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18 Responses to “Felicity Huffman and William H Macy on the beach”

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  1. Megan says:

    Finally, celebs that we can actually look up to.

  2. duda says:

    Love them, they work hard, raise their kids and have been married for over a decade!!! good for them! 8)

  3. geronimo says:

    I think I might be in love with these two.

  4. blabbermouth says:

    She’s great. Perhaps not a head-turning beauty like Denise Richards, but then, look how the “Wild Thing” turned out. We need more Felicity Huffman!

  5. Ron says:

    Bill Macy is truly the nicest guy in Hollywood! Love these two.

  6. Susan says:

    I like them too. He was awesome in Fargo.

  7. Keith Orchard says:

    I love WH Macy, he’s the greatest. Not full of himself, loves his family, not in the tabloids for doing blow and slapping hookers. They both look fantastic for being in their fifties.

  8. LiLi says:

    he could play “ned flanders” perfectly
    love him!

  9. I choose me says:

    Who knew the H in William H Macy stands for hot.

    What! Somebody’s got to make the bad jokes. May as well be me. 😛

  10. Sarah says:

    Eventually some celebs that stayed down to earth. I agree, they should get more rewards for their terrific work.

    But one thing… Bill, leave the mustache!! Though I have to agree with LiLi on that Flanders thing… LOL!

  11. kate says:

    wow…they look great! love them. cute kid, too.

  12. Mairead says:

    Well I Choose Me… you’re tryin’ … you’re just tryin’ to be coahperative here! 😆 😆 😆

  13. DogRunner says:

    Real people having fun with their family – not staged or for a publicity stunt.

  14. Mo says:

    Just to be an anal fan, their daughters are Sofia Grace (in the purple suit) and Georgia Grace (in the 5th pic).
    I love both Macy and Huffman, they are so un-Hollywood and have more talent than most in that town.

  15. Laura says:

    They are adorable! And for future reference, their couple name, as dubbed by Steven Colbert is “Filliam H Muffman”. 😆

  16. fee says:

    I love him in all of his films, loved him in Fargo. They just seem like such a down to earth family – other Hollywood couples should take note.

  17. sallysitwell says:

    Aw, I love those two. She seems so sassy and I like sass.

  18. Marie says:

    I just love them. They are both so talented. A couple hollywood can be proud of. Bill Macy is the most adorable thing, ever! And felicity is so beautiful. It is obviously that these to people are made for each other.