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34 Responses to “What is wrong with Janice Dickinson’s face… this time?”

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  1. daisy424 says:

    She’s smart enough to pass a driving test?

  2. Cassie says:

    Well back in the day they took their driving tests with horses & buggies so I’m sure that helped her out a bit.

  3. Laurie says:

    Thank you for showing us folks who live very far away from Hollywood a true case of “delusions of grandeur.” I don’t know this particular celebrity but she looks like she wants to be all of them wrapped in one. Please let Jackie O’s sunglasses rest in peace though…its disrepectful to her memory especially when the one wearing them is actually a fish or alien…not sure which but she should go back underground.

  4. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    I used to think Janice and Courtney Cox went to same horrible plastic surgeon. But Janice has really outdone herself this time. Your move, Courtney.

  5. vdantev says:

    Aside from the fact she’s a decrepit withered monkey skeleton that’s had too much Botox and plastic surgery who still mysteriously is considered qualified to judge people on their looks.

    Does anyone understand irony anymore?

  6. alex says:

    She can read?

  7. AP says:

    I thought it was Steven Tyler in a safari outfit.

  8. mollination says:

    Kaiser, you mean Courtney LOVE right? I like courtney cox…. ❓

  9. Ugg-LEEEE! says:

    She just left an audition for the remake of “Attack of the Bee Women” a campy old black & white horror flick.
    Oh wait a minute, I think she starred in the original too!
    circa 1950 LoL
    I love the one where her mouth is open just like a fish.
    Insert $#@%& here.

  10. Blackalicious says:

    This thing appears to be mentally ill.
    I read somewhere that her son (who is nice looking) begged her to stop with the surgeries.

  11. Anna says:

    I hear a BUZZZZZZZZZZ when I look at these pictures. And a BLUBBBBB. Did she have an aneurysm or something? Why on earth is she sitting in a car with the doors open, pretending to read the NYT? You’d think that even for her, this wouldn’t make sense.

  12. Dude says:

    Can you say large mouth bass? Damn, where’s the hook?

  13. daisyfly says:

    THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when too much facial line filler is injected OR it’s injected into the wrong areas. (It pays to have a plastic surgery obsessed aunt…)

  14. Shane says:

    janice is a real sicko.

  15. drm says:

    Ewwwwwwwwww I don’t know what’s worse, Janice looking a picked chicken bone with tractor tire lips or the fact she’s drinking Starbucks coffee…. 😯

  16. rottenkitty says:

    She was lovely back in the day. But she’s never accepted that you can’t hold Father Time at bay forever. And the more you try to look young, the older you appear.

    Oh, and Zsa Zsa Gabor was right. There *does* come a time in a woman’s life when she must chose between her face and her ass. Sadly, Janice chose her ass.

  17. Granger says:

    I think the reason her lips look so big is because the rest of her is so gaunt. Yikes! Bone rack.

  18. Because I say So says:

    It’s so sad to compare pix of her back in the day to what she looks like now. Not even the same person. If I ever get neurotic about my *looks* I hope somebody has the decency to shoot me

  19. Suuuuuuuue says:

    Too much.

  20. Codzilla says:

    She really does look like something out of a nightmare. And her personality toes the line between obnoxious and shootable.

  21. gay traveler says:

    Great lines, editor! One good thing about Janice: she brings us most gorgeous hunks to watch.. Good enough!

  22. Hungry Kya? says:

    She is an ugly little troll!

  23. Anon says:

    For all the world it seems that she’s trying to look like Angelina Jolie. I think Jolie is beautiful, don’t get me wrong. However, I think this woman is trying unsuccessfully to resemble her, and manages to achieve an eerie, vague resemblance…

  24. paris herpes says:

    Ew reminds me of the burn victim I saw today with huge trout lips. And I was trying to digest my taco and I just could not look away. She scared the beejesuses outta me, I tell you what! Oh, and Janice, your legs are scrawny and not as sexy as you think they are!

  25. Nan says:

    Part of her I like. She’s a passive-aggressive maniac. Borderline personality. You know, I wouldn’t mind if she wasn’t so vulgar and uneducated. So crass. People with this personality style should be controlled by only living on a meager social security (for mental illness) stipen. Protect us all from people who should never have any power of ANY kind.

  26. Debralynne says:

    I hope Janice does not rip any of her staples in her leg!! I saw on the entertainment news that Janice had 20 staples in her leg and was using crutches!! I have had operations on my foot and knee had stitches and was using Janice must have been in alot of pain!! These comments are pretty mean, give the poor woman a break!!

  27. Me says:

    A person “pores” over the newspaper. Thanks.

  28. kate says:

    sweet fancy moses!

  29. lady garden says:

    rottonkitty-that made me howl-cheers

  30. CB Rawks says:

    Thank god for those glasses. Might I suggest teaming them with a turtleneck or ski balaclava of some sort.

  31. Judy says:

    At least Jolie was born with her lips. I do not see what the great thing is about looking like a drooling boxer dog. Look at her and a picture of a full blooded boxer and yep you got it.

  32. nanny says:

    believe it or not we do have great plastic surgeons in Los Angeles, but sorry enough Janice is an example of what happens when you just can’t stop.
    Those lips look thicker than her thighs.

  33. lanette says:

    looks like she has been hit with an ugly stick…………..AGAIN.

  34. PersonX says:

    She looks like a fish in Finding Nemo.