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14 Responses to “Benji Madden gushes about Paris as much as she does about him”

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  1. seVen says:

    Gag me with a fuckin spoon man. They’ll be on oprah in a few months- give it time

  2. Nan says:

    Hooked-nose, brown eyed beady bitch.

  3. Georgia says:

    Benji Madden can call up Ryan Seacrest all he wants to, to proclaim his love for Hilton. I notice that this happens whenever Hilton makes a fool out of herself; such as trying to buy another puppy for a photo shoot, or insulting people on public radio. PR is PR – nothing more. He only makes himself look ridiculous.

  4. Jen says:

    It’s all just so very, very contrived. Come on, the BFF’s who fall in love with twins? Uchhhh. Gross, gross, gross.

  5. Jessica says:

    I agree with you Jen, 100%. I have been saying that for months now. I belive Paris needs to get her own life.

  6. Leandra says:

    I do wish them well. I just hope they don’t decide to have a baby right away as I don’t think either one of them is quite mature enough or ready to settle down to a domestic life.

  7. elisha says:

    This is actually very sweet.

    Also, my parents had a double wedding, who does that?

  8. devilgirl says:

    Glad they gush about eachother, because the rest of the world pretty much can’t stand the two douche bag disease carrying media whores.

  9. silentA says:

    I hope Paris never has a baby.

    She’ll collect those like she collects puppies.

    Also, I had a terrible dream about Britney Spears, her kids and her dog London.
    …I think I need to lay off the blogs.

  10. A.J. says:


  11. gypsyjojo says:

    Anyone else think this moron is after her money? What else could anyone possibly see in this shallow selfish bitch? Blech. They deserve each other.

  12. Julie says:

    I don’t know . . . I think it’s kind of nice she’s given up the Greek shipping tycoons and Saudi oil barons for a regular guy. Maybe that’s what she needs.

  13. Jaundice Machine says:

    My sister was really into Good Charolette when were in high school. I distinctly remember her blaring “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” over and over again from the crappy little boom-box that I bought her for Christmas (which absolutely enraged me at the time).

    Seems pretty ironic he and his brother are both seemingly committed to poster children of the wealthy and elite. No?

  14. mollination says:

    Oprah would never have these asswipes on her show!! (I hope!)

    Second, I’m so sick of celebs thinking they are so much more talked about and important to us than they are! When Benji chimed in about how “Oh wait til tomorrow, Joel’s sentence “She’s my best friend” will turn into “Joel’s ready for fatherhood”) It’s like, Do these fucktards think we’re really hanging on their every word??!!??

    who ARE these people!?