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9 Responses to “Britney Spears could get an Emmy nomination”

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  1. Mr. T says:

    Fat chance on this one.

  2. yeah, i said it says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how Hollywood keeps giving this…this…I don’t really know what to call it except a train wreck, chance after chance. Stop rewarding this whore for basically taking a shower and reading lines off a cue card.

  3. devilgirl says:

    Better her than Katherine Heigl I say.

  4. Mairead says:

    I suppose Britters could theoretically win an Emmy. Just as Robert Mugabe could win the Nobel Peace Prize if he shaped up and flew right 🙄

  5. elisha says:

    Good for her. I hope she gets a nom. SHe doesn’t have to win it, just get a nom.

  6. Pont Neuf says:

    Honestly, this is insane. Britney might have achieved a degree of popularity that few singers could ever even dream of touching, but that doesn’t validate this potential nomination… nor any other, for that matter.

    Basically, she is a non-entity whose only ability seems to reside in arising people’s interest through outright fabrications or else, outrageously embarrassing behaviour.

    Shame on anyone who actually takes interest in her stupidities.

  7. yeah, i said it says:

    Pont Neuf:
    June 12th, 2008 at 8:08 pm

    Totally agree, well said.

  8. AC says:

    ugg i mean she did an okay job… lets not get crazy! yeesh!

  9. Kevin says:

    I would love to hear her acceptance speech,,,if she doesn’t lip sync it. “Thank y’all so much!!! I’d like to thank my sponsors at Cheetos, Norelco razors, Elmer’s wigs and summer breeze feminine products. I’ve always wanted to be an actress when I finished my lip sync hing career,,,oh yeah and bite this Christina, bitch,,we see who has the real talent now sucka!”