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14 Responses to “Kate Hudson took Ryder to Lance’s hometown; doesn’t discuss new relationship”

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  1. Banana Boat says:

    Her eyes are so wide set. She reminds me of Big Bird (Sesame Street) for some reason.

  2. lulu says:

    i can’t believe she’s only 29. she looks older than that.

  3. headache says:

    I really don’t bash her per se but I do find it odd that she wastes little time introducing Ryder to the men she dates. It may not seem like a lot of guys to date for a single mother but it does for a little boy.

    Why not wait until the relationships is established as a long term one before introducing Ryder to her boyfriend?

  4. Keith Orchard says:

    I hate the way this site throws around the phrase “single mom”. What a joke. What part of her is single by the way. That phrase should be used to describe a woman who has no one to help her parent. This is not the case, she has her ex, and whatever flavor of the week. And just to make a point, I never thought bad about her for whoring, I see her as nasty for sleeping with one of her ex’s best freinds. But armstrong is the worste offender, bro’s before ho’s. He’s a scumbag. No matter what, YOU NEVER HOOK UP WITH A FREINDS EX, there are too many women out there.

  5. Kevin says:

    hey Headache! Where u been? I always thought Kate was pretty cute but those photos do make her look kinda fish faced. As far as her dating a lot of guys,,,why the hell not. the best one is the next one I always say,,,but then again I’m a bit of a manwhore….in additional news her ex has hooked up with a yeti.

  6. kimmi says:

    I bash her for the same reason we bash people like LiLo. Kate may be more mature and a little less crazy than those bitches are, but she still runs from one relationship to a next with little thought for stability. And to make matters worst, she keeps introducing her short term flings to her son (who must be hella confused by the number of “uncles” he has). And by the way, hooking up with Owen’s friend mere weeks after she breaks up with him is slutty (even though Lance is as much to blame as she is).
    I am just sick and tired of how easily she “falls in love”, and how every time she has “never been happier”. She is a mom for heaven’s sakes. She needs to chill the fuck out.

  7. Keith Orchard says:

    Perfectly put. I love when celeb’s say “my first priority is my child(ren)”. They are saying that on the way out of the bar at 3 am. It’s funny, if their kids were their first priority, they would be home with them.

  8. aljaska says:

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  9. saintdevil says:

    Wow, she really looks a bit saggy-droopy-faced.

    As for Lance Armstrong: I don’t get his appeal at all.

    As for being a single mom and always dating new guys:
    It might seem hard for her to get stability into her life but that’s what kids need. I think they are far less progressive or modern in their wants&needs than some Hollywood-Moms seem to hope.

  10. silly lilly says:

    Keith I SO AGREE WITH YOU! I am a divorced mom of 2 with a VERY involved ex husband who splits everything 50/50 with me. I hate when people say to me wow you are a single mom? I say no, I am a divorced mom…. I am NOT a single mom. I WISH people would stop referring to THIS spoiled brat as a single mom. SIngle with Nanny mom…. divorced mom, anything but SINGLE MOM. There are women parenting all by themselves and their situation is SINGLE MOM. This spoiled brat who bed hops and thinks she is much more than she is… just like her spoiled and unaware mother, (I dont like them)…is not a single mom.

    And Lance Armstrong…. makes me sick. LIVE STRONG so that you can betray every person you bed? LIVE STRONG so that you can humiliate first your wife and then Sheryl Crow and then a STRING of women. What an absolute WASTE of an opportunity to actually “GET IT” about what is important in life. He became the most self loving arrogant creep ever. AND he is ugly.

  11. Bodhi says:

    Chill out y’all! Kate doesn’t refer to herself as a single mom at all in her chat with Ryan. She & Chris Robinson are still very close & he is very much involved in raising his son.

    CB, I agree with you. I like Kate alot & don’t understand why people harsh on her so much.

  12. kimmi says:

    Just because you like someone, doesn’t meant the person does not have deficiencies. I am sure even riff raff (including Paris) have fans.

  13. geronimo says:

    Jeebus. So puritanical. How dare she live her life the way she wants! And all this concern over her kid kills me?! What’s that about?? Too many uncles? I’m sure he’ll do just fine. Why should her laid-back approach to dating take away from her ability to take good care of her son?

  14. AP says:

    It’s a free country… last time we checked anyway. I’m sure the kid’s fine.