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23 Responses to “Madonna’s brother has written a tell-all biography about her”

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  1. vdantev says:

    My, what an original thing to do- NOT !! Damn parasite. Worse, another Detroit white boy flashing a gang sign at a camera because he thinks it makes him cool. What a jag-off.

  2. devilgirl says:

    She is an old bitch who has long thought she is better than everyone around her. The only real talent that she has is marketing her marginal singing. She sucks as an actress and quite frankly strikes me as a pretentious, pompous witch! Can’t stand the woman. For the record, he is not a New York white boy, he is a Detroit white boy.

  3. daisy42465 says:

    You said it all devilgirl, but I would add, she needs to get her roots done.

  4. Leandra says:

    I know. That is so contrived looking. He and Madonna haven’t spoken for a long time so I guess this is his way of making something off her. It’s nice at least she is on good terms with her Dad, a nice old guy who loves his daughter.

  5. geronimo says:

    Snap judgement based solely on that pic: Unlikely to have his sister’s best interests at heart. I’d much prefer to read something by someone who really knows and likes her but is objective about her and whose primary motivation isn’t money.

  6. CandyKay says:

    It’s amazing that people never stop daydreaming about being famous when this is how it all turns out – even your family sells your secrets. She must wonder: who can she trust? I’m sure Lourdes’ book will be coming out around 2024, if they still have books by then.

  7. Alexis says:

    If Michael Madsen and Madonna had a love child…. right? Anyway, it could turn into a pretty good memoir if it’s all about his struggle with drinking and drugging in the shadows of his sister’s fame. That might be compelling stuff you know, what it’s like to be a gay man when your sister is a tremendous gay icon. But, if it’s about Madonna from his point of view, it’s bound to disappoint. If it’s all about pointing fingers at her and look how much drugs she did or how mean she is that would be so uninspired and useless.

  8. Alexis says:

    I’m sorry to say this but, I was just taking a second look at those photos and Madge looks exactly like the female gremlin. Way WAY to much plastic surgery. It’s sad that this how Madonna aged. I always thought she’d be more accepting of herself, more ‘this is me and f you if you don’t like it’ or something. Less desperate.

  9. snappyfish says:

    All hail devilgirl. well said. marketing was indeed Madonna’s talent.

  10. journey says:

    don’t bet this isn’t a madonna marketing ploy. tell-all book supposedly written by her brother, but really written by the madge-spin-cadre. if when it comes out it’s all about making madonna look like the second coming of wonder woman, we’ll know she was behind it all along. and if it has some sympathetic stuff that softens her hard-edged image it could be quite a coup. woman is a genius when it comes to self-promotion and re-invention.

  11. Tess says:

    Her arms look scary. Unattractive. Maybe she should try working out—-not so much.

  12. KateNonymous says:

    Is he going to tell us something about Madonna that will be shocking? What’s left to tell?

  13. velvet elvis says:

    Ewww..her arms are all tough and sinewy…kind of like that steak I had last night.

  14. Sarah says:

    OMG… don’t get this wrong… but you still own a ’91s copy of the Rolling Stone????? 😯 😮 I am in awe… 😉

  15. kate says:

    OMFG, she needs to stop working out so much. maybe that’s why she & guy are divorcing – he got sick of losing at arm wrestling!

  16. Alexis says:

    Soda just squirt out of my nose, that was funny! and painful!

  17. Anastasia says:

    She’s such an irrelevant old hag.

  18. anti-tox says:

    Common rumors and shameless risque behavior.. Being an unlovable power hungry bitch, she and other gal pals like Sandra Bernhard use to pick up street guys and gals and pay them to perform sex acts in the limo, then demean and dump them for fun.. and she’d call her friends over for sex parties when she was lonely.. I guess the worst was trying to get pregnant by anyone and bugging the chosen men to drop what they were doing and rush to her while she was ovalating.. But this is somewhat common knowledge.. what maybe still secret is the fact that her tolerance for deviant behavior increased over time and she probably surpassesd most of what is considered awful as the fun and pleasure comes mostly from harming another!

  19. abc123 says:

    good for him…..that bitch needs to be put in her place!

  20. Nan says:

    Journey is right, a marketing genius. Someone mentioned on this site that her roots are painted on. She has tons of money. Shouldn’t have roots. The fake roots are hiding the silver hair. Notice how the roots never get longer or go away. She is behind this book. She always supported her brother. He would never! She’s just getting crazier & thinks we are all dumb.

  21. allieg says:

    I still don’t understand why people dislike Madonna so much. I agree she has not aged well…But people talk about her as if they KNOW her.

    I mean maybe she is bitchy or not, who’s business is it anyway? Is all this negativity to do with the fact that she’s better off than most?

    So many other things going on this world why waste so negative vibes on a particular person?

  22. Des says:

    she is an energy vampire/sensory gratification prostitute etc etc. she has enslaved millions of young gay men for shame. she is in servitude to her producers and money men, blah blah. she needs more than jew religious doctrine these days. i’m saddened my mother bought her mid 80’s album. guess most of us were entranced and ignorant. peace. 🙄

  23. Jenny G says:

    I know these posts are old, but I just finally read this book. After reading the comments attacking Christopher, I hope those people actually read the book & feel silly. The book was not juicy, or cruel in any way. It was his perspective on being a sibling/employee to his sister & how it has affected his life. I think he was too nice in it personally, and I’m a HUGE Madonna fan. If you have billions of dollars, you don’t make your little sister pay her own way to your extravagant wedding in a castle over in Scotland! Please. She has given money to complete strangers in Malawai, but does not help her family out with ANYTHING!! I’m still a fan, but outraged by that. Isn’t that peoples’ dream come true, to be able to help your family?? I find that gross, but she is undeniably a talented woman!