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56 Responses to “Brangelina’s twins to be made honorary citizens of Nice”

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  1. Jack says:

    That’s really sweet. Not sure that is Brad, his neck isn’t quite that long?!

    I seriously thought in the first picture they were waxworks. They look so perfect!! what is with that LOL?!

  2. jennifer says:

    they lie to you :that is so not brad pitt 😆

  3. xiaoecho says:

    Why not just give them the Legion of Honour and be done with?

    They can have their next babies in Rome so they can become saints in utero – so handy, and it saves all that time consuming martyr stuff 😕

  4. Jen says:

    I feel so bad for those babies!! They are going to be French citizens. Those poor souls. I would not wish that on my worst enemy. Lets just hope that they don’t turn out to be wine drinking, surrendering turds….

  5. susan says:

    that’s not Brad

  6. devilgirl says:

    Oh, puhleeeeze!

  7. jacqueline says:

    it’s a lovely heart-felt message from the mayor of Nice to the Jolie-Pitts – as you wrote- he does sound excited for them and proud they chose Nice for this very special occasion.
    It must be so very difficult for Brad and Angelina to care for the children in the special way they do while Angelina is 30-40(??) miles away, and missing them all so much. And I feel so bad at being a voyeurist – but I just can’t stop wanting to know if everything is ok for them!!!
    No- the pic is definitely not of Brad – no way would Angelina or Brad be at all interested in attracting the papaerazi’s attention at a time like this !!!

  8. Larissa says:

    all-encompassing citizenship? I want that too …I´ve been travelling and living abroad since I can remember my existence!lol

  9. Jenna says:

    France is a wonderful place, well certain parts. I visit Paris three to five times a year since my immediate family lives there. Nice is wonderful and I can see why they want to have their children there.

  10. xiaoecho says:

    Jen- I believe the phrase you’re looking for is ‘Cheese eating surrender monkeys’

    (only joking French people)

  11. sfh says:

    brad is a gorgeous man still, Angie is so lucky, and good for the twins, they will be great.

  12. ER says:

    Why doesn’t she have her babies in America, where she lives?!

  13. chuddies in a twist says:

    Give me a break! They are not the royal family! Absolute rubbish!

  14. A.J. says:

    ER: cause they wouldn’t get as much global attention. The U.S. is hardly large enough to contain such precious and inflated egos. Might as well go worldwide.

    Apparently they are the first couple ever in the history of mankind to have twins. Nevermind the fact that some families have had up to septuplets- that all pales in comparison to the deities Angelina is going to bring into the world.


  15. anon says:

    oh puke-
    please let the wonder twins be born so we can move on to something else. I am so bored with this.

  16. Darlene says:

    That’s not Brad Pitt. The head/neck are all wrong. That wasn’t Angelina in the prior pics either. $100 says she’s already had those babies. I’m starting to believe those rumors that they were born really small and are struggling to survive. Why all the deception with body doubles??

  17. countrybabe says:

    Is he staying at the hospital with her?
    I’m with you Darlene, She could be on bed rest at home.

  18. Jess says:

    I absolutely Love this family. Brad and Angelina make a beautiful match — sharing their interests in their humanity work and really caring about each other and their family. God bless them for helping the people in need.

  19. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Yeah, in France and Germany citizenship of a child goes by the citizenship of the parents, right? Unlike America, where every baby born within the US is a citizen, if two Americans go to France or Germany and have their baby, the baby won’t be a French or German citizen, right?

    That’s kind of a weird way to do things.

  20. karma says:

    oh, the brangelinas twins have a chance to become citizens of a country where meanwhile many refugees are expelled to their original country at war / poor / famine / they are tortured / where there is no hope. And even if you are born in France, if you don’t have the right color, you have to fill many folders too proove you are a citizen… As we said in France, about those politics ce sont des sacrés lèche-boule (cock sucker).
    I love the Brangelina family, so i hope they will not take this “honnor”.

