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13 Responses to “Naomi Watts is definitely pregnant”

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  1. Exiled says:

    Hollywood is cranking out babies so fast, there is a mad scramble to choose a fruit to name them after. I better hurry, I don’t want to be stuck with Zucchini…hmmm… I don’t know… I can nickname him Zuck… Yeah… that will go over well in highscool… *eye roll*

  2. Kolby says:

    I think their son’s name is Alexander Pete – no ‘r’ at the end.

  3. Bodhi says:

    That is a great dress! And a super cute little boy. Congrats to the family!

    I must say, I’m really liking this trend of not announcing a pregnancy. Its no-one’s business but the family & its their decision who & when to tell.

  4. daisy424 says:

    I agree with Bohdi, love her dress. Anyone know the designer?

  5. Kaiser says:

    Congrats to her. I think she & Liev are one of the hottest couples. Love love love.

  6. vdantev says:

    Yeah, she needs to keep squeezing out yungins. Barefoot, on her back and pregnant. 🙄

  7. daisy424 says:

    Hmmmm vdantev, sounds interesting. A secret fantasy?? 😀

  8. Jello says:

    😀 Sascha is such a cutie!!

  9. JoGirl says:

    I love Naomi. She’s got such effortless style. Congrats, Naomi and Liev!

  10. jessalyn says:

    I love namoi and her cute little family , as a mother of 3 kids i never like letting people know i was prego till i was around 4 mos , the frist 3 mos should be for mommy and daddy not the world to know , BUT i also think when u are in the “spot light ” it’s not right to LIE and say u are not prego like JLO did . they have fans that look up to them and i think its kinda rude to lie and say ur not when u are , #1 i would think that would bring me bad luck on me and my baby for lieing and saying i am not when i am . and GUESS made a dress like that . i have one but its in black a alittle diffrent from hers but kinda looks like same

  11. Wif says:

    The thought of two kids 18 months apart gives me hives. I hope they have good nannies to help them.

  12. susan says:

    Mazel Tov to Naomi and Liev. Good wishes for a great pregnancy and healthy baby.. The more the merrier. I had four. Three boys and one girl. It is the greatest.

  13. Andrea says:

    Wif, I dated a guy that was 11 months older than his sister. As children it was hell, but now they are pretty close.

    I wouldn’t with it on someone though!