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7 Responses to “Katie Price aims for the Olympics”

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  1. damion says:

    Love Jordan…she’s not just boobs and all..hope she makes the olympics !

  2. geronimo says:

    I like her, she’s never pretended to be anything other than what she is. Hope she makes it.

  3. Whelkin says:

    where does she actually say she wants to compete in the Olympics?

  4. Nan says:

    Sorry, but she looks only a little more comfy than Chris Reeve on a horse. She came in 6th & that’s no big deal. True equestrians are born, even if they start out later. One glimpse at a rider on a horse and you know. Great she has a hobby. Fantastic! But she’s getting delusional here. Putting the cart b/the horse so to speak. OK, I couldn’t help myself for saying that.

  5. Nan says:

    Oh, & someone needs to tell girlfriend or her makeup artist that it is usually normal to trim your faux lashes. Never put them on right out of the box, even if they are made by Shu Umera. They exaggerate them to give you the option to trim.

  6. jaime says:

    nan..have you not thought that she already knows that about the eye lashes but actualy likes them that long, you sound jealous of her…

  7. chloe says:

    katie price is the best but she should put on her pages about aims and goals