  21. WTF says:

    French europeans are some of the most racist individuals on earth. I know a girl who is romainian and she went to france to work for a year. She said the european born french nationals are anti-social and are even racist against other white europeans, never mind
    other minorities. Most french people think their shit doesn’t stink like everyone elses’. It will tell alot about brangelina if the “honor” is accepted.

  22. MPea says:

    Wasn’t her mother French?

  23. geronimo says:

    “if two Americans go to France or Germany and have their baby, the baby won’t be a French or German citizen, right?”

    Not automatically. But (as Jaybird says above), they can apply from age 16 for citizenship provided it’s been their primary residence for a minimum of 5 years. Far as I know, Ireland was the only European country to automatically grant citizenship at birth to babies born in Ireland (regardless of their parents’ nationality and how long they’d been in the country) but I think this has now been brought into line with the rest of Europe because people were taking advantage of automatic citizenship.

  24. Kristin says:

    Sweet? This is fucking stupid. I hate how they are considered above everyone else in this world.

  25. daisy424 says:

    Her mother was born in Chicago, but is of French-Canadian descent.

    Kristin; Meow!

  26. Anastasia says:

    Good Lord, pour some of that hatred towards people who deserve it, like Paris Hilton, who does nothing good in the world, is just an oxygen hog and a big huge turd.

    Jen, chill out, did some French people show up and piss in your breakfast cereal or something?

    They never did anything to me. Shrug. Why the nasty generalizations? We don’t like nasty generalizations about Americans, so why go around making them about other nationalities?

  27. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Good Lord, what’s with all the anti-French sentiment? Are all of you still that pissed at Jaques Chirac for not entering the coalition in Iraq? History proved Chirac right, in case anyone was wondering. He said there would be a bloody, protracted insurgency, and he was right. He knew because he was a soldier in the bloody, protracted, insurgent-driven French-Algerian war. What war was our dipshit president in?

    Viva la France!

  28. anon says:

    I doubt very seriously that the only reason people dislike the French is because of Chirac’s decision not to join the coalition. That seems a bit shortsighted to me. I think their attitude in general probably has more to do with it.

  29. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Viva la French fry!

  30. Scott F. says:

    Yeah Kaiser, France didn’t want to get involved in a long bloody insurgency. It had NOTHING to do with the fact that they knew when we invaded we were going to find evidence of all the under the table deals Saddam had been working out with them and the Russians.

    You can argue all you want about the merits and flaws of Iraq, but it’s pretty obvious it wasn’t altruistic motives that kept them out of the fight. More than 2 dozen French politicians had their hands in the Oil for Food till, and were making a fortune off Saddam remaining in power.

    It’s cool though. After all 2 World Wars, the Marshall plan, attempting to clean up their mess in Vietnam and large chunks of the Middle East and Africa – they don’t owe us a damn thing right? God, one fleet to trap Corwallis and we’re STILL paying for it.

  31. bc says:

    yes, mpea. her mother was french. i don’t know what all the hullabaloo is about.

  32. Starla says:

    Am I missing something? What about Maddox & the other kids? Kinda left out? B&A said they wanted to adopt the same the races of kids they already have so none of them feel left out. How the fuck are they going to feel about this?? Again, I may be missing something; if so please correct me. I just find this a “little over the top”.

  33. daisy424 says:

    Scott F! Very impressive!

    Your history recollection is fantastic and correct!

    Love the last line……..

  34. Anni says:

    yeah…google. very impressive.

    anyways…i think it´s over the top as well. i like the brangelinas, but all this is a bit weird. they´re just human being after all.

  35. janepitt says:

    Two marginal actors bringing two illegitimate kids into this world. Something this whore, just a few years ago was dead set against. I just wish these overrated media whores will go away.

  36. bite me says:

    janepitt is that u jennifer 😆

  37. tillie says:

    love them, give them what ever they want, they deserve it, they give a lot too.

