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11 Responses to “Nicole Richie pregnancy rumor”

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  1. Because I say So says:

    Blah. who cares? I’m posting because I’m killing time until my friends get here with the grill and brew

  2. Jack says:

    She does look like there’s a little bump there! Her arms look so thin lately, and her legs. I really hope she can keep her weight reasonable, bless her.

  3. xiaoecho says:

    She hasn’t shrunk down to skeletal after Harlow as expected, so there could be a grain of truth to it.

    Those brown boots look like Britneys’ “boots of mental illness” as MSat calls them 😆

  4. Mairead says:

    “BROWN Boots of Mental Illness” xiaoecho – get it right!!! 😛

    Hmm – it looks to me more like she’s being styled by Rachel Zoe again (jesus, the crap information I retain) – I’ve noticed over at gofugyourself, that RC is wearing this type of gear also.

    Plus, it’s summer in a smuggy city. Loose flowing garments seem like a good idea. 😉

  5. xiaoecho says:

    Don’t worry Mairead, I will NOW! 😛

  6. Kelley422 says:

    Maybe she still has a little baby flab leftover from her pregnancy and is trying to hide it. I have an 18-month old and from my experience, that baby roll does not go away easily.

  7. oxa says:

    last pregnancy she had big boobs, they dont look so big so it dont look like she is.

  8. texasmom says:

    On all the celebrity gossip sites and mags I keep seeing flow-y dresses that are so long that they drag on the ground — I think she’s just wearing this fashion, not covering anything up!

  9. someone says:

    I don’t believe anything out of “Star” magazine..

  10. mollination says:

    I can’t even believe she got pregnant the first time. She was so skinny I don’t know how she was even having her monthly! I still need convincing…even that Harlow is real.

  11. brianne says:

    somehow I doubt she’s pregnant, sure its a possibility but even before she got pregnant she’s sporting the hippie chic look she wears flowy loose fabrics all the time…only now after baby she actually wears a bra.