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46 Responses to “Christy Turlington in W magazine”

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  1. Blackalicious says:

    She’s flawless but I hate the hair here – i know they want artistic and all but damn. It reminds me of the godawful movie ‘The Cell’ with Jennifer Lopez..

  2. Lara says:

    The most beautiful woman in the whole wild world. If there is such a thing as rebirth i wanna have her looks. And her personality. And Ed Burns. And their gorgeous children. Is this too much too ask?

  3. mizzmish says:

    I think she and Linda Evangelista are the two most beautiful women/models. It is such a shame that the models of today are so caught up in drugs and dangerous behaviors they look like used up hags at 30. Look how stunning both Christy and Linda are now. Ageless.

    • Joy says:

      K.T. and L.E. have had so much plastic surgery.
      L.E. is 53 same age as Carlo Alt. C.T. is 47 at least. I grow up with them on my wall when I was a teen. I’m 43 now. They were both big bitches and did just as much crap as the models do now.
      C.T. Has had her big nose wildeld down now. You can go back to magazines from the early to mid 80s.
      I have old vogues with these women. Not that any of this matters and yes with plastic surgery and money most can look good. I’ve seen these women in person whie living in New York and they are clearly older then me. Everyone lies about their age.

  4. Sue says:


  5. Cassie says:

    That’s right, show these young upstarts on ANTM how it’s REALLY done. Love the show, but I mean really, how many top models have really come out of it? Oh, right. Zero…

  6. kate says:

    i’ve always thought she was beautiful. and unlike some supermodels she doesn’t throw phones at people.

  7. Kevin says:

    I like her and enjoy her husband’s movies a lot. They seem to be an A+ couple. It’s nice to have some fresh meat to discuss on the site for a change. Now can someone enlighten me on the pregnancy issue of fistula? sounds like someone that got pregnant from Dracula’s fist. No surely that can’t be it.

  8. snappyfish says:

    mizzmash is right. Linda and Christy (two of the famed triad, with Naomi Campbell) are just flawless. The true supermodel.

    And rumor has it that they were both sweet girls. Christy looks amazing as always.

  9. paris herpes says:

    That was a little weird…and a hell of a lot of gel..

  10. Snowblood says:

    God, she is still as beautiful as ever! I’ve always loved those 3, Turlington, Evangelista & Naomi Campbell, and I love seeing them age so beautifully.

    Regarding what is a fistula, here – here’s a link to Wikipedia’s explanation for rectovaginal fistulae, if anyone’s interested –

  11. Ron says:

    As Rupaul famously said….Christy–Foxy Lady Out of Sight!

  12. boomchakaboom says:

    Man, she is beautiful. And healthy looking. Verrrrry healthy…lovely.

  13. fee says:

    How many of the models today will still be this smoking hot and well known in 10-15 years like the 90s true “supermodels”…….not many – if any at all…..

  14. Kevin says:

    Thanks for the link Snowblood….uhg. Wish I still didn’t know what it is.

  15. geronimo says:

    Agree with mizzmish, Christy and Linda head and shoulders above all the other so-called supers. Both still look absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately so put off Naomi by her shitty diva behaviour that I can’t see her as attractive at all anymore (although I know what you’re saying, snowblood, I remember seeing pics of the 3 together – all that extravagant leg and bone structure! – and they just stunned.)

  16. Shane says:

    Cool pics.

  17. Kaiser says:

    Of all the glamazons of the 80s, my faves were always Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and Linda Evangalista. While I admire the work/life/charity/family of Christy, she always plucked my nerves. I guess I always felt that her model-face doesn’t really transform, and her looks really aren’t that extraordinary… (I mean, I’ve met dozens of girls who could pass for Christy look-alikes)

    *dodges flying magazines thrown from BADettes*

  18. geronimo says:

    Cindy – that’s the one I couldn’t remember – I knew there was another one. Loved her too.

    Never warmed to Claudia at all, kaiser (and I’m not just saying this cos you insulted my Christy). Thought she was just a bit blah and anaemic in comparison to the others, although they ALL looked fab when photographed together – the contrast I think.

