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84 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston claims she hopes Brad’s twins are “beautiful””

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  1. daisy424 says:

    My ex called me in the hospital to congratulate my husband & I after the birth of our sons. There’s nothing wrong with that.

  2. elisha says:

    That’s a TOTAL backhanded compliment:

    She says she HOPES they’re beautiful, implying she thinks they may not be.

    She could’ve said “I’m SURE they’re beautiful” or “I’ll BET they’re beautiful.”

  3. Anni says:

    3…2…1…and GO:

  4. geronimo says:

    “She hopes the twins are beautiful… she’d never want anyone to be unhappy with their kids…”

    That has to be the all-time strangest comment I’ve ever read. I don’t even understand what it means… ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

    Totally made up. I call bullshit.

  5. ri23 says:

    I call bullshit. I seriously doubt she made the comment or one of her “friends” would talk to US Magazine.

  6. Bodhi says:

    Well what else would she say? I’m sure she is happy for Brad, in a round about way

  7. chamalla says:

    *preemptively makes several LARGE pitchers of margaritas for ensuing thread fun*

    Flash Forward, 2028, Brad and Angie become grandparents, Jennifer Aniston is approached for a comment….

  8. Mr. T says:

    Yep, I call this pure BS.

  9. geronimo says:

    Lol, chamalla, you know it’ll happen!!

  10. Megan says:

    Poor Jen, how can you really be happy for your ex and the woman that stole him off you when they have babies?

  11. someone says:

    Im sure Jennifer couldn’t care less if those two blobs are beautiful or two of the ugliest kids on the planet..and I doubt she said that…

  12. ri23 says:

    @Megan: She can be happy because it’s not her schlepping six kids around. Aniston’s life looks far sweeter than Angie’s to some of us.

  13. Bodhi says:

    ๐Ÿ˜† chamalla! You KNOW it’ll happen!

  14. Blackalicious says:

    I have totally see 2 hot parents essentially cancel each other out; however, Shiloh is precious so here it might not apply. More often I will see a beautiful child with a homely or normalish parent.

    And this post will bring all the Brangeloonies to the yard.

    I want a margarita por favor.

  15. Blackalicious says:

    Oh- and how excellent would it be if Jennifer just cut the PR release bullshit and said, once and for all what she really felt. Like, it’s done and I have no thoughts as a result. Stock answer for the media outlets to use moving forward. It has to be getting tired for her.

  16. Bodhi says:

    Drinky over here please!

  17. Shane says:

    Commenting on their babies does put her in a pickle.

  18. Ling says:

    She didn’t say it. Quotes from the middle man by the name of “pal” are never real.

  19. Steph says:

    What a class act. She had the opportunity to bad mouth Brad and she never did. While I would have loved to hear the dirt, I respect her for keeping her mouth shut.

  20. Mairead says:

    Total nonsense – the “friend” was just paraphrasing her badly. Note to JA – get more articulate friends ๐Ÿ˜† (and put the fringe back in your hair ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    As for the whole plain parents beget pretty children – let’s not forget non-eye-catching children can grow into stunning adults.

    While I know that this is sacrilege to many posters, because it’s what’s on the outside that counts – so long as the children are healthy, then anything else is just a bonus.

  21. I choose me says:

    ๐Ÿ˜† thanks chamalla for the best laugh I’ve had all week. I’ve never had one but what the hell, pass me a margarita please.

  22. Trace says:

    I can’t stand Us Weekly. They can never come up with original stories and always rehash these so-called celebrity love triangles. Don’t particularly like Aniston, but I doubt she even said those things. I mean, who says stuff like that, “She hopes the kids are beautiful…Sheโ€™d never want anyone to be unhappy with their kids”, thus implying that parents are unhappy with kids who are less than perfect, average or *gasp* ugly. C’mon, they’re newborns. All newborns look alike.

  23. Kelly says:

    What do you expect her to say? “I hope they are ugly?” She’s trying to be as tactful as possible.

  24. PJ says:

    It’s somehow demeaning for the media to ask Jennifer what she thinks of Brad’s baby. They are basically asking the dumped ex-wife how she feels about him having a child with the woman who replaced her. Asking such a question is unkind, in my opinion.

