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30 Responses to “Pharrell Williams is having new skin grown to replace tattoos”

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  1. MissMara says:

    I must admit I have a bad crush on Pharrell… looove the sweaty pics! 😀

  2. gg says:

    How hilarious! He really thinks he can just be flayed and get new skin? Who wants to bet he hasn’t thought about: a) the intense pain involved, and b) HELLO, the fact that skin grafts are really a scarred mess.

    My dad has skin grafts from melanoma, and the places that were grafted do not have any sensory nerves, and it looks just like what it is – a patch job where the only advantage is that you have skin there, instead of not. Not exactly a fresh batch of skin, is it?

    Somebody please tell me in the medical field if they’ve perfected this and I’ll shut up. But until then … 😆 😆 … Dumbass.

  3. Amy says:


    Even if they have perfected it, who’s to say he won’t get tired of these next tattoos? Yeesh. It’s not like he’s a wizened old man.

  4. JR says:

    Doesn’t he realize that skin replacement causes scarring? His skin wouldn’t look like a blank canvas, it would look like frankenstein’s monster! Oh yeah, the patchwork quilt look is sooo hot! *roll’s eyes* What a moron!!

  5. MissMara says:

    Am I the only one who thinks he was joking? Especially the last comment on how it you can go get a new tattoo – what’s the point if you changed skin (which as far as I know is not possible like this anyway) to get rid of your tats? 🙄

  6. AC says:

    Weird. To think that on such a large scale this would work. I mean i could see covering one tattoo like a skin graft but your entire arms? …. im not so sure that’s … possible.

  7. gg says:

    @Amy: lol! I concur.

    I bet MissMara’s right. That hadn’t occurred to me.

    I hope for his sake that he’s just joking, which is kinda funny. Anybody know if this guy is really that stupid?

  8. jinx says:

    This just screams “you have too much money”. If you chose bad tats that’s part of who and what you were/are.

    Donate the money to someone disadvantaged, don’t be so self involved, it looks so bad as to what kind of person you are.

  9. northwesterly says:

    I’m working on getting my most visable arm tattoo removed now. I’ve been to 2 laser treatments. It’s lighter, but so far I’m not seeing any results.

    You and the doc put on safety glasses and he shoots you w/ a laser gun. The only portion of your skin that absorbs the laser is skin that’s pigmented (the tattoo, any existing moles).. the pigment heats up and cools down rapidly, breaking up the structure of the skin on a cellular level.

    Then your body’s lymphatic system absorbs the damaged skin+ink and it gets purged through your liver. The rest sloughs off as regular exfoliation.

    Anyways, it’s pretty painful. Not the purging, addictive pain as getting a tat either. And expensive: it can take up to 8 treatments. At 200$ a session that would be 10x’s what the original tattoo cost me!

  10. Anna says:

    Ok, I’m not really as squicked as you JayBird, by the idea of that whole procedure, but then again, I’ve worked with mummies. Well, not so much with as on.

    Anyhoo: I think that if he is serious about all this, he is falling for a really good scam. As far as I know, it’s true that grafted skin has no nerve endings. Sucks. And what’s more, if I were in his shoes doing this, I’d always have the icky feeling that my tats aren’t really gone, they’re just hidden by a new layer of skin. And psychologically, the point is to have them gone, right? At least that’s possible with laser treatment.

    Last thought that came to my mind while reading what you said about imagining the skin bits in a Petri dish: why doesn’t he have them tattooed first and then grafted on? Would spare at least some pain, right. And if you don’t like the results, go on to the next skin.

    This guy is weird man. Really weird.

  11. Melissa says:

    If he really wants to show that he’s a grown ass man, he should learn to deal with his life choices and move on.

  12. elisha says:

    It appears to be real. (the place i mean)

  13. gg says:

    Yes, and they can grow a “human ear” on a mouse’s back too, but that doesn’t connect with total skin replacement from healthy, albeit scribbled, skin.

  14. Alexis says:

    This is disgusting, if it is true. Vanity, it’s one of the seven deadlies.

  15. CeeJay says:

    Ahh…life is so simple and everything comes to me so easily…. Obviously that is the mindset of this guy and those he runs with. Life is precious and it’s damned hard work to get it right. Perhaps he should have a little pride in what God gave him instead of marking it up beyond recognition and then make plans to purchase new flesh? God, I sound like an old lady, but really now, isn’t this all becoming a bit too much?

  16. Because I say So says:

    Just….EWWW! And…. OWWWW!!!

  17. gg says:

    Well, my view is he should go ahead then and try this little trick. Then he’ll be the poster boy for stupid surgery because the poor lad will look like gumby-stein. dammit.

  18. Bodhi says:

    He really isn’t that heavily tattooed. Why get inked if you aren’t gonna keep them forever? I mean, thats the whole point. I don’t love some of mine, but I’d never get rid of them. Cover them up maybe, but not totally remove the skin! :shudder:

  19. Jody says:

    It’s a real place, and it’s in North Carolina. I didn’t see much about skin specifically, but maybe that’s a private matter.

  20. Frenchie says:

    He should go for it, pay millions and be an experiment to make the search advance for greatly burnt people. I say he is a visionary

  21. YUP says:

    Good for Pharrell! He doesn’t like his tats anymore and he’s doing something about it-for him. It’s no different that someone getting a cosmedic surgery to feel better about themself (unless you come out lookin more crazy!) There’s such a huge tatoo culture out there, and you never hear about people eventually being unhappy with their ink. You only hear about the No-No of getting your lover’s name tatooed! There’s gotta be tons of people out there who regret their tatooes. Maybe they don’t complain since it’s, for most, permanent-no point cryin over spilt milk right?! That’s why I’m glad I’m ink free!! No tramp stamps here!!

  22. RaeJillian says:

    sometimes i hate the world.

  23. lulu says:

    how do they get the skin to match exactly? wouldn’t the shades of color vary?

  24. drm says:

    Ewwwwwwwwww never mind the custom grown skin grafts! Someone get the man to a shower with some body wash…EWWWWWWWW

  25. Jaundice Machine says:

    So gross.

  26. mrs williams says:

    P Aint Gettn Skin Grafts I Waz Readn An Interview Frm A Cpl Dayz Ago And He Said That He Waz Just Talkn Shit That He Will Get Them Lazerd Off If He Decide 2 Remove Any Of Them

  27. Skin says:

    I wanted to comment and thank the author, good stuff

  28. Chrissy says:

    I don’t know why my man is getting new skin grown for more tats. i feel that he looks fine with the other tats on his body but u know what,i digress because it is his moolah!

  29. Matty says:

    If you REALLY hated your tattoos and they were stuck on your arms for the rest of your life but you had the cash like Pharrell don’t tell yourself you wouldn’t get them removed. Its a little different than buying another house or car.

    Pharrell does enough donating and work for charity and he wants to get some tats removed and people pull out the Vanity is one of the deadliest sins talk…
    people do worse things out there this atleast makes some sense

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