  19. Kaiser says:

    🙂 Geronimo! Yeah, Claudia could seem rather icy and severe. But that face! She’s a goddess!

  20. Nan says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble people, but with that nose job she still isn’t a beauty. I always thought she had a horseface and could never understand how she got work. That fake emyphasema bit really annoyed me to the ends of this planet.

  21. ModernGearTV says:

    The “supermodels” of past years define that term…I couldn’t even name who stalks the runways these days but Cindy, Naomi, Linda, Claudia, Christy…they’re iconic, indeed.

  22. Elizabeth says:

    Love Turlington but, not these photos.

    She has very photographic facial features but, they chose to focus on her body, which is fabulous also. I prefer front facial shots of her.

    Modeling takes extraordinary discipline; in eating, plenty of rest, proper fitness, and practice posing.

    Good genes help too.

  23. Nan says:

    People! She is not Shalom Harlow. Straight on shot, she looks like a horse, even the nosejob can’t make this one beautiful. Looks like a man.

  24. hazel says:

    @nan – I just googled shalom harlow, and find her almost ugly, whereas Christy is the most beautiful thing possible to me. Just goes to show how subjective beauty is, huh?

    Also, do you really think she had a nose job? Her nose has a bump in the middle which always made it look really natural to me.

  25. Christina X says:

    I want to make that hairstyle while in the shower. Brb.

  26. Eric Christopher says:

    To all those who have written unpleasant things about my Christy Turlington….. this is what I have to say to you….. It was destiny’s decision that you were not made into supermodels like Miss Turlington and that you never graced the glossy pages of Vogue, Elle, et al….. it is because you are not and never will be equal the beauty and personality that is Christy Turlington’s. So, stay behind your written comments because that’s just where you rightfully belong….. hidden, unpopular, no right to be on the cover of a magazine!!!!! Period.

  27. Eric Christopher says:

    To all those who have written nasty and unpleasant things about Mrs. Christy Nicole Turlington-Burns, this is what I have to say to you…..

    It was destiny’s decision that you were not made into Supermodels like Miss Turlington and that you never graced the glossy pages of Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, et al…… and that you never became a celebrity with Miss Turlington’s fame and reputation….. it is because you are NOT and NEVER will be equal the beauty and the personality that is uniquely Christy Turlington’s.

    So, stay behind your written comments because that is just where you rightfully belong….. hidden, anonymous, out of sight, unheard of, unpopular, with no right whatsoever to be on the cover of magazines!!!!!!



  28. Christina X says:

    Yeah, and the rest of us uglies were meant to be teachers or something.

  29. Dawn says:

    Christy is a phony. I remember her before her nose job. She’s ashamed of her ethnicity; perhaps that’s why she supports the baby-killer, Barack Obama. Yes, Barack supports infanticide. Christy is out of touch. She only did one year at NYU and they gave her a degree. Did she buy it? And she calls herself and academic. That camel-toe in the photo is gross.

  30. clarissa says:

    It’s not a camel toe; it’s a wedgie! She should stay off Capitol Hill; she’s an idiot. Christy is turning 40 and she feels useless, so she goes to speak about maternal death. She sucks ass with Bono…also out of touch. Wedgie or camel-toe, what’s the difference, she’s turning into Christy Brinkley …another dumb bunny…that one calls herself an environmentalist and doesn’t know the difference between geothermal heat and thermal underwear. All that money wasted in Africa. Shut up Christy, you idiot. Fix your camel toe and go such face with 5’8″ Bono.

  31. dawn says:

    You mean “suck face.” I read about this. These models and celebrities feel useless; like they haven’t done anything. That’s why they go to the democratic convention and pretend to know shit. Yeah, they know shit. They know nothing.

    PS Christy’s nose was massive…I mean massive. You should see her mother. Christy took off about 80 of it when she started modeling.

  32. clarissa says:

    You mean 80% of her nose via nose job. I live in NYC; from NYC, too. I’m sick of her kind. She puts on this pseudo-intellectual act. People in NYC laugh behind her back. Nice to her face, but laugh behind her back. Her husband is a phony, too….a sell-out. His show on HBO is shit; just like him.

