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6 Responses to “A-Rod’s wife thinks Madonna is using Kabbalah mind control on him”

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  1. dian says:

    I cannot understand why any woman would be attracted to this guy. He gives me the creeps. ug.

  2. Anon says:

    Whoa. “I feel like” IS NOT “I think that”

  3. stellapurdy says:

    He’s an egomaniac but tell me what sports figure isn’t. When you get together with a guy like this don’t act all surprised when he deems himself more important than children or marriage cause he has been that way most of his adult life. Likewise for Madonna. Isn’t this why most celebrity marriages fail?

  4. Vibius says:

    Him and Derek Jeter are the definition of man-sluts.

  5. Canadian cutie says:

    A-Rod just doesn’t care about his wife or family. He is shameless, and so is Madonna! I feel badly for Guy Richie – I can’t imagine what a nightmare Madonna is to live with. Guy is so much sexier & Classier than A-Rod. Old MadgeVag is making a fool of herself.

  6. lalie says:

    i don’t like any of them they all are w****s specially madonna , lenny and alex rodriges.