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12 Responses to “Matt Damon’s window to weight gain: In-N-Out Burger”

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  1. elisha says:

    Oh crap I eat in-and-out like, once a week.

    Also, the melted Haggen Daz and 20-donut-a-day diets sound NASTY.

  2. Jack says:

    Interesting. Yet I don’t understand why people are willing to risk their health for a movie. (remember Super Size Me) Surely in this day and age it’s easy enough to add some weight with padding. He didn’t even put too much on. Just showed some belly. They could use one of those fake pregnancy bellies women use in movies (just add some hair!)

    I think it’s silly when actors/actresses lose or add a lot of weight just for the sake of a movie. No wonder he got ribbed by his friends. They prob have more common sense 😀

  3. Ron says:

    As for gaining/losing weight for a role it makes the actor really “feel” the part. you are carrying around less/more with you daily and you feel more like the person you are portraying and for the most part. Padding looks like it does on the Tyra show. fake. Matt looks sexy either way becasue he’s such a nice guy. That’s what really makes you hot.

  4. Kolby says:

    In-N-Out sounds so good right about now. Mmmmmmm, Animal-Style fries!

  5. hey matt. got to shout out to you dude. life is crazy, isn’t it. hey ben. how ya do’n.

  6. Ruby says:

    I think the movie is called ‘The Informant’, not ‘The Insider’ (that being a Russell Crowe movie from a few years back…)

    ‘Last week when I was leaving a comment on your celebrity blog… I was f**kin’ Matt Damon…’ 😉

  7. jinx says:

    Going ugly, going fat… OSCAR!

  8. Celebitchy says:

    Ruby lol at f’ing Matt Damon and you’re right! They copped off the title from that Russel Crowe movie, which was awesome and I’ve seen it twice. It must still be on my mind. I’ll change it thanks! 😀

  9. Shonagh says:

    My heart hurts >_<

  10. Kristin says:

    I just had In N Out a couple days ago. I can’t get enough of it, that shit is soooo good!!

  11. saintdevil says:

    I love that Simpsons episode, “Kingsize Homer”, wasn’t it? – one of the best ever!

  12. Iliana Maha says:

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