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33 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston joins John Mayer on tour in the UK”

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  1. CandyKay says:

    It sounds like she’s having a really good time with this guy, which will be something nice to remember when he drops her on her ass in a few months.

  2. Alexis says:

    If this were Jessica Simpson instead of JA nobody would think the story was fake. Following him around while he’s on tour makes her seem needy and desperate. It’s typicall John Mayer bullshit. Everyone who dates him comes off bad. Jen, baby, you’re not the “one” no matter what he’s telling you, stop making a fool of yourself.

  3. bella says:

    she looks like gisele , (tom brady’s girl friend) in these photos she looks incredibly beautiful.

  4. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    I really dislike her, but even I think that “accidental proposal” is bullshit.

    I really don’t think she’s interested in getting re-married, or having kids, or doing anything “domestic”. She seems happy working on her interchangeable rom-coms, endlessly sunbathing, drinking, smoking pot, doing cocaine, waging her silly “pity-me” PR campaigns, being the receipient of golden showers and wearing wool scarves in heat waves. 🙂

  5. bella says:

    if that makes jen look desparate cause going to see john then what would that make angie , for the past three year she is following brad in every trip and didn’t leave the man alone and the only time she didn’t follow him is the last trip due to her not being able to go because of having her babies any day, so stop being hypocrite.

  6. someone says:

    Whats the big deal, why is she needy just because she went to the UK, maybe he asked her to come..They are dating, its only common sense that she would be with him..I don’t believe the proposal story..I just don’t think Jen would jump into marriage so soon. They haven’t been dating very long, I think shes just having fun!

  7. geronimo says:

    Not that I care but what’s the big deal? She’s on tour with him. Is that so wrong, so unlikely? Hasn’t he been hanging out with her while she’s been filming? Is this not what people do when they’re dating? Am I missing something? 😯 Next.

  8. vdantev says:

    Because that’s what successful, modern, upwardly-mobile young women with active careers do; follow their boytoys from town to town, listening to their unique brand of wuss music. 😆

  9. Anastasia says:

    I give it two months, tops.

  10. Mairead says:

    Bad BADette Kaiser… BAaaaaD!!! 😛

    Something tells me that the “source” (if this BS is true) is a friend of John’s, because it doesn’t really paint JA in a good light. Speaking of dubious friends, I wonder which one of them is friends with Joe Francis. A black-mark against anyone surely.

    She does look great (love the glasses)- but I do wish she kept the fringe ; it really softened her look.

  11. guest says:

    I think that meeting John in London shows she is in love and likes being near him. Really sweet! I love them together! She looks very beautiful here. WOW – she looks so happy lately more so than in the last 5 years. I honestly don’t think that she was ever really that in love with Brad.

  12. sus says:

    she looks stunning and happy and i love isent it like that you just cant get enough of your love one if that is needy then arnt we all needy then she is happy good fore her whis them all the best

  13. lmao says:

    lmao at least you know this crap from star is not true lmao
    good for her for visiting him, seems like she has business in amsterdam too, so she went to london to see friends and make herself ‘home’ before seeing john and taking care of her things.
    also, he went to miami twice to see her and spend time with her, now she’s doing what any girlfriend would.
    and she’s looking gorgeous while doing it.

  14. mazy says:

    If she is happy being with John it is all good. When you are dating someone you really care for you want to be with them so there is nothing desperate here. Maybe John is the love of her life, she seems willing to travel and let the public know how much she cares about him as she has never done with anyone else, including her former husband. Hope John cares for her as much as she seems to care for him, he has not been the best at treating people he dates well in the past. But both seem pretty happy with each other right now.

  15. devilgirl says:

    now they can bore everyone in Great Britain!

  16. Susan says:

    She will NEVER live down the fact that Brad left her for Angie. NEVER. No matter who she dates, sleeps with, etc. Every time she is photographed with a guy the whole world says she’s needy and desperate and poor, poor Jen.

    I am SURE he asked her to join him on tour. They’re having a good time together. Now — I don’t get what she sees in him — he just seems so much like a little boy. But, whatever floats her boat. It’s hard to “top” what she had…..

