indicate a gay relationship. Lindsay likes guys too much to give it up.

    Perez Hilton thinks everyone is gay.

  23. hellcat says:

    @Lola: yes, because Ricky Martin and Clay Aiken’s careers are reaching dizzying heights, whereas Yves Saint Laurent…who?

  24. paris herpes says:

    Yeah they seem pretty normal and happy, no more “those aren’t my pants” Lindz for awhile. IT’s in time too, to save her career and all she needs to lay off the booze and drugs…seriously…