    Jennifer’s never going to say what she really thinks anyway. She’ll stick with something completely bland like “I wish him all the best.”

  25. Sandra says:

    I have also seen plenty of very beautiful children grow into quite homely adults. It is really odd how that happens and vice versa.

  26. nina says:

    Tabloids want to keep the love triangle alive. Poor them. It is over get over it.

    Cher used to have a beautiful daughter chastity, prettier than Shiloh, look how she ended up. I am not sure about Shiloh’s looks, she hardly ever has any expressions. Is she OK anyway?

    I would like to know what Jen thinks about all this though. If I were in her shoes, I would be laughing at their fools paradise and patting myself on the back that I never had kids with a loser like Brad Pitt. Honestly, I never thought Brad was very stupid but man has he proved me wrong. Does he have any balls at all?

    He nolonger has any real friends. Poor soul. Jen must wonder whether she ever really knew him or what she ever saw in him. I would.

  27. Kelly says:

    I agree P.J. that it is unkind.

    The media always wants to stir up controversy and get a reaction out of these celebrities. Otherwise, what else will they have to report?

  28. snappyfish says:

    so…do they have a choice? I am guessing they will be beautiful.

  29. cassie says:

    This is how Jen keeps the pity party going. She is a bitter old 40 year old crow. She sur fooled John Mayer.

  30. Guest says:

    If you go to US weekly now they have a story on the In Touch story from the girl who was quoted in In Touch. She states that it wasn’t true. Really interesting read. Perhaps you should list that story since you highlighted the In Touch story. And honestly who actually quotes In Touch anymore?

  31. daisyfly says:

    I think that if Jen could be honest, she’d say something like “If I have to hear someone ask me about Brad one more time, I’ll Lorena his ass!”

    That being said, I can personally say that some people don’t EVER let go of a perceived wrong, whether it be true or no. Over a decade and counting for one person I know in particular…

  32. Bodhi says:

    Guest~ Its a gossip blog. In Touch is a gossip rag. Ergo…

  33. RAN says:

    Really Cassie? Next you’ll be accusing JA of setting up/paying the reporter to ask her the ‘painful’ questions, just to keep the “pity party alive”. Time to move on Cassie… I believe everyone else has.

  34. Jeez says:

    The whole John Mayer thing has been denied by him and the woman.

  35. Kevin says:

    Absolutely correct Nina.

  36. jessiee says:

    OMG. Babies are babies. I’m sure, if Jen is worth her salt, she wishes them all the best, and if Brad and Angie are worth theirs, they are grateful for the kind words. MOVE ON!!!

    Isn’t there someone ELSE to gossip about?


  37. Anastasia says:

    I gave her the benefit of the doubt and figured she said “hope” because no one outside of the parents and closest family has even seen the babies.


    She’s not my favorite person (I think she’s overrated and as exciting as a soggy waffle) but if she did say this, I think it was a nice thing to say.

    And I agree that she probably thinks far less about Brad and Angelina and their kids than other people thinks she does. A lot of people are still projecting their own issues onto these three people, though. It’s pretty clear Jennifer has moved on, long ago.

  38. Anastasia says:

    Nina, in any divorce there’s rarely EVER one person who is 100% wrong and one person who is 100% in the right.

    Either you’re unmarried or haven’t been married long to not know that and heap everything onto Brad like Jennifer is some angelic person with no faults.

    I’m sure they both did and said things they regretted. As both of them said, the marriage was over long before he left.

  39. Savanah Anderson says:

    Why should I believe what her friend said?

    By the way Bodhi, do you have a life? ๐Ÿ™„

  40. Bodhi says:

    Savanah~ Yes I do. Why do you ask? If you want to attack people, there are far better candiates than me.

    By the way, its SavaNNah. Of the two of us, you deserve the ๐Ÿ™„ FAR more than I do. Get over yourself

  41. KERRI says:

    CHINNIFER’s P.R. couldn’t come up with something better than this statement? What the f@#! does it mean?

