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7 Responses to “The Office star Rainn Wilson stands in as CNN weatherman”

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  1. dana says:

    😆 😆 😆 no one cares!! how sad. i love dwight!!

  2. Alexis says:

    Oh come on he’s adorable! In a very, I would never have sex with him but it would be cool if a friend of mine did so that we could be friends through a friend and maybe he would be funny if we all went out for drinks at the local bar on a friday after we all got off of work and then one of my other friends says “isn’t he funny” and I go “Oh he’s totally adorable they are so cute together. She should bring him out with us more often. “, sort of way.

  3. Wil in Mpls says:

    I have been in mad crush with Rainn since his role on Six Feet Under .. he’s a great guy. Mazal Tov on the Emmy nod .. hope he gets it! He’s a good Egg! 😉

  4. Leah says:


  5. Anastasia says:

    OMG I LOVE this man! He’s so freaking awesome. That’s cool that he was a weatherman for a while, I didn’t even know that.

  6. Jen says:

    I laughed my ass off watching that. I LOVED it when he said, ” There’s a big storm, but don’t worry. It’s out in the ocean. And no one’s fishing there.” He is so hilarious. I can’t wait to see his new movie, or new Office either.

  7. geeeee says:

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