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7 Responses to “Michael Jackson has secret talks with New Kids on the Block”

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  1. velvet elvis says:

    Is Michael aware that they aren’t actually kids?? He might change his mind about wanting to “work” with them…..

  2. vdantev says:

    Uh, Micheal- they aren’t really kids in NKOTB. Sorry to disappoint you.

  3. Oh, I wish I have a “rusty” career like Michael has, lol.

  4. Lizzie says:

    Oh no!! Who let him out again?

  5. sss says:

    don’t worry micheal won’t do anything to those kids!! 😆

  6. Michael jackson says:

    Hey to you haters you can think what you want but if you gonna talk shit then keep it inside your head. let us think what we want and you think what you want. Just so unnessesary to write hate comments on the internet talk to somebody instead. In the internet when you look for something like michael jacksons new album you shouldnt write hate comments.

  7. Pharrwhat says:

    Okay say what you want to say, sure people say Michael Jackson may have sleep with kids. But all I can say how do u know that , where you there when he did it. Are when it happen. Hell do you belive everthibg you see on T.V and if so, go leap off a building and see if you fly. And to Michael Jackson man keep up the good work. You where the best before I was even born and will be the best after I’m going, hell just look at it like this some people just can’t keep your name out of there mouth. Which will keep you around forever. If you really think about it I think they want to turn you into a God. What next!!!! there going to write a book about and write the words you spoke in red ink. LOL let hope it does not go that far.