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29 Responses to “Dina Lohan says Samantha Ronson is like a daughter to her”

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  1. whatusay says:

    Lindsay is a trendsetter….. she is now trending a new behavioural style…that many young girls will follow……

  2. Anna says:

    Good for her. Anything that keeps her healthy, non-bulimic and on the wagon is great news. Aaah, the wonders of love… 🙂

  3. TIA says:

    They are sooooooooo cute together. The writer of this article is right. I love them together too. They are so healthy and happy. Couples look their whole lives to find what they have found. I congratulate the two on finding true love and happiness.. two beautiful women.

  4. daisy424 says:

    Dina should stand up straight, shoulders back.
    What’s with the ‘tan’ on her shins? Looks like she’s tweaking.

  5. lola lola says:

    Dina is the most ridiculous piece of plastic around. I hope Lilo gets as far away from her as possible and fast.

  6. loretta says:

    she and lindsay have jar-jar binks skin.

  7. vdantev says:


  8. Silly Lilly says:

    why does she get press? why do any of them get press? they are not even remotely interesting… I want the 12 seconds it took to read this back…

  9. kimmi says:

    I’m sure Samantha gives a shit about her. She needs to leave her daughter the fuck alone, and allow her to enjoy what is possibly the only healthy relationship she’s ever had. “Dirty, Washed Up, Old Skank Barbie” i.e. Dina just cant give up an opportunity to get some publicity.
    And WTF is wrong with her legs? Damn!

  10. heehee says:

    RUN SAM RUN!!! You dont want Dina playing mom to you!! LOL

  11. Shane says:

    no integrity, no morals, no common sense, selfish trash.

  12. anon says:

    I guess everyone has forgotten about when Lindsay was passed out in the front seat of the car and Sam parked in a brightly lit area around the paparazzi and ran into a store or gas station or whatever and left Lindsey to be photographed.
    I thought there were several instances where it seemed that Lindsay was sold out and the paps were clued in to where she was-speculation was that it was Sam. No one trusted her and seemed to think she was a hanger on and enabler.

  13. aleach says:

    normally i cant stand lindsay, but i must admit..they are really cute together! at least shes not such a mess that she seemed to be a few years ago. hey, as long as theyre happy and healthy then good for them.
    now to dina, she looks awful!!! haha and daisy424, ithought the exact same thing…her shins!!yuck.

  14. Sue says:

    This woman gives me the creeps.If she was a man I’d say she was a lurker.bleh

  15. Jaundice Machine says:

    I doubt the entire evening was ‘drink-free’, but so long as Lindsay is handling her shit responsibly, I guess it’s not a big deal.

  16. xiaoecho says:

    Aww – Love really can save your life :mrgreen:

  17. Tina says:

    So it’s 100% confirmed? They ARE together?? 😯

  18. Carrie says:

    Yeah, having Dina Lohan as your “mom” would have to be the kiss of death to any relationship, however promising.

  19. Shannon says:

    Doesn’t anyone else notice Lindsay’s pinned pupils? She used to look like this all the time when she was using. That, combined with the recent weight-loss, makes me doubt her whole “clean and sober” bit. I see another incident coming in the next few months.

  20. Mr.Stinkyfishface says:

    Shannon thats probably just because a flash went off in her face.

  21. Poe says:

    A daughter with a dick. 😆

  22. Dingles says:

    This woman disgusts me to no end. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Samantha had never so much as acknowledged Dina’s existence since she’s been -the- most destructive force in her daughter’s life.

    She just can’t accept the fact that Lindsay’s the star and she’s just a pathetic, wannabe-star stage mom grasping for any stray limelight.

  23. Michele says:

    Dina, act like a supportive mom instead of using your daughter’s celebrity. No one really cares about what goes on in your life.

  24. James says:

    Don;t judge Dina until you have met her. I had the pleasure of meeting her and she is loving and supportive of her family. Leave the pre conceived notions at the door and maybe you will learn something and grow as a person.

  25. narc says:

    shannon is bang on – she’s on oxy or another opiate in these pics.

    when addicts relapse they pick up right where they’ve left off – she’s been using for weeks now (evident in pictures) so i’d be surprised if her use hasn’t escalated quickly.

    funny – she’s losing weight again – what a “coincidence”.

  26. narc says:

    mr. stinkyfish: flashes do NOT constrict pupils to that extent. compare her pics to others at the event – same light – she is the ONLY ONE with pin pricks.

    pinprick pupils are a DEAD giveaway of opiate use.

  27. Bodhi says:

    Yum, opiates… 😀

    Anyhoo… I used to LOVE LL. And then went went of the rails, hard core.

    But the thing is, given the same circumstances & money, I don’t know that I’d do anything different. Ugh…

    But her relationship with Sam? I dunno, she seems to be doing much much better. But the thinification & pinned pupils… like Lainey says… always indicate something

  28. Lalalala says:

    This woman is WHY people dont like stage moms —

    She is AWFUL

  29. paris herpes says:

    Ugh, if I were Ronson I’d get away from Dina and her calling her a “child”. Dina is SO AWFUL!