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16 Responses to “Brooke Hogan “freaked out” over her mom dating her schoolmate”

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  1. Bobafet says:

    He may be 19 but he has the thinning hairline of a 40 yr old man. All these blonde tan people. Ugh, grosses me out. They must all be some real aryan narcissists because they only seem to date people who look exactly like themselves.

  2. elisha says:

    Looks like she dressed him in those pics. Also, I still think he looks more like her husband than her son. I think people just say he looks like Nick because Hulk’s gf looks like Brooke (who looks like her mom, so Hulk’s gf also looks like his ex wife).

  3. devilgirl says:

    Two words: Trailer trash

  4. Mr. T says:

    Trailer trash indeed. No fool like an old fool.

  5. anon69 says:

    truly pathetic and really, not even that much fun to watch-

  6. Orangejulius says:

    A boytoy sounds OK to me – just not one of my kid’s friends.

  7. DogRunner says:

    Linda actually looks like her daughter Brooke in these pictures…..I guess being with this guy is like tapping into the ‘fountain of youth’.

    However, these are some nasty, nasty looking people.

  8. Dingles says:

    They look like they deserve each other. *shudder*

  9. steph says:

    Brooke needs to rise above her family and hang in there

  10. Syko says:

    I’ve been known to amuse myself with the occasional boy toy, but never one of my kids’ buddies. Imagine the guys going out for a beer and my boy toy forgetting and bragging about his nocturnal adventures to my child. That’s sick.

    And that guy looks much older.

  11. Iota says:

    Is Brooke the only one in her family to have an iota of common sense or decency? But really, once this young guy gets done playing with mom’s fake bouncies and realizes that she is a mental midget he will move along to a young thing with more substance. At least that SHOULD be his natural progression.

  12. Can’t get over says:

    I can’t get over the fact that they look like they are getting ready to shoot a ’70’s porno. Am I wrong people??!!!!

  13. insidescoop says:

    Are you sure that he is 19? He looks 45

  14. jack mehoff says:

    i wish i was him i would plow that shit till next year

  15. Dave says:


    Please get your parents back togeather!

    I miss Hogan Knows Best!

  16. Phalecia says:

    I don’t see why she is not ok with her mom’s relationship but she is ok with her father and his younger girlfriend. Seriously, wrong is wrong. Both parents are wrong for dating while still married to each other.They are both dating younger people. They are both dating someone who looks like a younger version of their spouse. It’s all wrong. If she’s upset than she should be mad at both of them.