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18 Responses to “Kim Cattrall vows never to have plastic surgery”

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  1. Kristin says:

    But didn’t she have a boob job? I guess that’s different from botox, but idk.

  2. geronimo says:

    I like Kim Cattrall but I’m sure she’s had botox and all the other non-surgical procedures going. Don’t see anything too admirable about her saying she’ll never resort to plastic surgery since plastic surgery in itself is not the problem. It doesn’t have to result in the obsessive, desperate fright masks she’s referring to here. I bet she will in time.

  3. Other Karen says:

    Shouldn’t actresses’ faces age faster than most women’s because of their work? Moving the muscles around increases the probability of wrinkles, and actresses have to move their faces around a lot and talk a lot, I would think.

  4. Ling says:

    Karen: Stage (i.e. “Real”) actors, yes. But movie actors simply have normal conversations for a living. Those “KAAAAAAHN!” moments are few and far between.

    I think she looks smashing for 51.

  5. Zoe says:

    A woman I know told me that she tries not to make facial expressions because they cause wrinkles. What’s the point of living? Not to have wrinkles?
    Then again, I’ve seen some performances by Nicole Kidman where I swear she didn’t move her face at all. Such a strange choice for an ACTRESS to make, to use a substance that makes your face lack expression. (I suppose she thought she’d just get reviewed as giving a ‘nuanced’ and ‘subtle’ performance that so many male actors are lauded with.
    So IS botox, et al. considered plastic surgery? Even if not technically surgery, it’s the same intent, no? It can go terribly wrong too.

  6. daisy424 says:

    I would consider Botox a spa treatment.
    Anything that requires a scalpel is surgery.
    She looks great 😀

  7. snappyfish says:

    I agree daisy…botox is a treatment and not plastic surgery. Most dermotolgoists give botox for a mirad of symptoms. I think if you can go in the office have a few injections and then head out the door, more spa treatment than surgery.

    I do think that a doctor should perform the injections, a friend had botox done at a spa and she was overcharged and no one could see the results.

  8. kate says:

    i think she looks amazing, botox or not. doubt she had a boob job – her boobs look the same as on SATC. i wish more actresses would age naturally, and i agree with zoe about nicole kidman’s face – i can’t concentrate on any movie with her now because i am so distracted by her plastic face. why is that considered attractive?!

  9. photo jojo says:

    I have no issue with plastic surgery. I have my dad’s eyes and at 75 he looks like his eyelids are going to EAT his eyeballs. 😆 So suffice it to say I’ll be having an eye lift in a good 10 years. BUT… there’s a difference between tweaking or fixing something that really bothers you and attempting to always look like you’re 15. Kim looks fabulous.

  10. KateNonymous says:

    geronimo, the problem is that you really don’t know what you’re going to wind up with. Look at Jennifer Grey, who went to someone reputable and really did become unrecognizable as a result of (a) bad work and (b) correcting the actual problems caused by bad work. She’s attractive, but she really doesn’t look like Jennifer Grey.

  11. geronimo says:

    @KateN – Yes, that’s a fair point. What I meant was that sometimes a discreet facelift, eye work etc can be a far better solution than continuous botox which is god awful most of the time. And the thing with botox, once they start, it seems to be completely addictive and a lot of these women end up looking like death warmed up anyway, completely negating any temporary improvements.

    I think Kim’s lovely and looks great now and good for her if she’s confident enough to go down the Jamie Lee Curtis route, but she is a big botox user and that’s not a long-term solution if she wants to continue to look good.

  12. Sue says:

    Why not?? In this day and age if done early and wisely you can look great!!I did it at 40….one too many weight gain/weight loss….no one knew-truely.

  13. someone says:

    I highly doubt she’s never had any work done. Come on, do you really see 51 year old woman who look like that? With no facial sagging at all? Personally I think every actress (and actor) of a certain age has had work done. I think it’s pretty much part of their job.

  14. hello says:

    @ someone

    I may be being naieve to believe that she hasn’t had anything done to her face, but women can look like that when they’re 51. It’s all in the genes. Look at a lot of black people. They don’t age very drastically. My dad and his sisters all look way younger than their age. My mother (who is white and 58) is the same way. She took care of her self from the beginning (washing face, moisturizing all the time, eating well,hiding from the sun, etc.) and she can put some women in their 40s to shame.

  15. Nan says:

    The bottom line is,Kim is a beauty and the best looking one on Sex. Nicole Kidman is TRYING to look like the Catrall-type but has too big a forehead to compete on that level.

  16. daisy424 says:

    Nan, get over the big forehead on Nicole, move on. 😆

  17. Spoonman55 says:


    I was hoping something would be in the works since she hit the wall a few years back.

    This chick was hot in mannequin-what was that 1980???

    This SITC claim to fame in her fading years has given some life to this old bag. Does anyone here really think she has any milage left on her old and tired body.

    BTW-she is the queen of body doubles-so any SITC references to her body are completely off the mark-I’m sorry to say…

  18. Laura says:

    Oh, c’mon! this chic doesn’t need any surgery. I’d love to look like that at her age.
    Sorry Spoonman55, but I think you’re being rude for no reason.