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16 Responses to “Heidi Montag has lunch with John McCain’s daughter”

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  1. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Hm… dumb, blonde, vapid, Republican… I think Heidi is just McNasty’s type. And I’m sure McNasty has spent a lot of time admiring Heidi’s “hills”.

    And Meghan McCain really doesn’t have anything better to do. Because she is an elitist.

  2. Linda says:

    Why is this news? Who cares about Heidi Montag and who she has lunch with.

    I cannot understand why this girl gets any celebrity press.

  3. Bodhi says:

    I find it horifying too, JayBird. I fear for the next generations…

    And gee, I’m so glad Heidi just registered to vote 🙄 I wonder if she can acctually make the machine work

  4. daisy424 says:

    I’m with Linda. JayBird, Politics a no-no. This is going to be a heated thread with the hateful comments about the candidates.

  5. Bodhi says:

    Great, cause Heidi is DEFINATLEY the person I want choosing the future of the country 🙄

  6. ri23 says:

    Hey, Heidi, why the long face?

  7. TIA says:

    OMG !!!!! Talk about two idiots. Well I guess them having lunch together makes sense. I would die from embarrasment if John McCain was my Father, his old archaic views on society.. WHAT A NUTJOB !!!!!!!!!

  8. Elle says:

    You know it’s fine if you want to be a Repubican, I will never knock anyone for their political beliefs but I think both Heidi and Spencer are ridiciulous. They go out and buy guns to support the NRA, Republicans and Gun Control and now she’s having lunch with John McCain’s daughter. Give me a break! Please let’s move on to the next non-relevant celebr-couple because these two morons are old news.

  9. Celebitchy says:

    John McCaine’s daughter is really cute. He should use her in his campaign more – not that I’m following it at all – because she looks adorable and might make him seem like less of a clueless old man. If she’s hanging with Heidi though she must be a dim bulb.

  10. Jaundice Machine says:

    It’s funny – even before Heidi had publicly declared her political/spiritual preferences, I’ve always pictured her as one of those vapid, holier-than-thou, right-wingers who frequent New Life Church on Sundays so that they can strut around with a false sense of superiority while being blatantly selfish and un-christian the rest of the week.

    This just so happens to be one of my favorite little ditties I hum whenever I find myself on the north side of Colorado Springs, surrounded by said hateful hypocrites. I’d like to dedicate a verse or two to Miss Montag right now, if I may.


    Where do all the porn stars go?
    When the lights go down?
    I wonder were all the porn stars go?
    ‘Cause when you need ’em they are never around.
    I think they moved out to the suburbs –
    Now they’re blond, bland, middle class republican wives
    They all have blond, bland, middle class republican children
    And blond, bland, middle class republican lives . . .

    Here’s hoping she finds herself “middle class” sooner than later.

  11. daisyfly says:

    WTF would they talk about is my question.

    HM: Oh Em Gee, Meg! I LUV yer hair!

    MM: TY, Heidi! It’s a HairDo!

    HM: Gee Tee Eff Oh! It looks so real!

    MM: Doesn’t it? It’s a new color, too!

    HM: What?

    MM: It starts with a Vee. I think it’s called V-AY-PID.

    HM: Oooh! I heard about that new color! Yeah! V-AY-PID is SO the color of my show!

    MM: Yeah! It should SO be the new color of the Republican Party!

  12. ri23 says:

    @Jaundice Machine: As a fellow Coloradan I say, way to represent. If I high-fived, I’d give you one.

  13. mae says:

    everyone hates republicans so much, but if there was half as much bias against the left wing, there’d be an uproar. And does anyone else see that McCain was being sarcastic when he joked about the hills? I think some uptight people take everything way too seriously.

  14. Bodhi says:

    Um, I seriously doubt that McCain had/has a clue what “The Hills” is. He is running for president, I hope he has more important things to deal with.

    And bullshit about bias against the left.

  15. geeeee says:

    Lets rag on people for their political prefrences. Maybe next time, we can do religion or skin color!

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