  33. D says:

    Clarissa, you seem a little bitter

  34. SS says:

    Wow, it’s one thing to be a piss ant and accept your lot in life – it’s quite another to act like jealous little 14-year-old twits.

    I order you all back to your bucket of bon bons and Mean Girls DVD!


  35. marin says:

    I agree wholeheartedly with Dawn and Clarissa. This is a woman who went to the Gallatin program at NYU where one “designs” their own course load. She likely got credits for catwalking in Cairo. I have sincere doubts that she took a GRE to get into an Ivy League school such as Columbia. She has a God/Goddess complex a la Bono, Oprah and Angelina and feels compelled to justify her millions spent shilling for Escada, Bally, Chanel, W simply by mouthing off about people not born to her entirely fortuitous destiny. She also has the unmmitigated gall to start Nuala and Sundari-enlightened clothing and skincare lines in conjunction with her yoga sensibilities and profit from this as we can rest assured the profits are going straight into her yoga slimmed hips in the pockets of her slouchy yoga pants. Christy, take care of your children, your husband, your millions and keep your monkey mind in check. In other words, make like a monk and shut up, permanently.

    • marvelle says:

      And so say all of us!!! Totally agree with this. These people do feel that they need to justify there lavish life syles.

  36. sarab says:

    Marin: Why all the anger at Christy? Whether you regard her motives as sincere or not, she is putting her celebrity to good use. Christy is able to bring loads of attention to issues such as maternal health. That is all for the good. And the fact that Christy has pursued her education at NYU and Columbia shows her to be a serious person with serious smarts. Why ridicule someone for taking university courses anyway? We should be grateful for people like Christy who appreciate their own good fortune and try to pay it forward. Try to help Christy’s causes – don’t tear her down for caring and daring to try. I say thanks Christy!

  37. g says:

    Marin pretty much got it spot on in his/her post me thinks…nevertheless christy I adore.

    Her figure is a sculptors delight! As is her face even with the nose job-just without all the do-good crap.

  38. g says:

    After all beauty, her kind, is a form of genius.
    She does’nt have to try to be the saint as well.

  39. g says:

    so said Oscar Wilde.

  40. g says:

    and while I do agree with marin somewhat I also think christy means well and is a genuinly intelligent woman. its very easy to be cynical however

  41. g says:

    though am little concerned bout all this ONE business. There’s something creepy about it all and besides what and whom are they really promoting??????????

    Meet the new religion new messiah – Same as the old one??

  42. You’re talking about actions. If the ACTIONS taken at the mosque violate the law, they should be punished. At this point, “conservatives” want the government to restrict speech. That’s wrong, and it will backfire.

  43. anonymus says:

    clarissa, if you say do not say anything stupid, okay? Try to do as I do, if I can not say something good or nice for someone I’d rather say nothing at all and now. we’re talking about a woman who was one of the most important Tops 90s with Naomi Campbell and Linda Evangelista and unlike the other two, Christy Turlington has managed to live an anonymous life and sleek, off scandals and excesses always accompanied in this world. We also talked about a person who has had the courage to abandon her modeling career to go to college to study (completed studies) and then be devoted to his family away from the flashbulbs, in contrast to Naomi Campbell and Linda Evangelista. She is a woman worthy of being admired, whose example should be followed by other top models, who for years both on the catwalk as they are starting. Christy Turlington is an example of elegance, discretion, class, poise and integrity, if silly models assure you it is the rule of exceptions.

  44. marvelle says:

    Sounds to me like the’re (that is some of the so called celebrities)are traficking in human misery. I did’nt know Christy had started her own clothing and skincare line, what’s it called Nuala and Sundari clothing and skincare. I’m sure it dosn’t hurt that company that herself is seen to be conected to these organizations. There are so many people out there in the world that help out at the grass roots level every-day I’ve been and worked in Africa and have seen first hand the situation there and met lots of other people that work hard ( and I mean realy hard) there that nobody ever hears about can’t help but think these people have there own motives for getting involved. And I also doubt if she gained her degree like the rest of us would of, what she started modeling at 15-16 How much formal traing did she get leading up to her year (yes one year) at NYU? Dosn’t add up.