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10 Responses to “Kid Rock hospitalized for dehydration”

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  1. Alexis says:

    I don’t know what it is. It’s probably his unreliableness or maybe his disheveledness but I think he is sexy. WHAAAA!!??
    I know I know but I’d take a dirtbag over a douchebag (John Mayer) any day.
    He’s not trying to hard, you know. In fact, I don’t think he’s really trying at all. Something about that is alluring. Although, he looks like his breath is a might unpleasant.

  2. Syko says:

    Don’t apologize, Alexis – I too have always had the hots for Kid Rock.

  3. Amy says:

    Any sex appeal he had went out the window when he hooked up with Pam, IMO. She seems so riddled with social disease, you know? Ick.

  4. Cari says:

    “I think a lot of people feel that way about Pamela Anderson’s stove.”


  5. Persistent Cat says:

    Kid Rock is usually upfront about his bad behaviour but he missed a show so there could be monetary or career repercussions. Get drunk and don’t do the show means you are not getting invited back next year and other festivals might think twice. Get “sick” and you have another shot.

    That’s my complete un-expert opinion but it makes sense.

  6. kate says:

    what kid really said was: “i touched the stove, and i got every STD known to mankind.” 😈

  7. xxx says:

    Yes, dehydration. More like coke/herion/anything and everything od. The pr spokesperseons treat people like they are as stupid as their clients.

  8. velvet elvis says:

    Dehydration = I got drunk as hell last night and puked my f#$%ing guts out until I passed out and then one of my bitches got kinda worried about me and took me to the hospital. Yea…I’ve suffered from dehydration before too.

  9. CJ says:

    Kid Rock is HOT

  10. CF says:

    Not the best picture of him but, he’s still SEXY!!!