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11 Responses to “Photographer attacked by surfers over Matthew McConaughey”

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  1. sassyspank says:

    am i the only one who thinks this guy is a douche?

  2. vdantev says:

    I guess so-

    Paps are the lowest form of life on earth. Those surfers should be commended.

  3. Scott F. says:

    I doubt it had much to do with McConaughey. You find groups of surfers all over the place that think that a specific section of the beach is ‘theirs’, and they’ll chase anyone else off. It’s just usually other surfers, not photogs.

    On a separate note, why the hell are all the paps I hear these days from the UK? Seriously, we don’t have people who can operate a telephoto lens in this country? Or are jobs just that hard to come by in the UK these days?

  4. jennifer says:

    ^i agree with you,
    i think he is a huge douche

  5. Silly Lilly says:

    They werent protecting Matt…they were being retarded about their “beach”. Surfers are not geniuses and think that this is the days of the Jets and the Sharks.

    However, the pap gets no sympathy from me. I am over alot of these “shots”.

  6. geronimo says:

    Really hard to be sympathetic to the paps here. Or elsewhere, for that matter. Occupational hazard. Live with it and stop whining.

  7. Leandra says:

    A pap is sueing Woody Harrelson for 2.5 Million. If the paps keep getting payouts from stars, they may become even more aggressive and celebs will pay the price.

  8. anon says:

    Surfers are EXTREMELY territorial of “their” beaches. At least in California they are.

    I know a guy who was visiting his parents in the house he grew up and went to the beach about a mile away to surf. And his life was threatened if he didn’t leave.

    In “Point Break” (which I realize is fiction!) some surfers try to beat the crap out of Keanu Reeves for using “their” beach.

    I also thought it was only other surfers though, but if the paps were pissing them off… The “line in the beach” is hilarious though!

  9. scottish girl says:

    Hi CeleBitchy

    Being Scottish myself, I can tell you from the TMZ vid the pap who claims ‘this is a ‘real job’ is certainly not Scottish, sounds more like he is from New Zealand or Australia to me, or perhaps he is an accent whore.
    Just felt I had to clear that up, thanks.

    On another note, how do these paps even get past Customs into the US? They don’t actually have a ‘real job’ to declare, and they are such a public nuisance!

  10. Nan says:

    That upper brow area of his just looks so inbred. It does ruin an otherwise attractive man.

  11. sallysitwell says:

    When one member of the group shouts at a photographer, “Get a … real job,” the photographer replies, “This is a real job. What do you do?” The man replies: “I just drink beer and party.”

    That is amazing. Well, at least he’s honest.