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15 Responses to “Hayden Panettiere wants to become a pop music star”

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  1. Ron says:

    Doesn’t everyone????? And regarding “designing” anything, they are called licensing deals, 90% of the celeb lines have nothing to do with the celeb other than them saying “Oh My God that tampon holder with the Hello Kitty on it is super cute!” next thing you know it’s the Paris Hilton tampon holder. Size Super of course.

  2. Cmora says:

    Hayden has already done a single on a kids movie (Cinderella 3) She sounded great! This isn’t exactly breaking news, I believe the movies been out a few years.

  3. Jody says:

    I’m sorry I missed Cinderella 3 at the theaters…oh wait, it went direct to video, so unless you’re a Disney nut or have young girls, this probably is new information.

  4. janica_21 says:

    she’s nice..i never heard her sing but i think she will be doing good..(a normal instinct 😛 )

  5. Roma says:

    So, were the Glamour Woman of the Year Awards just an excuse for all the women in attendance to get sloppy drunk? Because she almost looks like Lily here.

  6. Kevin says:

    Funny thing is everyone else wants her to become a porn star.

  7. Codzilla says:

    Jody, you crack me up. So does the thought of Hayden Pane-whatever recording an album of shitty pop songs.

  8. Scott F. says:

    Why can’t these people just be happy? If most of us had a job that required hardly any physical exertion, education, sobriety, or responsibility – all the while being paid more in a week than most people see in 5 years, we’d be pretty happy just doing that wouldn’t we?

    I’d like to believe this phenomenon stems from the fact that deep deep down in their subconscious they realize that they shouldn’t be pocketing seven figures for playing pretend for a living. It’s an attempt to somehow justify their worth by saying ‘see! I have a talent and ability that’s worth these obscene amounts of money while single parents that work 70 hours a week can barely make ends meet’.

    Notice I said ‘I’d like to believe’. Because deep deep down in my subconscious, I don’t think most of these people care half that much.

  9. Mairead says:

    Scott, your confusion is misdirected in this case. The real mindf*ck is that she honestly thinks a reggae song is a good idea. 🙄

    It wasn’t a great idea when Sinéad “Father Bernadette”O’Connor did it, and that woman had the voice of an angel.

  10. vdantev says:

    I’d like to be a heart surgeon, so maybe one day when I become an idle rich cute flavor of the month, they’ll finally let me, right ?

  11. This girl is eternally pudgy. Why doesn’t she focus on that?

  12. Leah says:

    Reggae? Uh, okay.

    And I don’t think she’s pudgy. Sure, compared to anorexic-looking stars like Kate Bosworth and Keira Knightley [currently] she seems pudgy, but in general – she’s fine.

  13. Kevin says:

    HHmmmm cindy Kennedy= anonymous realist?

  14. Jody says:

    HA! Kevin– I just spit my very hot tea all over myself.

  15. Sharique says:

    Big ups tha site. Ja Bless