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23 Responses to “Hayden Panettiere has a new single and music video”

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  1. daisyfly says:


    She’s 19. The only thing she should be DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANKing is some Ovaltine.

  2. Megan says:

    Hm yeah it’s crap. Reminds me of Stars are Blind, Paris Hilton style. Not good.

  3. francesca says:

    i truly think that’s awful! C’mon, flat nasal voice and is that a real video?! 🙄 how original! 😛

  4. gg says:

    big sigh — why in hell do all the actresses have to have albums. Singing is a rare gift. Cutting vocal tracks that are quintupled is not really talent. Sounds like she wrote that song; the lyrics are uninspired and shallow. There are gifted musicians and songwriters that can’t get record deals and here we’re subjected to every little 20 year old ACTRESS doing them. Criminal. The music business has sunk yet even lower than ever, which I didn’t think was possible. Paying attention to the wrong thing, ya’ll. Please support your local musicans and independents via the internet!

  5. RaeJillian says:

    you know it’s probably because my brain is still in a stink over lilo and ali’s last two singles that i actually kind of like haydens. i must be confused, i’ll have my coffee and come back to listen again…

  6. neelyo says:

    I think all of these kids who grew up in show business have parents who made them take so many lessons; dancing, singing, tumbling, baton twirling (usually they skip the acting) so they think they can do it all. I didn’t listen to the song, but I heard her sing The Star Spangled Banner somewhere and it was bad. Just another person who thinks that if they wail loudly and hold a note for a long time, then they’re singing.

  7. caitlinsmom says:

    Really, really bad…
    does anyone else think that she’s trying to chanel Britney Spears of about 6 years ago?
    she shouldn’t quit her day job.

  8. lulu says:

    ok, yeah, this is awful. it sounds just like paris. what is the point in recycling this crap? is there really an audience out there for this nonsense?

  9. Bodhi says:

    I like her too. But she probably shouldn’t have wasted her digitized breath on a singing career

  10. G. says:

    Well, that was horrible. Her voice is worse than mine(and I’m horrible)and the lyrics don’t really flow all that well.

  11. Obvious says:

    I like her as a brunette but that black dress was awful. I’m watching it without sound and it’s not a great video. I’m afrtaid to hear the vocals. It’s a shame because I really want to like Hayden

  12. SeVen says:

    I like Hayden… I’ve heard her sing other songs (youtube) and she doesnt do that bad i dont think. Maybe the song wasnt suited for her vocals…. Shes still better then paris, linds or ali… Considering the fact she can actually ACT makes her better then those three but maybe im biased.

  13. Enn says:

    Okay, let me get this straight.

    Your boyfriend isn’t paying attention to you anymore. Because he “beds” you. So you’re going to cheat to keep him?


  14. I choose me says:

    Zzzzzz. Wah? Who? Oh hey, it’s that girl from Heroes. Cute litte actress, I remember her from ‘Remember the Titans.’ Good movie that. She’s doing what now? Singing you say…Is she any good? (Watches video)

    Hmm, cheesy lyrics. Voice not bad, I’ve heard worse *koff* Paris and that Heidi creature. Hayden looks good as a brunnette but dear, sweet Beelzebub, is she rapping? No Hayden. No, no and no. I like you, I do. So why you making my head hurt, huh? Why?

  15. Scott F. says:

    Nails on a chalkboard much? Ouch.

  16. Obvious says:

    Ok, now that’s I’ve listened to her song I’m sad. I had hoped it wouldn’t be bad.

    While it’s not on the level of Paris and Heidi, Hayden sweetheart you really need to stop while you’re ahead.

  17. Ling says:

    daisyfly: stop being so american. Here in canada, if a kid is not consistently tipsy during his or her 19th year we worry… and in anywhere else but north america, they view drunken 19 year olds with contempt. Because you’re supposed to get those shenanigans out of the way at age 8.

  18. just me says:


  19. Steph says:

    If she was that passionate about dolphins she would have faced up to the warrant she has in Japan for obstructing the fishermen.

  20. daisy424 says:

    Still stuck on that Steph, move on 😉

    Ling; Our neighbors are from Canada, their 15 year old son was just caught selling his parent’s beer from their fridge in the garage to kids. Guess he views it the same way you do.

  21. Leah says:

    This makes me REALLY hate the idea of her marrying Milo Ventimiglia.

    Who else was a MUCH bigger fan of Milo & Alexis, rather than Milo & Hayden? Who’s with me?!

  22. Leah says:

    Oh, and she sucks at whatever dancing she’s trying to do in her music video.

    I’m no pro at club dancing – but I’m not the one trying to in a music video that will be viewed my millions. 🙄

  23. kate says:

    girlfriend needs to lay off the spray tan…she is entering lohan territory.