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20 Responses to “Legendary comedian George Carlin has died”

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  1. vdantev says:

    RIP Funny Man, glad I got to see you when I did. You were the best among them. thanks for everything George. 🙁

  2. daisy42465 says:

    He will be missed. I loved listening to his comedy albums in the 70’s.

  3. geronimo says:

    What a great memory of him to have, MSat.
    Loved him, true pioneer. RIP.

  4. Silly Lilly says:

    There is no comedian right now equal to the social relevance of Carlin … his voice…will be missed. And I am reasonably sure, that nobody will ever be able to equate his edgieness and then go off and be the conductor of Shining Time Station for a bunch of kids, remaining in his style, but toned down for the kiddies. Unbelievable talent.

  5. Syko says:

    I loved him, his social consciousness and his silliness in how he looked at the world. Get on the plane – no thank you, I’d rather get IN the plane… nobody ever made me laugh so much. And no one else’s comedy made me think so much. I’m sorry he’s gone, we’ll all miss him.

  6. Scott F. says:

    He was one in a generation. Gotta agree with your sentiment – what a shitty way to start a day.

  7. Because I say So says:

    RIP George! Your talent and wit are unequalled.

  8. lola says:

    This is sad, he could make a grocery list sound funny if he read it out. R.I.P George.

  9. Jaundice Machine says:

    So it goes. You’ll be missed, Mr. Carlin, but your work will be remembered for generations to come. Thank you for being so unapologetically insightful, and of course, funny.

  10. A.J. says:

    Heaven just got a hell of a lot funnier.
    Rest in peace, George! You are already dearly missed.

  11. MonicaBee says:

    This broke my heart when I saw it on the news at 3am today.

    I absolutely adored this man and will miss his comedic genius intensely.

    Rest in peace, George. You did it up right while you were here. Thanks for all the laughs.


  12. Banana Boat says:

    Sadness. Well I spent some time watching some YouTube videos of him… I need to get some of his concert dvds. I especially appreciated the ‘Fat America’ rant video. Ugh. It seems like outside of the city every place is covered with strip shopping centers and chain restaurants next to them (Chilis, Ruby Tuesday, Macaroni Grill… Ugh. And the people filing into them are monolith. Just massive.) Our consumer culture is out of hand. His social commentary was funny, intelligent and biting without being unnecessarily cruel; hard thing to do.

  13. GrnMt says:

    Very Sad News. RIP… 🙁

  14. Ron says:

    The great thing about Carlin was he KEPT innovating throughout his entire career. He really shaped what we all see as funny today. The world is a far more amusing place for him having been here. And since he was an athiest, no prayers are needed! Thanks George! I do send out good thoughts to his family and friends though…just in case. 😉 😉

  15. mollination says:

    He is comparable to John Lennon in my eyes. A total forward-thinker, always pushing our boundaries, and making us think. I am truly saddened. We can’t afford to lose any more gems like Carlin in times like these.

    I just saw him last October at the Paramount. You will be very missed old soul. Rest peacefully. 😥

  16. I choose me says:

    Oh man. 🙁 I am so bummed right now. I loved his stand up comedy routines. RIP Mr Carlin. You will be missed.

  17. Hollz says:

    I always wanted to see him live 🙁 He was the one comedian (besides Ellen) that had more than one joke. He will be deeply missed.

  18. Mandy says:

    My brother met Carlin a few years back, and got an autograph for me: “To Mandy, Fuck you! George Carlin.” I framed it, and needless to say, it’s quite the conversation piece. To me, Carlin’s legacy is my vast filth vocabulary. Without his expert guidance, I would never have been able to teach my 4th grade classmates to curse! R.I.P.

  19. Trillion says:

    My brother worked for George Carlin for 20 years. In addition to being a comic genius, he was also a deep, sincere and kind individual. We’ve lost a true original.

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