  42. lalie says:

    she’s so gorgeous with a baby face, haters eat your heart out, a lot of brangeloonies lurking in jen’s thread btw angie is the one who always uses pr day in and day out 24/7, get over yourselves brangeloonies, you loonies are so jealous of her, aren’t you? even though her husband was stolen and she has 3 kids with him so far and as you loonies always say angie has everything, then how come still jealous and threaten by her, you loonies are sickos.

  43. Sherry says:

    You CANNOT break up a HAPPY marriage! They had trouble since 2002, long BEFORE AJ so, grow up! Aniston went on every talk show talking about it and then “wants to be left alone”. Grow up & Get real. THIS had nothing to do with another woman & Aniston KNOWS it.

  44. lalie says:

    to sherry

    don’t change the subject that doesn’t explain why you loonies are still so jealous and threaten by her, even after 3 kids, you loonies don’t want her to end up with any body, period, that’s so mean, what’s wrong with you loonies, she’s living her life and doesn’t give a dam about brangelinas , why don’t you loonies get on with yours too.

  45. Mairead says:

    Sherry love, don’t bother. I and others have typed our fingers sore about that point. People just won’t be told that just because you’re married, doesn’t mean you’re the other person’s chattel and can therefore be stolen.

    Laile, please don’t tell us what we think – not all “brangeloonies” are alike. It would be great if she met someone else decent, hopefully the media could get over this “poor Jen” nonsense.

  46. daisyfly says:

    . o O (looks like someone took advantage of the “loonies button for your keyboard” sale at BestBuy…) ๐Ÿ™„

  47. queenie says:

    It ALWAYS amazes me how men slip under the radar in this mix. Why aren’t the men demonized and scrutinized the same way the women are? Why aren’t all the threads putting Brad Pitt under the microscope and tearing through every minutiae of his life, words and actions? Seems to me there is a lot of woman hating and woman bashing that goes on in these sites in general. The woman in the relationship is a stupid bitch and it’s her fault for not “putting out” either sexually, emotionally, or intellectually when the man walks on her or cheats on her. The “other woman” is villified as a temptress, whore, or homewrecker. Either way, it is always the woman’s fault and the men are either faultless, “victims” of the other woman’s charms, or nowhere to be seen in the story. How utterly absurd and pathetic to feed into this. Do you all really hate yourselves and other women that much? Talk about a captive slave mentality. You very rarely see men rip each other apart the way women do to each other.

  48. shola says:

    I do wish people would stop portraying Jennifer Aniston as the victim in the break up of her marriage, and Jolie as the marriage wrecker.It seems that they both wanted different things, she wanted to further her career, which unfortunately has been going nowhere fats judging by the forgetable movies she’s made in the last few years. He wanted to have family,although probably not of the Walton family proportion in such a shot space of time. I also wonder if the ongoing saga would still be running if the alleged third party namely Jolie who gave what he most waanted in this caes children had been some plain rather than a successful and sexy actress such as lafemme jolie

  49. Lara says:

    queenie, well said. It’s either pity-partying Jen or homewrecking Angelina. What about Brad Bland Pitt? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could unite our forces and start bitchslapping him? ๐Ÿ˜†

  50. daisy424 says:

    Agree with Mairead ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Lalie dear, do you ever read your comments before you hit Submit Comment?
    Take a Xanax & relax, you sound foolish.

  51. someone says:

    Im a Jen fan, don’t think shes a pity party in the least..she has moved on with her life..and I didn’t have a problem with Brad leaving Jen for Angelina..that sort of thing happens everyday..but the fact that they immediately threw it in her face was rude and obnoxious on both Brad and AJs parts…they could have at least kept it under wraps til the divorce was final…I believe Jennifer has handled the whole affair with dignity…She hasn’t mentioned Pitt Stains name in years…

  52. Dingles says:

    Has this woman ever actually come out and said anything -herself- to suggest she cares half as much about Brad/Angie as the tabloids suggest?
    Seriously, much of what I’ve ever read concerning her feelings on the matter has been from “a friend” or “a source,” meaning it could be a homeless guy on the street for all anyone knows.

    I feel bad for her; her husband left her for another woman, which is terrible enough. Then the media insists on trying to humiliate her for years by painting her as this desperate, pathetic hag who “can’t get over it!!.”
    It’s just plain mean in my opinion.