    I admit I get a “boring vibe” off all the press has to say about her. But, that’s just my impression. She could be a very fun girl.

  17. Mr. T says:

    This couple doesn’t seem to be that deep.

  18. monica says:

    wow. talk about all you bloggers being sad. shit talk all you want… i guess it makes you all happy.

  19. I choose me says:

    I agree with geronimo.

  20. devilgirl says:

    Gee Kaiser, you seem to have such in depth knowledge of what Aniston does with her free time! You must have some really important friends on the inside that feed you with info such as cocaine abuse, golden showers etc. You get all bent out of shape when people rail on Angelina, yet you do the same to quite a few others yourself. Talk about bitter and full of hatred!

  21. oh susan says:

    NEVER is a very long time. The WORLD in 2008 has much more serious matters to deal with than a 2005 childless celeb divorce which was only one of a number that year. Celeb kids and celeb young teens/20 somethings are the hot topics these days in GOSSIP tabs/blogs, REALLY, not the love life of a 39 year old woman.

    It sounds as if YOU will never get over a divorce not your own, and that is sad. Your feelings are revealed by saying “it’s hard to top what she had”. Well clearly Jen did not feel that same way, as she herself said that her ex was not the love of her life. Jen has moved on, seems to care for John M, and appears quite happy with her life. Few feel she is desperate other than gossipists.

  22. emma says:

    jen is the one that is friends with joe francis, mairhead. she regularly stays at his place in mexico.

  23. Mike says:

    I agree with Mairead. I couldn’t believe they were partying with Joe Francis. Anyone who thinks Aniston has class, remember that little detail.

    Aniston is a self-absorbed idiot who clawed and scratched her no-talent behind into fame. She is the typical Hollywood social climber. Now, when John Mayer chews her up and spits her out, she’s going to discover just how empty it all was.

  24. Granger says:

    Yet another story about Jennifer Aniston’s love life. Oh yes — that’s because she can’t act and makes terrible film choices, so I guess there’s nothing else to talk about. But whatever keeps her in the public eye, right?

  25. frewt says:

    I can’t believe she’s dating this guy with any intent to settle down with him and have a committed, long-term relationship. If she is, she’s fucking deluded.

    She leads kind of a vacuous existence for a 39 year old.

  26. I'm Amazed says:

    Just curious, “upwardly-mobile young women with active careers do” is Jennifer considered young? isn’t it more like middle aged? I mean, 40 should be middle aged or way closer to it than “young”

  27. anna says:

    Jen has visited joe francis’s place in mexico several times over the years as she is friends with him. She took VinceV there and was just there with Orlando Bloom and then some others over new years.

    JOE FRANCIS IS SCUM. Any woman who is friends with him for years is not anyone I think much of.

  28. anonymous says:

    Who said she’s friends with Joe Francis? Joe rents his house out to celebrities, I believe Demi and Ashton were there a few weeks ago, that doesn’t mean they are friends with him. The STAR story is such BS.

  29. Starla says:

    Oh for god’s sake, they are dating & want to spend to together. WTF. I love Jen & hopefully she hasn’t gone off the crazy end with the “he’s so dreamy” & writing “Mrs. John Mayer” every chance she gets. I hope they work out but it’s still too soon to tell. They’re still getting to know eachother. At the same time, I’m one to talk ’cause I’m still single & totally know what the hell I’m talking about!! Still, go Jen!

  30. Mairead says:

    fingers crossed you’re right anonymous 😉

  31. Nan says:

    Congrats to Jen’s colorist. That is the best blonde on blonde color job I have EVER seen! Who is doing her hair? This girl always finds the best colorists.

  32. Susan says:

    Oh said……..It sounds as if YOU will never get over a divorce not your own, and that is sad. Your feelings are revealed by saying “it’s hard to top what she had”.

    What in the world?? I’m happily married thank you very much! Good grief people read alot into these comments… 😆

  33. Studebaker9 says:

    HA HA! Oh no. Jennifer Aniston got dumped AGAIN? It seems like America’s Sweetheart will never find true love. If she’s even looking for it. John Mayer is hung like a horse. Enough said.