  38. IMO says:

    They spend a fortune there so, the French are pleased to have such big spenders.

    Too bad they are not spending the money they made thanks to the American market in New Orleans as they promised to support and live there.

    The people of New Orleans would be very happy to have big spenders like the Brangelina, helping that part of the world rather than spending the fortune on the wealthiest part of the world:
    The south of France.

  39. Anon says:

    It always feels like the biggest crime the French commit is not actually bowing to America all the time. Perhaps the American ego simply can’t take it and that causes all this anger?

  40. someone says:

    I hope they stay in France..Angelina only likes American money, not America..she can’t even have her bio kids on American soil…

  41. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Viva la baguette!

  42. Anna says:

    Am I antiquated in thinking that honours should be earned? I don’t think being born counts.

  43. Elizabeth says:

    So…you like France so much Jolie ?

    Stay there !

  44. Army Vet says:

    I guess role models, if you call actors that, who bring illegitimate children in the world, plus others no doubt, are the most pressing things the Press has to do.

    Pitt and Jolie; stay in France. Renounce your American citizenship.

  45. Rose says:

    ‘bring illegitimate children into the world’
    Jesus fcuking H christ, they’re children, actual children born of TWO parents, seriously, get the bloody fainting couch and smelling salts out. Talk about Victorian claptrap.
    Get over yourself/

  46. Caroline says:

    You people have a lot of opinions about things you know nothing about. How do you know what these people are actually doing, donating, or how they are helping except for what you read in tabloids? You do not know them or are you privy to their business and moving around. Brad and Angie can do nothing right. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. People just need a place they can project all their hatred. Their kids are extremely well-behaved in situations that would make an adult freak out with flashbulbs popping in their faces all the time and paps yelling horrible things at them by name to get their attention. They must feel very loved and secure to tolerate such hysteria. They are mobbed wherever they go. What do you want? For them to stay in their home and never come out? They are good people trying to live their lives with as much privacy as possible. What about criticizing George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice? Why aren’t you furious with them for Nola? At least Brad and Angie did something and continue to do a lot most people know nothing about. Our government just stood by and did NOTHING!

  47. sf says:

    no matter what, love them, especially brad, he is so hot.

  48. geronimo says:

    Où sont les jumeaux? Je suis tired of waiting.

  49. Cory says:

    I just wish they could remain there. Is that too much to ask?

    I guess something serious is underfoot, being airlifted to hospital and the press conference to say nothing. She could stay at home in the lap of luxury but she is in hospital for the next month or so….hmmmm, there is something they are not telling us.

    I wonder if she is still feeling sexy, pregnancy make her feel that way.

  50. Bodhi says:

    Man, there are alot of nut jobs about. The mayor was just being sweet. There are no ulterior motives. Chill.

  51. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Viva la soft cheese!

  52. WTF says:

    There’s a headline story on yahoo. The story states that french tourists are the worst, due to being impolite, loud carping, and not paying attention to local customs. It is not just americans that think the french are annoying and rude.

  53. Jody says:

    If I had endless amounts of money, I’d have my children in different countries, it’s awesome. Traveling, and learning about other cultures is something all people should be doing/enjoying.
    I’m not even going to bother with the brangelina topic, but I think people who are ‘anti’ any culture/country, are being incredibly narrow minded, extremely short-sighted, and insanely naive.

  54. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Viva la xenophobia?

  55. kerri says:


    do you live in NOLA? if not, then its you who has an opinion about something that you know nothing of.

    and if you do live in NOLA…when is the last time you went down to the 9th ward to see the “progress” that is NOT being made??

    NOLA doesnt need him and his charity and neither does the U.S.

  56. M says:


    The world has had enough of Brangelina to last us a lifetime. I am glad she is in hospital. That way we have less pictures of her pimping her kids. Come to think of it, this has not been as over blown as their first child Gosh that was boring. By the third child every one will be… Brangelina who?