  53. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    So the Jen Hags threw a Pity Party in her honor just to prove that she doesn’t need a Pity Party.

    Poor Jen….. ๐Ÿ™‚

  54. Zoe says:

    I’m with Queeny.

  55. chamalla says:

    I agree about the women always being portrayed as at fault. So not cool. Disrespectful to men, too, because it implies NO man can keep his action in his pants or be faithful when faced with temptation. Phooey, says Chamalla.

    If we can hop on the Brad train, I’d like to point out that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of him with his mouth closed. Brad Pitt clearly = mouth breather.

    Margaritas for everyone!

  56. Lara says:

    Margaritas for me!
    Mediocre actor at best. Best role: the stoned dude in True Romance (though i must say he was pretty good there). Maybe method “acting”?

  57. Anastasia says:

    Queenie: A-FREAKING-MEN. To everything you said.

    Laila, you aren’t worth bothering with, but seriously….go relax. Have a drink. What’s with all the “loonies” baloney? I don’t really care what ANY of these people do, but I do find *some* people’s obsessions with…ahem, certain people to be way over the top and creepy.

    Maybe get outside for a bit? Turn off the computer. It’s getting to you. Seriously, I garden and it’s a great stress-reliever.

  58. geronimo says:

    Agree with all the above re Pitt – mediocre actor (although loved him in Snatch), mediocre looking (sorry, but he is), mouth-breather – and want to add kinda dumb in interviews to the mix. He just doesn’t come across as very bright (stoned or not stoned.)

    On the plus side, he seems quite sweet and is obviously kind to children and animals and can even look quite attractive when he’s carrying one of his kids.

    Ok, going away to hide now.

  59. Bodhi says:

    *Gasps with shock

    What? How can you say that Geronimo? ๐Ÿ˜†

  60. geronimo says:

    Ah yeah but Bodhi, despite that, I still defend them against the ‘antis’ so I’m actually a very committed BADette.

    Well and truly above and beyond the call of duty. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  61. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    I never cared for Brad until he got with Angie… now I think he’s great.

    I think “mouth breather” is a little tough on him. I prefer “pretty but dumb”…

  62. lalie says:

    Why arenโ€™t all the threads putting Brad Pitt under the microscope and tearing through every minutiae of his life, words and actions? Seems to me there is a lot of woman hating and woman bashing that goes on in these sites in general. The woman in the relationship is a stupid bitch and itโ€™s her fault for not โ€œputting outโ€ either sexually, emotionally, or intellectually when the man walks on her or cheats on her. The โ€œother womanโ€ is villified as a temptress, whore, or homewrecker.

    to : queenie

    don’t tell me you don’t know the reason
    the reason would be cause brad doensn’t have a constant pattern to do these sort of things but this is angie’s pattern , she only looks for challenge, and wants to prove she can have the forbbiden ones look at all her past relationships all of them with no exception, taken from another woman( either boy friend or husband ) she’s not interested in men who are not taken, knowning this fact , why should any body blame brad , he was a victim him self, angie saw him therefore saw a challenge, she had to have him, he didn’t have a chance, would you? if you were in his shoes, of course not no man would, to answer your next question which i know you’re going to ask me: oh, you think she has that much power? yes i think so she even has more power that you can imagine when it comes to have the forbbiden ones.

  63. daisy424 says:

    OK Lalie, I should have been more specific on how many Xanax to take. WTF โ“

  64. Kaiser is Delusional says:

    ’nuff said

  65. Kevin says:

    Geronimo, I agree 100% with your post about Brad. And surprisingly enough Angelina loved him in snatch also. heh heh OK I know, lame.

  66. queenie says:

    Ohhhhhh, poor POOR brainless dumb male is ALWAYS the victim of these scheming little whores….how EVER are men able to run businesses, countries, nations and armies with all these temptresess running loose??? Poor poor brainless dumb men….victims of those wicked wicked conniving women, all of them!! If women have all this sexual power, why haven’t they conquered the world??? Oh yeah, too busy tearing each other down, right lalie??

  67. geronimo says:

    ๐Ÿ˜€ Kevin, another skill to add to the ones listed earlier….sweet, kind to animals and children, orally gifted….

