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8 Responses to “Amy Winehouse hospitalized for chest infection”

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  1. devilgirl says:

    No, she has C.L, otherwise known as crack lung.

  2. lulu says:

    a blind item i read hints that she is HIV positive

  3. Crux the Magic Dragon says:

    lulu, stop with the HIV speculations, please.

    I believe the reason why Winehouse refuses to be treated, is that she doesn’t want to quit. She doesn’t want to know what is REALLY the matter, so as soon as she gets out of hospital, she’s gonna get higher than a rocket.

  4. euphoric says:

    i have just come to realize her head is HUUUUUGE! 😯 like, seriously. YIKES.
    massive weight loss doesn’t help the situation either.

  5. paris herpes says:

    Sounds like crack lung to me too. The weight loss makes her weaker and unable to recover quicker as well. So she might get TB in the end if she’s not careful…which she probably won’t be anyway.

  6. soni says:

    She is such an amazing talent, this is really sad. I mean I wish she would just get help, true help and they can save her life. I also hope they keep those animals away from her as in previous videos. She doenst need to be handling day old baby animals. PLEASE GET HELP, and let them help you. I think your life depends upon it. Poor thing.. 🙁 🙁 🙁

  7. Crux the Magic Dragon says:

    This is so amazing, this is like a hospital watch. Winehouse’s drug habit has gotten her into some pretty hot water, like allowing folks to make home videos of her being in ‘an altered state’. There are some pics of her at that Russia concert, and she looks pretty wrecked (Wenn’s site, ferinstance).

    Never mind Blake, it’s the dope that’s kicking her ass.