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21 Responses to “Charlotte Church is knocked up again”

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  1. Rianna says:

    hes lucky it wasnt me. when i was pregnant i was psycho hormonal and i would have probably run his ass over in my car.

  2. Alexis says:

    He looks like a happy guy, no? He also looks about 15 years old, he plays rugby?? Usually I’m hot for them, not so much this guy. He strikes me as someone who’s wife has smacked him in the face more then a few times. It’s very definitely a “she’s got me by the balls” kinda face.

  3. Tammy says:

    They do look happy in that photo, don’t they?

  4. Syko says:

    My first thought was “Good god, again? She JUST had a baby” and then I remembered that I got pregnant with my second when the first was 9 months old.


  5. Jack says:

    Please get the story straight! Charlotte lives near me and Gavin was caught giving the girl a kiss that was it. He didn’t cheat on her, you really think she’d take him back if he did?!

    Congratulations Charlotte on your new baby 🙂

    ps it really is disrespectful to write “knocked up again”. Is that just because she isnt married?! You never write that for married folks!!

  6. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Isn’t this the same Charlie Church who disrespected the 9/11 firemen? Meh.

  7. Bodhi says:

    Wow, that was fast! Congrats!

    Her website says that the whole kicking-out-of-the-house thing was an invention of the press

  8. Syko says:

    I think “knocked up” is equally applied to both married and unmarried, Jack. One of the many many terms we use – “got a bun in the oven”, “in the family way”, etc. I was sort of surprised when I moved south and heard someone say “She’s carrying”, which I found to be a sort of charming term.

    Hang around Celebitchy a little more, Jack, you’ll see that we’re not prudes here, and really don’t care if babies are legitimate or not.

  9. lola says:

    Char has said she wanted a second child as soon as possible. I am actually happy for her. And babies are good for her because she had become a trainwreck. Not that they helped Britney!!!

  10. Bodhi says:

    And babies are good for her because she had become a trainwreck

    Um, no. Babies don’t solve any problems, they just compound them. I’m not ragging on babies, in fact, I rather like them!

  11. Codzilla says:

    Rianna, my thoughts exactly. And Jack, when your partner is seven months pregnant with your child, kissing some random chick still counts as a major offense in my book.

  12. vdantev says:

    That whole ‘be fruitful and multiply’ thing was just a suggestion, Char.

    And kaiser, can you verify this story and further yet, why do you still care ?

  13. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Vdantev – Google “Charlotte Church 9/11” if you don’t believe me. In late 2001, she said New Yorkers were being “over-dramatic” about the terrorist attacks, and that Americans need to “get over it” among other critiques. And I still care because I want bad things to happen to her, because I dislike her. Clear enough for you, honey?

  14. vdantev says:

    So 8 years ago a stupid girl with no political or sociological acumen of any sort said something insensitive and foolish about a situation she didn’t understand at all. So how do you feel about important informed people with opinions that actually affect real world policy?

    Therapy Kaiser- seek it.

  15. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    WTF are on about, Vdantev? Is this because I didn’t think your stupid autistic children “joke” was funny yesterday? Get a life.

  16. Mairead says:

    Actually the girl was a damned sight more of a “train wreck” when she was younger; talking about being one of the first of her friends to sleep with her (unsuitable) boyfriend at 16 – hooking with with another unsuitable boyfriend – falling all over the shop drunk… etc. etc.
    As for Sept. 11th, she would have been about 16 then too, so her brain wasn’t exactly in “thinking” mode.

    As for slapping Gavin Henson – i doubt it. Her hand would be glued to his cheek by all that fake-tan 😈

  17. Mairead says:

    Oh yeah, and “congrats” to Charlotte 😳

  18. vdantev says:

    I could explain it to you 14 times but you’d never get it anyway. So go ahead and be mad at Miss Church, I’m sure it’ll make all the difference in the world those firefighters.


  19. paris herpes says:

    Damn she’s gigantic!

  20. Tania says:

    He is absolutely gorgeous, and Charlotte is pretty too. I’ll bet all children they have together will be just as pretty. Best of luck to them, as they ARE young.

  21. Cquin00 says:

    Damn that bitch blow up like the World Trade!