  68. Terry says:

    What!? mediocre actor? Pitt is great actor. How about “A River Runs Through It”, “12 Monkeys”, “Fight club”, “Se7en”, “Babel”?.. huh critics, shame on you.

  69. Lola says:

    People let Brad Pitt get away with it because it is hard to blame someone who acts and speaks like a retarded 15 year old licking his lips and squinting his eyes all the time. Besides, this is an Angelina show and Brad is a by the way.

    Apart from in a River runs through it and legends of the fall, he is not what you call a good actor.

  70. queenie says:

    HA HA!!! Lola, too funny….!!

  71. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    The Pity Party always turns ugly, doesn’t it? Just like Poor Jen…

  72. Kaiser is Delusional says:

    Kaiser – stfu

  73. Sue says:

    Why would anyone care about someone shitting out another couple kids? Brad Pitt……little fem ?? Angelina classic ho-good forever-like Liz Taylor.

  74. Bodhi says:

    Shitting ouf kids? Methinks Sue needs to go back to 5th grade biology… ๐Ÿ™„

  75. S says:

    Is she still with Mayer haven’t heard anything in the last week about them being together or her at his concerts??? Anyone have the scoop?

  76. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Yes, Sue, I doubt Poor Pity Party will ever shit out any kids. *sob* Poor, poor, Pity Party.

  77. Nan says:

    Queenie, last post about why women aren’t running things, priceless. I do hope the owner of this blog notices these new people that come here to flame and infuriate. Wait until your ‘hits’ # is established, then lose them. This is a running commentary blog, not an outlet for losers who spend their lives on line starting arguments to feel powerful in the cyber world. In reality, they don’t have power in the world and in their relationships.

  78. countrybabe says:

    Lalie is right. And if Jen is not worth anything why do Brangelooines keep coming to her threads.
    To Anastasia -you just said You doubt Jen thinks about this as much as other people think she does. Then you come back as a typical Brangloonie on your next post and talk as is she’s a victim-yada, yada. I think these brangelooines are mad that Jen will always be the first Mrs. Brad Pitt and Ange is just the other woman.

  79. Jenfraud says:

    It is very easy to picture Aniston sarcastically making a snide remark saying “Oh suuure, I hope the babies are beautiful”. I sure hope she said it as a cynical remark (which of course makes her a jealous dumpee, but that is what she is and that’s OK). Her sarcasm is the only possibility, since if this was REALLY said as a well-wish, it just makes her look so shallow and wounded. By wishing the babies born ‘beautiful’, and saying that parents would be unhappy otherwise, she would be saying that IF BABIES ARE UGLY, PARENTS WOULD BE UNHAPPY. Or, was that the case with her as a baby and her mother who publicly called her ugly? Then I feel pity all over again. Poor Aniston.

  80. amee says:

    everyones jumping on her marks about the kids being beautiful. however-

    *****โ€œSheโ€™d never want anyone to be unhappy with their kids,โ€ the friend adds.*****

    thats a more backhanded/strange thing to say if indeed thats what she said.

  81. Amy says:

    Yes she has been in Chicago with him. They were having a great time according to witnesses.

  82. ri23 says:

    Kaiser/ Hippacrat: How about Doofus Spermdonor?

  83. Jupiter Girl says:

    Ofcourse Jennifer is envious, hurt and all of those things. Although it has been several years, we all know (especially women) how one maintains a place in your heart for the men that matter most. And considering that Jenn and Brad had a marriage that lasted for 5 years, I’m sure she still thinks about him from time time. Whats worse, is that they’re celebrities…so their lives are published weekly. Not only the fame, but Angelina Jolie is drop dead sexy-gorgeous. She’s already got an OSCAR. And she’s a humanitarian..she’s completely enviable. Jennifer made the mistake of not nurturing her relationship to Brad..I believe she was mostly at fault…and Brad realized he deserved more..and he got exactly that. Jennifer has been coming off a a lot DESPERATE..which is another sign of her grief. ๐Ÿ˜ณ You win some, you lose some..but this was a big UH-OH for Jenn. Who loses Brad Pitt? She was lucky from the start, and got too comfy..somebody like Brad isn’t going to put up with it forever.

  84. lisa says:

    The Twins are beautiful..